Tuesday, 30 September 2008

High Cholesterol : Fact or Fiction Pt 9

Cary G Dean.

So far we have been looking at cholesterol lowering in terms of numbers of deaths, but the trials have shown impressive results in the reduction of non-fatal heart attacks and a consequent improvement in the quality of life.

In the case of drugs, the reduction was in the order of twenty-three percent.

Many see this as proof that lowering cholesterol in the total population, by whatever means, is worth fighting for.

But those trials were conducted on men rather than women.

They were also conducted on those who had hypercholesterolaemia or, at least, very high blood cholesterol levels - not people with normal levels.

They totally overlook the now well-established, non-linear relation between blood cholesterol and heart disease that indicates that lowering blood cholesterol in the general population is not economically worthwhile.

The widespread agreement that the mainstay of the campaign should be a change in diet and lifestyle for all also overlooks the complete lack of evidence that such a course would have any significant beneficial effect.

It even overlooks the fact that the trials involving cholesterol lowering by dietary means did not show any significant reductions in blood cholesterol.

In 1992 a report of 19 major studies published over the past twenty years suggested that public policy for reducing blood cholesterol should be reviewed.

The relative mortality risk from all causes associated with levels of blood cholesterol in men and women.

Dr. Hulley, states:

"We are coming to realise that the resulting cardiovascular research, which represents the great majority of the effort so far, may not apply to women".

With men, the situation is more complicated as the curve is U-shaped.

However, it is still noticeable that the risk with low cholesterol is similar to the risk with high cholesterol.

Dr. Hulley concludes:

"The findings call into question policies built over several decades on evidence that focussed only on CHD as an outcome . . . it may be time to review national policies aimed at shifting the entire population distribution of blood cholesterol to the left."

Another analysis based on a number of American studies estimated that on a lifelong programme of cholesterol reduction by diet, the gain in life expectancy for those at very high risk (that is the 1 in 500 with hypercholesterolaemia) would be between eighteen days and twelve months, and for those at low risk (that is the other 499) between three days and three months.

That is not very much with which to tempt people to endure a lifetime of unpalatable diets.

And these figures assumed that cholesterol lowering was both effective and safe:

They didn't take into account the increased risk of other debilitating and fatal diseases.

Once these are added to the equation, it becomes quite evident that the current campaign is certain to do more harm than good.

A study of Maori in New Zealand showed that those with the lowest levels of blood cholesterol had the highest mortality.

Findings also borne out by the Framingham Study.

What we have then is a number of very large-scale, long-term human intervention studies showing that lowering blood cholesterol is possible but that it has no beneficial effect on coronary heart disease in the general population, and other studies showing that a low blood cholesterol level, or the methods used to attain it, are increasing the incidence of other serious killer diseases.

Thirty years ago it was said that

"Current medical thinking . . . is that while cholesterol may be involved in some way with arteriosclerosis and heart disease, it is no longer held to be the main factor.".

"A recent survey of cholesterol findings in geriatric cases involving arteriosclerosis showed a significant number of patients to have normal or low cholesterol."

Those remarks have been confirmed by all the major studies published to date.

Forty years after the Framingham Heart Study began, its researchers looked at total mortality and cholesterol.

The evidence was that for those with low cholesterol levels, deaths from non-cardiac causes offset any reduced incidence of heart disease.

There was

"No increased overall mortality with either high or low serum cholesterol levels" among men over forty-seven years of age.

There was no relationship with women older than forty-seven or younger than forty.

The researchers also concluded that people whose cholesterol levels are falling may be at increased risk.

And ten years later the Framingham researchers say:

"Intakes of fat and type of fat were not related to the incidence of the combined outcome of all cardiovascular diseases or to total or cardiovascular mortality."

Thus we now have fifty years of studies all demonstrating that animal fat is harmless.


S Hulley, et al. Editorial on Conference on low blood cholesterol. Circulation 1992; 86 (3): 1026-9
Report on the US National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Conference on low blood cholesterol: Mortality associations. Circulation 1992; 86 (3): 1046-60.
Oliver MF. Reducing Cholesterol Does Not Reduce Mortality. JACC 1988; 12: 814-7.
J McCormick and P Skrabanek. Coronary heart disease is not preventable by population interventions. Lancet. 1988; ii: 839.
R Beaglehole, et al. Cholesterol and mortality in New Zealand Maoris. BMJ. 1980; 1: 285.
Anderson KM, Castelli WP, Levy D. Cholesterol and mortality. 30 years of follow-up from the Framingham study. JAMA 1987; 257: 2176-80.
Gillman MW, Cupples LA, Millen BE, Ellison RC, Wolf PA. Inverse association of dietary fat with development of ischemic stroke in men. JAMA 1997; 278: 2145-50.

About the Author:

Monday, 29 September 2008


Cary G Dean.

Controversial fluoride is one of the basic ingredients in both PROZAC (FLUoxetene Hydrochloride) and Sarin nerve gas (Isopropyl Methyl Phosphoryl FLUoride).
And the stuff that's put in your water supply for you all to drink (HexaFLUrosilic Acid)

by Paul Connett, PhD
Professor of Chemistry
St. Lawrence University
Canton, NY 13617

10 More Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation

The level of fluoride put into water (1 ppm) is up to 200 times higher than normally found in mothers' milk (0.005 – 0.01 ppm) (Ekstrand 1981; Institute of Medicine 1997).

There are no benefits, only risks, for infants ingesting this heightened level of fluoride at such an early age (this is an age where susceptibility to environmental toxins is particularly high).

Fluoride is a cumulative poison.

On average, only 50% of the fluoride we ingest each day is excreted through the kidneys.

