Wednesday, 31 December 2008

US/UK Crimes "Never Happened"

Cary G Dean.

December 30, 2008

May We No Longer Be Silent

According to the Jerusalem Post ( December 26), “at 11:30 a.m., more than 50 fighter jets and attack helicopters swept into Gazan airspace and dropped more than 100 bombs on 50 targets"

Thirty minutes later, a second wave of 60 jets and helicopters struck at 60 targets.

More than 170 targets were hit by IAF aircraft throughout the day.

"At least 230 Gazans were killed and over 780 were wounded”

As I write, news reports are that Israel is sending tanks and infantry reinforcements in preparation for a ground invasion of Gaza.

In 2006 the US insisted that the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank hold free elections.

When free elections were held, Hamas won.

This was unacceptable to the Americans and Israelis.

In the West Bank, the Americans and Israelis imposed a puppet government, but Hamas held on in Gaza.

After unheeded warnings to the Gazans to rid themselves of Hamas and accept a puppet government, Israel has decided to destroy the freely elected government with violence.

For the US and UK governments, Israel can do no wrong.

Israel doesn’t have to stop withholding food, medicine, water, and energy, but Hamas must stop protesting by firing off rockets.

In violation of international law, Israel can drive West Bank Palestinians off their lands and out of their villages and give the stolen properties to.


Israel can delay Palestinians in need of emergency medical care at checkpoints until their lives ebb away.

Israeli snipers can get their jollies murdering Palestinian children.

The Great Moral Anglo-Americans couldn’t care less.

Soviet crimes, like Nazi ones, are documented in gruesome detail, but America’s crimes.

“Never Happened"

Nothing ever happened.

Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening.

It didn’t matter.

It was of no interest.

The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them.

You have to hand it to America.

It has exercised a clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good.

"It’s a brilliant, even witty, A highly successful act of hypnosis.”

“How many people do you have to kill before you qualify to be described as a mass murderer and a war criminal?”

Israel has been in violation of international law since 1967, protected by the United States’ veto of UN Resolutions condemning Israel for its violent, inhumane, barbaric, and illegal acts.

If only our ears could hear, this is what we have been seeing from Israel for 60 years.

Just when are we all going to wake up and stop this madness..



By Brother Nathanael Kapner
Real Jew News (SM)

OBAMA’S Junta is run by the Zionist Jew, Rahm Emanuel, acting as Chief of Staff.

While serving as an Illinois Congressman, Emanuel was known as an.


Emanuel’s ties to the Jewish financial world began in 1980 when he led the ousting of the Pro-Palestinian incumbent Congressman, Paul Findley.

The Jewish financial community of Chicago had selected Emanuel in 1980 as the Finance Director for Findley’s opponent, the Democrat & Jew, David Robinson, funneling millions of Jewish dollars into his campaign.

Jewish money & Emanuel successfully unseated the long-serving Findley.

Since then, Emanuel, who made millions in early 2000 as a Wall Street investor, has been among the insiders of the Jewish financial establishment which works closely with the Israel Lobby.

Emanuel’s sponsor was the Zionist Jew & Wall Street financier, Bruce Wasserstein, who is now the head of Lazard Banking.

With Emanuel as Chief of Staff, Jewish bankers & the Israel Lobby are now tightly knotted with the Obama administration.


Within the Israel Lobby is the former Special Middle East negotiator, Dennis Ross.

The Zionist Jew Ross accompanied Emanuel during Obama’s trip to Israel in July of 2008.

While campaigning in Israel.

(US presidential candidates must please the Israel Lobby)

President-elect Obama visited the Israeli town, Sderot, a small city on the edge of Gaza that allegedly has been hit by Hamas.

‘Home-Style’ rockets.

The alleged shelling which resulted in the killing of only a few Israelis, culminated in Israel’s gruesome air attacks on Gaza, killing over 700 Gazans, most of them civilians.

While in Sderot, accompanied by his Zionist Jewish handlers, Emanuel & Ross, Obama endorsed the Israeli attacks now unfolding:


Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Population Control:THE END OF HISTORY!!

Cary G Dean.

By Peter Duveen

You may know that David Rockefeller, surviving heir to the Rockefeller oil and banking fortune, is honorary chairman of the CFR.

Among his close relatives is the founder of another interesting nonprofit (read "tax-looting special interest), called the Population Council.