The remainder accumulates in our bones, pineal gland, and other tissues.

If the kidney is damaged, fluoride accumulation will increase, and with it, the likelihood of harm.

Fluoride is very biologically active even at low concentrations.

It interferes with hydrogen bonding (Emsley 1981) and inhibits numerous enzymes (Waldbott 1978).

When complexed with aluminum, fluoride interferes with G-proteins (Bigay 1985, 1987).

Such interactions give aluminum-fluoride complexes the potential to interfere with many hormonal and some neurochemical signals (Strunecka & Patocka 1999, Li 2003).

Fluoride has been shown to be mutagenic, cause chromosome damage and interfere with the enzymes involved with DNA repair in a variety of cell and tissue studies (Tsutsui 1984; Caspary 1987; Kishi 1993 and Mihashi 1996).

Recent studies have also found a correlation between fluoride exposure and chromosome damage in humans (Sheth 1994; Wu 1995; Meng 1997 and Joseph 2000).

Fluoride forms complexes with a large number of metal ions, which include metals which are needed in the body (like calcium and magnesium) and metals (like lead and aluminum) which are toxic to the body.

This can cause a variety of problems.

For example, fluoride interferes with enzymes where magnesium is an important co-factor, and it can help facilitate the uptake of aluminum and lead into tissues where these metals wouldn't otherwise go (Mahaffey 1976; Allain 1996; Varner 1998).

Rats fed for one year with 1 ppm fluoride in their water, using either sodium fluoride or aluminum fluoride, had morphological changes to their kidneys and brains, an increased uptake of aluminum in the brain, and the formation of beta amyloid deposits which are characteristic of Alzheimers disease (Varner 1998).

Aluminum fluoride was recently nominated by the Environmental Protection Agency and National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences for testing by the National Toxicology Program.

According to EPA and NIEHS, aluminum fluoride currently has a

"High health research priority"

Due to its

"Known Neurotoxicity"!!

(BNA, 2000). If fluoride is added to water which contains aluminum, than aluminum fluoride complexes will form.

Animal experiments show that fluoride accumulates in the brain and exposure alters mental behavior in a manner consistent with a neurotoxic agent (Mullenix 1995).

Rats dosed prenatally demonstrated hyperactive behavior.

Those dosed postnatally demonstrated hypoactivity

(i.e. under activity or "couch potato" syndrome).

More recent animal experiments have reported that fluoride can damage the brain (Wang 1997; Guan 1998; Varner 1998; Zhao 1998; Zhang 1999; Lu 2000; Shao 2000; Sun 2000; Bhatnagar 2002; Chen 2002, 2003; Long 2002; Shivarajashankara 2002a, b; Shashi 2003 and Zhai 2003) and impact learning and behavior (Paul 1998; Zhang 1999, 2001; Sun 2000; Ekambaram 2001; Bhatnagar 2002).

Five studies from China show a lowering of IQ in children associated with fluoride exposure (Lin Fa-Fu 1991; Li 1995; Zhao 1996; Lu 2000; and Xiang 2003a, b).

One of these studies (Lin Fa-Fu 1991) indicates that even just moderate levels of fluoride exposure (e.g. 0.9 ppm in the water) can exacerbate the neurological defects of iodine deficiency.


When it comes to controversies surrounding toxic chemicals, invested interests traditionally do their very best to discount animal studies and quibble with epidemiological findings.

In the past, political pressures have led government agencies to drag their feet on regulating asbestos, benzene, DDT, PCBs, tetraethyl lead, tobacco and dioxins.

With fluoridation we have had a fifty year delay.

Unfortunately, because government officials have put so much of their credibility on the line defending fluoridation, and because of the huge liabilities waiting in the wings if they admit that fluoridation has caused an increase in hip fracture, arthritis, bone cancer, brain disorders or thyroid problems, it will be very difficult for them to speak honestly and openly about the issue.


Not only to protect millions of people from unnecessary harm, but to protect the notion that, at its core, public health policy must be based on sound science not political expediency.

They have a tool with which to do this:

It's called the Precautionary Principle.

Simply put, this says:

If in doubt leave it out.

This is what most European countries have done and their children's teeth have not suffered, while their public's trust has been strengthened.

Just how much doubt is needed on just one of the health concerns identified above, to override a benefit, which when quantified in the largest survey ever conducted in the US, amounts to less than one tooth surface (out of 128) in a child's mouth?

For those who would call for further studies, I say fine.

Take the fluoride out of the water first and then conduct all the studies you want.

This folly must end without further delay.

Fluoride the Aging Factor

About the Author:
Paul Connett, PhD
Professor of Chemistry
St. Lawrence University
Canton, NY 13617

Vaccination's:Death By Slow Poison Pt 9

Cary G Dean.

"The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used."

Dr. James A. Shannon

Ex Director of the National Institutes of Health

By Dr. Russell Blaylock

Vaccine Madness:Private Profits from Health Hysteria...

Record Number Told To Get Flu Shots

Coinciding with a record amount of flu vaccine available, the largest numbers of Americans in history are advised to get a flu shot.

The Centers for Disease Control added children aged 5 to 18 years to the list of those urged to get a yearly flu vaccine, bringing the total percentage of Americans targeted to 86 percent.

“I have a smile on my face this year because we are looking at a wonderful supply of flu vaccine,” said CDC director Julie Louise Gerberding at a news conference.

In previous years, vaccine often ran short of demand or gave poor protection against the strain of flu that was currently circulating.

Last season’s vaccine was only about 44 percent effective.

In addition to the newly targeted group, people 50 and older, younger adults with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, asthma, and AIDS, health care workers, pregnant women, and those who work with infants are urged to get the vaccine.

Children ages 6 months to 8 years are advised to get two flu shots spaced a month apart, because a single shot might not fully protect them.

A nasal spray will be an alternative to the shot for those ages 2 to 49.


The vaccine for the upcoming flu season will consist of three killed flu viruses.

Normally, one or two of the viruses are updated each year as new strains of influenza viruses evolve, but this season, all three elements are new.

A monstrous public health menace quietly threatens millions of people you and your family included.

What's worse... everyone is ignoring it, government authorities, the media, and most likely, your own doctor.

It isn't a bacteria or virus.

It isn't something in the air you breathe or the water you drink.

The truth is that we're squandering our health on wasteful and dangerous policies that force children to undergo massive, indiscriminate, and poorly-tested immunizations.

And that's not all.

Because we're kept in the dark about this health threat, millions of adults are also driven into the welcoming arms of profit-making vaccine manufacturers.

The routine use of vaccines to protect us from disease is so deeply entrenched that most people never question whether it's a good idea.

Medical organizations and government agencies have us convinced that forced vaccination is an essential cornerstone of public health.

Surprisingly, the authorities who promote all these immunizations don't delve very deeply into the details of the scientific research.

There are plenty of warning signs (for those willing to look) that vaccinations can do a lot of harm maybe even more harm than good.

Your Natural Immunity is Best

Immunizations are supposed to help your body fight off disease.

What's ironic is that by overusing vaccines, you're actually weakening your immune system the most important defense against illness in the first place.

You might be doing damage to your brain, too.

The live virus found in many vaccines takes a huge toll on your brain cells which are already fighting off the effects of pesticides, industrial chemicals, and other nerve poisons found nearly everywhere in the environment.

Children can be at even greater risk.

It's not easy surviving childhood these days.

Before your child or grandchild hits her first birthday, there are no fewer than twenty-four different vaccines she's supposed to get.

That means 24 different chemical and biological attacks her not-yet-fully-developed immune system has to cope with.

And twenty-four different chances for possible contaminants, preservatives, and impurities to enter her system.

Then there's a slew of additional vaccines and boosters awaiting your child before she starts school at age five or six.

Adults are targeted too.

The proponents of vaccination want you to line up for a series of booster shots every few years.

And when you're older, there's the flu shot you're supposed to take each winter.

But don't worry.

After all, there's government agency's checking vaccines to make sure they're safe.

Isn't there?

Not really.... Did you know that more than 40 of the vaccines used in this country are manufactured in China?

(It's anybody's guess how many it will be next year.)

Shockingly, the FDA only checks these Chinese factories once every 13 years.

It's not only contaminants and impurities you have to worry about.

Not many people are aware of the alarming truth mutated versions of viruses used in some vaccines can hide out in your body for decades!

What's Right for You and Your Children?

Where can you turn for objective facts about immunization?

The proponents of vaccination, blinded by the profit motive, can't be trusted.

Nor can you trust the government watchdogs that are supposed to be looking out for you.

These are just some of the ingredients used to make a vaccine.

* Ethylene glycol (antifreeze)
* Phenol also known as carbolic acid (this is used as a disinfectant, dye)
* Formaldehyde a known cancer causing agent
* Aluminum which is associated with Alzheimer disease and seizures also cancer producing in laboratory mice ( it is used as an additive to promote antibody response)
* Thimerosal (used as a mercury disinfectant/preservative) can result in brain injury and autoimmune disease
* Neomycin, Streptomycin (used as antibiotic) have caused allergic reactions in some people

These vaccines are grown and strained through animal or human tissues like monkey kidney tissue, chicken embryo, embryonicguinea pig cells, calf serum, human diploid cells (the dissected organs of aborted fetuses as in the case of rubella,hepatitis A, and chickenpox vaccines), ( some vaccines contain genetically engineered DNA)

Vaccines have been linked to:

*deafness *asthma *diarrhea *inconsolable screaming *encephalitis *convulsions and other seizures *blindness *behavior problem *autism *anaphylactic shock *neurological disabilities * immune malfunction *arthritis *epilepsy
*brain damage *cerebral palsy *deafness *recurrent seizures * multiple sclerosis *polio *diabetes mellitus *chronic fatigue *paralysis *negative change in the genetic structure of humans *alzheimer *meningitis *DEATH!!.

Eustace Mullins: Murder By Injection

About the Author:
By Dr. Russell Blaylock

Sunday, 28 September 2008


Cary G Dean.


The Right Leg of Hell

I had not been able to sleep or eat since I was in hell the night before.

Each day I relived hell.

When I closed my eyes, all I could see was hell.

My ears could not shut out the cries of the damned.

Just like a television program, I relived all the things I had witnessed in hell over and over.

Each night I was in hell, and each day I labored to find just the right words to bring this frightful thing to all the world.

Jesus appeared to me again and said,

"Tonight we are going into the right leg of hell, My child".

"Don't be frightened, for I love you and I am with you. "

The face of the Lord was sorrowful, and His eyes were filled with great tenderness and deep love.

Though those in hell were forever lost, I knew that He still loved them and would for all eternity.

"My child," He said, God, our Father, gave each one of us a will so that we could choose whether we would serve Him or Satan.

You see, God did not make hell for His people.

Satan deceives many into following him, but hell was made for Satan and his angels.

It is not My desire, nor that of My Father, that anyone should perish.

Tears of compassion ran down Jesus' cheeks.

He began to speak again, "Remember My words in the days ahead as I show you hell.

I have all power in heaven and earth.

Now, at times it will seem to you that I have left you, but I have not.

Also, at times we will be seen by the evil forces and lost souls, while at other times we will not be.