Established by John D. Rockefeller III in the 1950s to address population growth issues, the Population Council is still going strong.

Young Justin Rockefeller is on the organization's staff.

Now you slowpokes who think there are too many people in the world and that we are an environmental hazard, just stop for a second and think what this means in practical terms.

Put simply, it means that THERE ARE JUST TOO MANY OF US!

You are probably thinking.

"They're not talking about ME!! are they--it's the person sitting next to me isn't it"

That's fine.

Just click this blog off and go back to beddieby

For the others who are still with me, let's continue a bit.

Google has embarked on this humongous project to scan all the world's books into a database.

And quite a project it is.

From the user's point of view, and I must say I have relied heavily on Google Books for research, it is a godsend.

To have at one's fingertips books that one could not hope to track down from a library without an inordinate amount of time and legwork, is truly a revolution not far in its implications and importance behind the invention of the printing press.

However, there would seem to be a small window of opportunity for its use.

You see, it may not be for you at all.

What is the motive?

Glad you asked, since we've settled the other two factors.

Well, as I implied above, it has been determined that there are just too many of you.

I hate to break the news, but you have not been selected to survive.

You don't make the grade.

There's room for only a few, and only those deemed among the best and brightest will be chosen.


It's part of a eugenics program that has been in the process of implementation for a century now.

You see, there's no reason to lose everything that civilization has built up over the past 100,000 years or so of its existence, just because you won't be there.

So Google Books has been very busy trying to scan everything into its computer database before the fateful day when you and most of the billions on this planet will be no more.

Not going to happen?

Maybe not.

Maybe so.

Just trying to put two and two together here.

Google must have gotten the funding from somewhere for its incredibly ambitious database project.

And it's going gangbusters to complete it.

You say they're doing it all for you?


Why how nice of them!

Of course I'm just speculating here.

But if I were the world's people, even if I didn't know the above scenario was being planned, I'd make damned sure that it couldn't happen.

And we're very far from being sure of that--less sure in fact with every day that passes.


Cary G Dean.

By Sherry Shriner

Over the last year, the Lord has been showing and revealing to me the overthrow and destruction of the United States of America.

It's been a sombering realization that nothing is going to happen exactly the way I've always been conditioned by the churches and prophecy gurus to believe.

In fact, nothing could have prepared me for this other than being led into the Alien Agenda by Him several years ago.

Right now there are Reptilians in the White House, Draconians in the Vatican, and Greys in our skies abducting people around the world to use in breeding experiments, and for many, even eating them.

Measures our government has agreed to cooperate with these evil twisted beings to keep these things silent and has funded disinformation and discredited campaigns, projects, magazines and organizations to keep the truth from ever being discovered.

Which is why, today, the official denial of the existence of UFO's and aliens is, in fact, an official denial.

In exchange, they've reaped alien technology through black operations and have carved out of the earth underground joint human and alien bases where this exchange of technology and learning takes place.

All funded by the tax payers.

The Stealth bomber, laser surgery, even the microchip are all "benefits" of trading humans for technology.

300,000 missing children each year, add missing adults, and the number would probably double.

The American Government have allowed approximately 600,000 citizens to become victims of the Greys and UFOs every year since 1954 and have agreed to stay silent about it and deny it's happening all for the promise of technology.

Don't you feel a lot safer now?

That is 30 million Americans alone.

Now imagine this as a worldwide problem, because it is.

Even if they wanted to, our government could not stop them, but they could inform the people instead of murdering those who have tried to get this information out to the public.

The whole reason of refusal about public disclosure of the alien problem is that neither the government nor military want to be part of the blame or finger pointing, so official denial it stays.

What will they do when these Aliens decide they've had enough of tinkering with agreements and humans and just take over our world?

And it's not if they will, but when.

That is the part of the equation no one sees coming.

Planet Earth, the Alien Nation, will literally become an Alien Nation.

The Bible says.

"They will mingle themselves with the seed of men"

And also in Daniel, we are warned of iron mixed with miry clay that will not cling to one another.

It is impossible for those created and made in God's image to cling to those who simply want to destroy them and aren't even human.

This last kingdom, the prophesied fourth and terrible beast kingdom that will arise in the last days, is an alien nation.

For now, they roam earth awaiting their chance to destroy and kill mankind in their envy and rage for mankind being made in God's image.