"No matter where we go, be at peace and fear not to follow Me."

We went on together.

I followed closely behind Him crying.

For days I had been crying, and I could not shake off the very presence of hell which was ever before me.

I cried mostly inside. My spirit was very sad.

We arrived at the right leg of hell.

Looking ahead, I saw that we were on a pathway which was dry and burned.

Screams filled the dirty air, and the stench of death was everywhere.

The odor was sometimes so repugnant that it made me sick to my stomach.

Everywhere was darkness except for the light which emanated from Christ and the flaming pits, which dotted the landscape as far as I could see.

All at once, demons of all kinds were going past us.

Imps growled at us as they went by.

Demon spirits of all sizes and shapes were talking to each other.

Out ahead of us, a big demon was giving orders to small ones.

We stopped to listen, and Jesus said,

"There is also an invisible army of evil forces that we do not see here-demons such as evil spirits of sickness."

"Go!" the larger demon said to the smaller imps and devils. "Do many evil things.

Break up homes and destroy families.

Seduce weak Christians, and mis-instruct and mislead as many as you can.

You shall have your reward when you return.

Remember, you must be careful of those who have genuinely accepted Jesus as their Savior.

They have the power to cast you out.

Go now across the earth.

I have lots of others up there already and still have others to send.

"Remember, we are servants of the prince of darkness and of the powers of the air."

At that, the evil forms began to flee up and out of hell.

Doors in the top of the right leg of hell opened and shut very fast to let them out.

Also, some went up and out the funnel we had come down.

I will try to describe the looks of these evil beings.

The one speaking was very large, about the size of a full-grown grizzly bear, brown in color, with a head like a bat and eyes that were set very far back into a hairy face.

Hairy arms fell to his sides, and fangs came out of the hair on his face.

Another one was small like a monkey with very long arms and with hair all over his body.

His face was tiny, and he had a pointed nose.

I could see no eyes on him anywhere.

Still another had a large head, large ears and a long tail, while yet one more was as large as a horse and had smooth skin.

The sight of these demons and evil spirits, and the terrible odor that came from them, made me sick to my stomach.

Everywhere I looked were demons and devils.

The biggest of these demons, I learned from the Lord, were getting their orders straight from Satan.

Jesus and I walked on down the pathway until we came to another pit.

Cries of pain, unforgettably sorrowful sounds, were everywhere.

My Lord, what is next? I thought.

We walked directly past some of the evil beings, which didn't seem to see us, and stopped at another pit of fire and brimstone.

In this next pit was a large-framed man.

I heard him preaching the gospel.

I looked in amazement to Jesus for an answer, for He always knew my thoughts.

He said,

"While he was on earth, this man was a preacher of the gospel".

"At one time he spoke the truth and served me."

I wondered what this man was doing in hell.

He was about six feet tall, and his skeleton was a dirty, grayish color, like a tombstone.

Parts of his clothing still hung on him.

I wondered why the flames had left these torn and tattered clothes and had not burned them up.

Burning flesh was hanging from him, and his skull seemed to be in flames.

A terrible odor came from him.

I watched the man spread his hands as if he were holding a book and begin to read Scriptures from the make-believe book.

Again, I remembered what Jesus had said:

"You have all your senses in hell, and they are a lot stronger here."

The man read Scripture after Scripture, and I thought it was good.

Jesus said to the man with great love in His voice,

"Peace, be still."

Immediately, the man stopped talking and turned slowly to look at Jesus.

I saw the man's soul inside this skeletal form.

He said to the Lord,

"Lord, now I will preach the truth to all the people.

Now, Lord, I'm ready to go and tell others about this place.

I know that while I was on earth, I didn't believe there was a hell, nor did I believe You were coming again.

It was what people wanted to hear, and I compromised the truth to the people in my church.

"I know I didn't like anyone who was different in race or color of skin, and I caused many to fall away from You.

I made my own rules about heaven and right and wrong.

I know that I led many astray, and I caused many to stumble over Your Holy Word, and I took money from the poor.

But, Lord, let me out, and I will do right.

I won't take money from the church anymore. I have repented already. I will love people of every race and color."

Jesus said,

"You not only distorted and misrepresented the Holy Word of God, but you lied about your not knowing the truth.

The pleasures of life were more important to you than truth.

I visited you Myself and tried to turn you around, but you would not listen.

You went on your own way, and evil was your lord.

You knew the truth, but you would not repent or turn back to Me.

I was there all the time. I waited for you.

I wanted you to repent, but you did not.

And now the judgment has been set."

Pity was on the face of Jesus.

I knew that if the man had listened to the Savior's call, he would not be here now.

O people, please listen.

About the Author:
Mary Kathryn Baxter was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee. In 1976, while she was living in Belleville, Jesus appeared to her in human form, in dreams, in visions, and in revelations.

Since that time, she has received many visitations from the Lord.During those visits He has shown her the depths, degrees, levels,and torments of lost souls in hell. She has also received many visions of heaven, the Great Tribulation, and the end of time.

During one period of her life, Jesus appeared to her each night for forty nights. He revealed to her the horrors of hell and the glories of heaven. He told her that this message is for the whole world.


Cary G Dean.

By Meredith Rollo
September 27, 2008 @ 7:11 pm
It’s unbelievable!!!

It happened in 1929…. and here it is again… We are on the verge of something truly catastrophic!!!

The American Dollar will fall, Inflation will rise, and where will the average Taxpayer be? …Buried under “mountains of Jewish-insighted monetary debt”!!!

Meanwhile, the economy faulters…so corporations have ammunition for lay-offs…and they too, like good Socialists, will run to the ‘government trough’, looking for their ‘bailouts’….in the name of Protecting America First!!!

Where is Obama? Where is McCain? Where is Bush? …they’re all in bed with Rothschild!!! Kissing his beloved Zionist Ass along with the likes of Palin, Biden, Frank, etc., etc., etc.

The United States is being bankrupted, just like Germany in the 1930’s…..

Nevermind the Bollocks, The US Army is coming home to a combat on the Home Front!!!

And where are the citizens who elect these Congressman and Senators???

But does it really matter?

The Republican and Democrat Corporate Fascist Regimes are Now the Enemy!!!

EMPOWERED BY THE IGNORANT MASSES, who refused, (and contine to refuse!), to

“WAKE UP”!!!

It’s not a matter of the world coming to an end….it’s more a matter of how much do you want to keep giving the government your hard earned money, so they can ‘redistribute’ it to their friends on Wall Street and in Israel!!!

…in other words, your “Defender of Democracy, the World Over” has just shifted the most massive tax burden, caused by that of a relatively few and priviledged, onto the shoulders of all our children’s children and beyond!!!

Obama is Not Change!!! McCain is Not Change!!!

There is no fix for this subversion of the US Constitution, The Bill of Rights and Amendments….

Unless People Wake Up, and declare…

“We, the People…” RUN THE GOVERNMENT!!!

And NOT Public Officials who systematically commit treason, subversion and engage in fraud!!!

The time has come, (and long overdue!!!), to dismantle the Jew-Operated Fractional Reserve Banking System vis-a-vis The U.S. Federal Reserve and its owner's back in London…

How dare any American Senator or Congressman call Russia “Aggressive” for responding to Georgia’s premeditated acts of aggression!!!

And little Israel…with their predominant influence in Washington…want their Goyim to Bomb the crap out of Iran….

Maybe we should send the men and women of the Armed Services into Iran…. it’s a sacrifice….but no great loss of life…because it seems the US Army has forgotten what it’s like to fight a real war…and not some “make belief fairy tale” CIA formed group like “Al-Qaeda” who people like Obama’s Brezinzski empowered back in the late 70’s/early 80’s….

It may sound unpatriotic, but the sooner the Depleted Uranium bombs fall in Tel Aviv…and US Soldiers get sacrificed like little lambs being led to the slaughter, only then will change come!!!

How War Depleted Uranium Can Cause Cancer

The Ghosts Of Desert Storm

Of course, that was the plan All Along!

Rothschild will still keep his money…and people like the Politicians in all the developed countries will be safely surrounded by hordes of their Secret Service Personnel…while the rest of us continue to pay, pay, pay!

So what is the Answer?


Wake Up!!!

Talk to Your Neighbor's!!!

Stop with the “Political Correctness”!!!

Call Your Local Government Representative's!!!

And Just Say “NO” to the Star of David!!!

The Israelites were expelled many times before!!!

Jews know Christians are programmed to

“Turn their cheek and forgive”….

But Christians can be just as cunning…and Zionist Jews know it!!!

RUSSIA is on its way to Israel!!!

Which can only mean 1 thing- the US will try to cut Russia off at the pass….but will fail…because it is written!!!

Zionist Jews and ZioCon Christians will Fall!!!

Let the chips fall where they belong…

Israel has had a “Great Run”….for the past 60 years…and Zionists for the past 2000 years or so…

Satan will not triumph or be allowed to triumph in glory…

They try to rebuild their Temple and burn the villages and orchards of it’s rightful owners…

They engage in rabbinical heresy…they allow the word of mortal man to supercede God’s Word….

They engage in usury, prostitution, slave trading, bigotry, hatred, torture and bribery to achieve their ends….

Their time is near…

Amen. Inshallah

About the Author:


Saturday, 27 September 2008

Big Brother 1984-2012 Pt 6

Cary G Dean.


George Orwell-1949

Mrs Parsons’ eyes flitted nervously from Winston to the children, and back again.

In the better light of the living-room he noticed with interest that there actually was dust in the creases of her face.

’They do get so noisy,’ she said. ’They’re disappointed because they couldn’t go to see the hanging, that’s what it is.

I’m too busy to take them. and Tom won’t be back from work in time.’

’Why can’t we go and see the hanging?’ roared the boy in his huge voice.

’Want to see the hanging! Want to see the hanging!’ chanted the little girl, still capering around.

Some Eurasian prisoners, guilty of war crimes, were to be hanged in the Park that evening, Winston remembered.

This happened about once a month, and was a popular spectacle.

Children always clamoured to be taken to see it.

He took his leave of Mrs Parsons and made for the door.

But he had not gone six steps down the passage when something hit the back of his neck an agonizingly painful blow.

It was as though a red-hot wire had been jabbed into him.

He spun round just in time to see Mrs Parsons dragging her son back into the doorway while the boy pocketed a catapult.


Bellowed the boy as the door closed on him.

But what most struck Winston was the look of helpless fright on the woman’s greyish face.

Back in the flat he stepped quickly past the telescreen and sat down at the table again, still rubbing his neck.

The music from the telescreen had stopped.

Instead, a clipped military voice was reading out, with a sort of brutal relish, a description of the armaments of the new Floating Fortress which had just been anchored between lceland and the Faroe lslands.

With those children, he thought, that wretched woman must lead a life of terror.

Another year, two years, and they would be watching her night and day for symptoms of unorthodoxy.

Nearly all children nowadays were horrible.

What was worst of all was that by means of such organizations as the Spies they were systematically turned into ungovernable little savages, and yet this produced in them no tendency whatever to rebel against the discipline of the Party.

On the contrary, they adored the Party and everything connected with it.

The songs, the processions, the banners, the hiking, the drilling with dummy rifles, the yelling of slogans, the worship of Big Brother it was all a sort of glorious game to them.