Soon the Lord will take His hand off of The World and lift the veil allowing them to reveal themselves.

The presence of Aliens is nothing new to planet Earth.

They have been here for thousands of years.

Their Biblical identification is one of being fallen angels who rebelled against God and were kicked out of heaven.

Their most notable name is Annunaki or Anuk.

Who were the Annunaki?

They were the Watchers, Watchmen assigned to earth to watch over Yahweh's creation on earth.

They were created by God as perfect angels.

These Watchers rebelled against God and a mutiny followed as they lusted after human women and abandoned their mission to oversee humans and began to defile the women of the earth by having offspring with them.

"When men began to increase on earth and daughters were born to them, the divine beings saw how beautiful the daughters of men were and they took wives from among those that pleased them"

It was then, and later too, that the Nephilim appeared on earth - when the divine beings cohabited with the daughters of men, who bore them offspring.

They were the heroes of old, the men of renown.

(Genesis, Chapter 6, from the Jewish translation of the Torah.)

According to the Bible:

"Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God

(Fallen Angels)

"Saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose..."

"There were giants (Nephilim) on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them"

Those were the mighty men of old, men of renown (Gibborim).
Genesis 6: 1- 4.

"And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own habitation"

He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day...having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh (human), are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
Jude 6 & 7.

"For God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment; and did not spare the ancient world, but saved Noah, one of eight people, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly..."
2 Peter 2: 4-5.

The time clock for Planet Earth is ticking.

Can you hear it as loudly as I do?

The Lord is Warning The World today.

The Aliens ARE HERE!!!!.

The veil is being lifted and the Alien Nation beast kingdom, prophesied by Daniel and John, will come to pass enabling the Alien beast kingdom to take over the whole world.

If you are fence sitting, it's time to get off the fence.

If you are backsliding, it's time to get back with Yahweh.

Time is running out, and unless He protects you, there will be no place to hide.

The only safety we have is in Him.

The only way to defend yourself against evil and even aliens other than by prayer is with orgone made right.

Orgone that's made right will suffocate evil and they can't breathe being around it, so they'll stay away from the area with it in it.

Make some Orgone Blasters now and keep this evil out of your house and yard.

They're called tower busters because they're mostly used for nulling the weapon attacks and subliminal messages from towers, but I'm finding these things also serve as an evil-repellant and will keep aliens and demons out of your house and yard.

If you're a believer in Yahshuah-Jesus Christ, they're already in your yard or house if you're rebuking them.

About the Author:


Monday, 29 December 2008

National Demonic Possession Pt 3

Cary G Dean.

By Dr. Rebecca Brown



"This is the art that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge.

Forms of divination that open a person's doorways are palm reading, crystal ball reading, water witching, pendulum, divining rod, tarot cards or any form of card reading, tea leaf reading, numerology, and study of animal entrails.

(As in the Santeria religion)."

Modern "science" has produced some new divination techniques that are counterfeit science and 100% occult.

These are:

Graphoanalysis, hand writing analysis.

While there is a great deal of legitimacy in this art, if you hear such things as.

'You were involved in a painful accident at the age of 11 which causes you to have difficulty relating to people'

You know you are hearing occult divination.


"The iris is the colored part of the eye"

"It is claimed that by merely looking into the iris, any illness in the body can be diagnosed"

This is divination.


Kinesiology is the study of human motion, and with a study of the muscles of the body that produce specific movements.

This is science and is fine.

However, alternative types of kinesiology such as Applied Kinesiology and Behavioral Kinesiology are occultic.

Cytotoxology is the occult divination practice of claiming to be able to diagnose any illness from the supposed study of blood cells.

"Much information can be legitimately obtained by studying the blood, but it is impossible to diagnose all illnesses by studying one type of blood cell."

Reflexology is a supposed diagnosis of illness from reflexes.

It is occult divination.

"Hypnotism is basically a demonic trance"

It is in direct violation of God's Word.

We are commanded to take every thought captive [2 Cor 10:3-5] and to be sober and vigilant [1 Peter 5:8].

We must always be alert.

God holds us directly responsible for ourselves and our minds.

Hypnotism requires submission of the person being hypnotized.

Demons are ALWAYS placed into a person through hypnotism.

God's people MUST stay clear of this trap.

At this point, I can hear people saying that legitimate Dentistry uses this technique, and so we must be wrong.