All their ferocity was turned outwards, against the enemies of the State, against foreigners, traitors, saboteurs, thought-criminals.

It was almost normal for people over thirty to be frightened of their own children.

And with good reason, for hardly a week passed in which The Times did not carry a paragraph describing how some eavesdropping little sneak,

’Child Hero’

Was the phrase generally used had overheard some compromising remark and denounced its parents to the Thought Police.

The sting of the catapult bullet had worn off.

He picked up his pen halfheartedly,
wondering whether he could find something more to write in the diary.

Suddenly he began thinking of O’Brien again.

Years ago how long was it? Seven years it must be he had dreamed that he was walking through a pitch-dark room.

And someone sitting to one side of him had said as he passed:

’We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.’

It was said very quietly, almost casually a statement, not a command.

He had walked on without pausing.

What was curious was that at the time, in the dream, the words had not made much impression on him.

It was only later and by degrees that they had seemed to take on significance.

He could not now remember whether it was before or after having the dream that he had seen O’Brien for the first time, nor could he remember when he had first identified the voice as O’Brien’s.

But at any rate the identification existed.

It was O’Brien who had spoken to him out of the dark.

Winston had never been able to feel sure even after this morning’s flash of the eyes it was still impossible to be sure whether O’Brien was a friend or an enemy.

Nor did it even seem to matter greatly.

There was a link of understanding between them, more important than affection or partisanship.

’We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness,’

Winston did not know what it meant, only that in some way or another it would come true.

The voice from the telescreen paused.

A trumpet call, clear and beautiful, floated into the stagnant air.

The voice continued raspingly:

’Attention! Your attention, please!

A newsflash has this moment arrived from the Malabar front.

Our forces in South India have won a glorious victory.

I am authorized to say that the action we are now reporting may well bring the war within measurable distance of its end.

Here is the newsflash -’

Bad news coming, thought Winston.

And sure enough, following on a gory description of the annihilation of a Eurasian army, with stupendous figures of killed and prisoners, came the announcement that, as from next week, the chocolate ration would be reduced from thirty grammes to twenty.

Winston belched again.

The gin was wearing off, leaving a deflated feeling.

The telescreen perhaps to celebrate the victory, perhaps to drown the memory of the lost chocolate crashed into

’Oceania, ’tis for thee’.

You were supposed to stand to attention.

However, in his present position he was invisible.

’Oceania, ’tis for thee’ gave way to lighter music.

Winston walked over to the window, keeping his back to the telescreen.

The day was still cold and clear.

Somewhere far away a rocket bomb exploded with a dull, reverberating roar.

About twenty or thirty of them a week were falling on London at present.

Down in the street the wind flapped the torn poster to and fro, and the word


Fitfully appeared and vanished.


The sacred principles of Ingsoc.

Newspeak, doublethink, the mutability of the past.

He felt as though he were wandering in the forests of the sea bottom, lost in a monstrous world where he himself was the monster.

He was alone.

The past was dead, the future was unimaginable.

What certainty had he that a single human creature now living was on his side?

And what way of knowing that the dominion of the Party would not endure for ever?

Like an answer, the three slogans on the white face of
the Ministry of Truth came back to him:


About the Author:
"During times of universal deceit,
telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

George Orwell

Friday, 26 September 2008


Cary G Dean.

May 2008 Revelation's by Brother Bob
[ ] Sherry Shriner

I have called to America and they have refused me.

I will remove my right hand of protection, and then judgment will come in FULL force.

[It has, by numerical surety, already began with 9-11-01 and Hurricane Katrina]

Remember, I destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality.

[Bob had already been warned prior to the recent California legal decision to allow homosexual marriage]

["They are going to approve homosexual unions in a court ruling"]

["I have told you before it happens."]

The Father continued:

“I am going to take the weight of the sin of murdered [in-the-womb] babies and homosexuality and place it on the California [geologic] fault line”.

The weight of the sin kept up until the whole shelf went into the Pacific Ocean.

San Francisco was specifically mentioned.

Thus, the [many] isles in the Pacific were hit by a massive tsunami; they were destroyed.

The back wash of the tidal wave returned and went all the way to western side of the Rocky Mountains.

[This has also been seen before by other prophets of God!] .

The backwash will cover a vast swath of the USA and there will be new seashore property.

“As I buried Sodom and Gomorrah beneath the Dead Sea so shall I do with California due to the sin of abortion and homosexuality.”

Our western defenses of the USA will be gone.

The other nations of the world will not lift a finger to help the USA.

They will be rejoicing with glee.

Cuba and Chavez with Venezuela will be hit by the under belly of the USA.

Our economy will be broken and destroyed forever.

September will be critical.

If Obama is killed there will be no elections.

The last quarter of 2008 and the first quarter of 2009 will be terrible.

[I recall back in 2007 where the Lord told Bob that 2008 will open the blood gates as well as the gates of hate in the USA.]

[As a side note, it is noted that several [born again] Christian servicemen have been prodded by the Holy Spirit, for unknown reasons, to be home before September.]

September is a crossroads month.

John McCain says something about 2013.

How can McCain know? Bob asked the Lord,

“Father what is this?” The response was, “All will be revealed in due time; get on the phone and call Al [to get this recorded]” Bob got up with the thought,"This is worse than a horror movie.”

And for the third time in the vision the Lord spoke,

“My son, this is a lot closer than even you think”.

Bob wept, “But Father…!! America has abandoned Me! So I shall abandon her to her fate.

He was adamant!

I am abandoning America and so remember, the rain falls on the just and the unjust!

“But Lord what about the praying and fasting Christian believers?” His answer: “It is too late.”

The Lord walked off the East Coast and ascended an unseen staircase into heaven.

He walked away! Deeply saddened he ascended the unseen staircase into heaven and turned and sat on his throne.

Bob was shown the beautiful marble and the mingled gold within the throne; as well as a sea of pure liquid sapphire in front of it.

In back of and around the throne in a 270 degree arc were angels standing.

They had dazzling white raiment and golden hair with blue-green eyes.

They were singing praises to Him that sat on the throne.

Also in the host were Warrior Angels in full battle dress; all in ranks of battalions and brigades.

(The same type this blogger has had around him since getting back from the jaws of death 52 years ago)

Their question was:

“How long will it be before you release us?” The response,

“It is sooner than any of you think”.

Far out in front of the throne, in the remaining 90 degree opening was the Earth.

It was getting darker and darker.

The Lord spoke,

“The sinners (and sins) of the world are trying their best to deny me and my existence.

I shall shatter the darkness! When they then turned and looked at Him they had the same look of horror that the [born again, marching] Christians and Jews had on their faces.

The great decline will be in 2009.

Tornadoes and hurricanes that have never been experienced before will strike.

The Lord also said,

“I am going to take America by storm!”

[I hate to think it will be worse than what we have seen already in 2008.]

This will be the means to break the American banks.


”The Federal Reserve is not federal, rather is a clandestine bank of the New World Order that comes directly from the Old World banks and bankers”.

Bob was told, “Know [all of] this! Get it to a living repository so what has been spoken will be known”.

[As in, “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secrets unto his servants the prophets”. AMOS 3:7 KJV]

Respectfully submitted in the Name of the Lord, as well as notes and memory will permit,

About the Author:
Brother Bob

Thursday, 25 September 2008

OH!!! And By The way?

Cary G Dean.

Headlines (Scroll down for complete stories):
1. Being Vegetarian Shrinks The Brain
2. Migraines Linked to Blood Clots in Legs
3. Estrogen Creams Don't Help Sun-Damaged Skin
4. Healthy Lifestyle Increases Anti-Aging Enzyme
5. Gastric Bypass Beats Band

Being Vegetarian Shrinks The Brain

Becoming a vegetarian could be good for the planet, but it’s bad for your brain. Scientists at Oxford University in England have found that vegetarians are six times more likely to have brain shrinkage than those who include meats in their diets.

The cause could be a lack of vitamins. Vegetarians are more likely than meat-eaters to be deficient in vitamin B12, which is mainly found in meats, and a B12 deficiency is known to cause anemia and inflammation of the nervous system.

Oxford researchers examined 107 people between the age of 61 and 87 using physical exams, memory tests and brain scans. When the same volunteers were retested five years later, those with the lowest amounts of B12 had the most brain atrophy.

Swedish researchers found that being overweight is also linked to brain loss. Women with a BMI (body mass index) that averaged 27 showed brain shrinkage. (A BMI of 25 or over is “overweight” and a BMI of 30 or higher is “obese.”) For every additional point in BMI, brain loss increased by 13 to 16 percent.

Migraines Linked to Blood Clots in Legs

People with migraines may also be more likely to develop blood clots in their veins, according to a study published in the September 16, 2008, issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

In the condition, called venous thrombosis or thromboembolism, blood clots form in a vein, which can limit blood flow and cause swelling and pain. Those clots can then dislodge from the vein and travel to the heart and the lungs, which can be fatal.

For the study, 574 people in Italy age 55 and up were interviewed to determine whether they had a history of migraine or migraine at the time of the evaluation and their medical records were reviewed for cases of venous thrombosis. The arteries in their necks and thighs were scanned with ultrasounds to check for atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries.

Of the participants, 111 people had migraine. A total of 21 people with migraine also had one or more instances of venous thrombosis, or 19 percent. In comparison, 35 people without migraine had the condition, or 8 percent.

Researchers do not know why migraine and venous thrombosis are linked. One theory is that the blood of people with migraine may be more prone to clotting.

The study also found that people with migraine are not more likely to have hardening or narrowing of the arteries, which is contrary to a current theory.

“The thinking has been that because people with migraine are more likely to have strokes and other cardiovascular problems, that they would also have more severe and early atherosclerosis,” said study author Stefan Kiechl, MD, of Innsbruck Medical University in Austria. “This study is the first to use high-resolution ultrasound to examine this theory, and it provides solid evidence to refute it.”

Estrogen Creams Don't Help Sun-Damaged Skin

Treating the skin with estrogen can stimulate collagen production — which improves the appearance of the skin — in areas not typically exposed to the sun, according to new research from the University of Michigan Health System.

But in sun-damaged skin, the same treatment does not increase collagen production, the study found. The findings elucidate why it is so difficult to reverse the effects of sun damage on the skin, says lead author Laure Rittie, Ph.D., research investigator in the U-M Department of Dermatology.

“Frankly, we were very surprised to find that stimulation of collagen production by topical estrogen treatment was restricted to skin not chronically exposed to sunlight. These results suggest that sun exposure alters the ability of skin to respond to topical estrogen, and point out how difficult it is to repair photoaged skin,” Rittie says. The study appears in the new issue of the Archives of Dermatology.

Seventy seniors—40 post-menopausal women and 30 men—participated in the study. Researchers analyzed biopsies of skin taken from the patients’ hips, and either forearm or face, before treatment began and after it ended two weeks later.

The study participants all had photoaged skin—that is, sun-damaged skin that appears dry, with coarse wrinkles and uneven pigmentation.

Participants were treated topically with the estrogen medication called estradiol. They were given doses of 0.01 percent, 0.1 percent, 1 percent or 2.5 percent, or a vehicle that contained no estradiol.