I can only ask you whether you know the spiritual proclivities of your dentist who practices hypnotism!

People who are into the Craft look and act very normal.

If they did not, everyone in society would know the practicing Satanist on sight!

Dr. Brown repeatedly warns that many, many people in the Craft are medical professionals.

Stay away from hypnotism, and from medical professionals that use it!

"Acupuncture originated in Asia.

It is an integral part of the Asian religion.

The needles are supposed to tap into the 'Chi' or spirit.

Acupuncture provides a demonic healing.

Again, acupuncture may seem to bring relief, but at what price?

If the person being relieved of physical pain is attacked demonically, what have they gained?


"Works on the principle as acupuncture"

Color Analysis is.

"The type of analysis where you are told that certain colors affect your energy level"

As well as other parts of your body, and of your life.

Color healing is very popular in occult circles, including the New Age Movement.

Hair Analysis claims to be able to.

"Diagnose illness by analyzing hair."

Martial Arts are very popular in the United States right now.

It is very well known in the occult world that demon spirits are the power used in the martial arts.

"A good 'rule of thumb' is that if you reach the point where you can do those things that would normally rend flesh and bone without getting hurt, then you are using demon spirit power."

Seances are a popular form of divination.

How popular are they today in America?

They are so popular you can see merchandise advertisements using a seance as the basis for their commercial.

There are several forms of seances.

"Remember, a seance is anything that calls up a spirit to receive communication from it.

Other seances are:

The Ouija Board; Bloody Mary.

" A game played by children in which a demon appears in a mirror to them"

Demons love mirrors, and many occultists believe mirrors are a way in which to see into the spirit world.

I have seen many mirrors used in movies and cartoons in order to see into the spirit world.

Walt Disney is infamous for portraying mirrors in this way.


To speak with a counselor or spirit guide as in Silva Mind Control and many other techniques.

Roman Catholicism.

"Calling upon the 'saints' and Mary for help."

In the next chapter we will talk about the.


Sunday, 28 December 2008


Cary G Dean.

By David duke

Jewish Supremacist Organization Lites Menorah in front of White House!

While the Cross is outlawed on public ground – huge Jewish Menorahs are erected!

Chabad Lubavitch sponsored Menorah at the Kremlin Public menorah lightings were initiated and promoted by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, of righteous memory.

Today, more than 10,000 public squares around the world are illuminated by Menorahs placed by Chabad Lubavitch.

In a tradition started by the Lubavitcher Rebbe to publicize and popularize the Festival of Lights, Chabad has brought the menorah to be lit in the White House, the Kremlin, the Brandenburg Gate, in Iraq, embassies, consulates, State Houses, college campuses, army bases, ball games, shopping malls, and more.

Chabad Lubavitch sponsored a huge Menorah in Zagreb with Chabad claiming that Croatia can’t enter the EU unless Croatia builds a huge synagogue.?

What is so incredibly hypocritical about the whole thing is that the same media that lauds assimilation and diversity for European Americans has no problem with Jews resisting assimilation in the countries in which they dwell.

Of course, that is because the media is dominated by the same group that celebrates Hanukkah.

Most of the Jewish groups promoting Hanukkah do so use it as a lesson to vigorously condemn intermarriage between Jews and Gentiles.

Imagine for a moment if there was a White House ceremony that symbolized White rejection of assimilation and multiculturalism and condemned intermarriage of Whites with Jews.

Do you think the media would be silent?

Or how about if Bush Welcomed to the White House the Gentile equivalent of Jewish supremacists called Israel Identity and they had a religious ceremony celebrating opposition to Jews mixing or assimilating with them?

Every major Jewish organization in the world has programs dedicated to preventing intermarriage of Jews and non-Jews.

How often are they compared to those organizations of Whites who oppose intermarriage?

How many times have you seen the Hollywood stereotype of the evil White Southerner opposed to race-mixing?

How many times have you seen in the same media the image of evil Jewish supremacists opposed to the gentile tainting of Jewish blood?

How many of you reading this know that by law in Israel Jews and non-Jews cannot legally marry?

Has any media proposed stopping aid to Israel as long as this continues?

How many times has the media dared to compare those Israeli laws to the old anti-intermarriage laws in most of the American states?

How are these double standards maintained without any outcry?

In truth the double standards that we witness every day in the World reveal the extent of Jewish power and influence over our media, government and culture.

And how can the government of the U