Estradiol was found to increase collagen levels in women’s hip skin more than threefold, on average, compared with the inactive medication. This included procollagen I and III mRNA levels. In men, the collagen levels increased by a factor of about 1.7 on average. The improvements were higher when the doses of estradiol were higher.

In contrast, collagen levels in the photoaged skin on the forearm and face did not improve significantly with treatment, no matter the dosage of estradiol.

Healthy Lifestyle Increases Anti-Aging Enzyme

Sweeping lifestyle changes including a better diet and more exercise can raise the body's levels of an enzyme closely involved in controlling the aging process, U.S. researchers reported on Monday.

The small study involved 30 men with low-risk prostate cancer who underwent three months of lifestyle changes. They had blood levels of the enzyme telomerase 29 percent higher after these three months than when they began.

Telomerase fixes and lengthens parts of chromosomes known as telomeres that control longevity and are also important for maintenance of immune-system cells.

The research in the journal Lancet Oncology was led by Dr. Dean Ornish, head of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California, and a well-known author advocating lifestyle changes to improve health.

The lifestyle changes included a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and soy products, moderate exercise such as walking for half an hour a day, and an hour of daily stress management methods such as meditation.

"This is the first study showing that anything can increase telomerase. If it were a new drug that had been shown to do this, it would be a billion-dollar drug. But this is something that people can do for free," Ornish said in a telephone interview.

Shortening of telomeres is seen as an indicator of disease risk and premature death in some types of cancer, including breast, prostate, colon and lung cancer.

Previously published findings from the same group of men showed they experienced dramatic changes at the genetic level.

As expected, they lost weight, lowered their blood pressure and saw other health improvements.

They also had changes in activity in about 500 genes. The activity of disease-preventing genes increasing while some disease-promoting genes, including those involved in prostate cancer and breast cancer, shut down, the researchers said.

Gastric Bypass Beats Band

Gastric bypass surgery is more likely to result in successful weight loss, both short and long term, than is gastric banding, according to one of the first head-to-head comparisons of the two most commonly used surgeries in obese patients.

Patients who underwent the bypass procedure also lost more weight and showed more consistent weight loss, Dr. Nancy Puzziferri of The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas and colleagues report.

Although evidence supports a faster weight loss with gastric bypass, 3 years after surgery the results of bypass and banding were the same, Puzziferri and her colleagues note.

However, the pros and cons of each procedure need to be weighed for each patient, they add. Bypass is a riskier and more complicated surgery, and banding requires more intensive follow-up.

"Risk-benefit ratios and the patient's ability to return to clinic are critical factors in choosing which procedure better suits a particular patient," they write in the Annals of Surgery.

To better understand how outcomes compare for the two procedures, Puzziferri's team evaluated 1,102 patients who had undergone gastric bypasses and 631 who had gastric banding at their center between 1997 and 2006. A total of 1,518 patients were available for evaluation.

Bypass patients lost more weight, lost it faster, and were less likely to have transient weight gain than patients who had the band procedure. The results of the bypass procedure were also more consistent from patient to patient.

While 18.1 percent of the band patients had lost less than 25 percent of their body weight 2 years later (the goal was 40 percent or more), just 2.6 percent of bypass patients did.

While 53.2 percent of the bypass patients lost at least 75 percent of their excess body weight by the study's end, 9.8 percent of the patients who underwent banding did.

The bypass patients were more than 18-times as likely as the banding patients to have achieved successful weight loss within 6 months of having the procedure, and 2 years out their odds of success were 9-times greater.

Weight loss with gastric banding is similar to the gradual loss seen with low-calorie diets, the researchers note. "Behavioral practices may be more critical to weight loss success in gastric band than in gastric bypass," they suggest.

"Despite its higher operative risk, gastric bypass may be a better choice for selected patients," the researchers add. They suggest that a larger study with at least 5 years of follow-up is needed to clarify how the risks, benefits and costs of the two procedures compare.

Who is Sherry Shriner Pt 6

Cary G Dean.

By Sherry Shriner

Furthermore, most people are clueless concerning what will really happen in the last days and even regarding Yahweh Himself.

They do not understand how to have a real relationship with Him because they have allowed their churches to take the place of Him, and they simply do not know how to seek Him.

They think reading the Bible and praying is all they need to do, I am going to open your eyes as to how you can have a more intimate relationship with Him.

Jesus said the last days would be as the days of Noah.

The problem is that most churches do not teach nor realize what those days were really like.

It was an Alien Agenda then, and it is the same one now, but I am going to reveal what the Lord has shown me and what is really going on behind the scenes in our world today.

If you believe our country is one nation under God, prepare to be shocked.

The aliens from the past have hidden themselves from the public view.

Nevertheless, they are ready to come back into dominance in these last days as the armies of the Antichrist.

Eventually a full blown invasion will occur, and it is coming sooner than you think.

The rise of the Antichrist is around the corner.

Have the governments and the churches of the world been secretly working together to bring him to power?


Have they worked together to suppress and silence prophets of old such as Enoch so those today would not recognize the aliens for who they are?


Your eyes will be opened to the truth that the Lord has revealed to me.

All of this info is on my websites, and available to you as a download of my articles.

I would never print anything without offering it for free.

A book format was convenience for those who wanted it in a book.

That is all.

Otherwise all of the info is on my sites in the form of articles instead of ‘chapters.’

I love you all.

I love the people of the Most High.

Stay faithful in Him.

The last days are upon us.

Never lose sight of who HE is and your Redemption in HIM that only He can provide.

Is He worth dying for?


Hold tight to your faith in Him

About the Author: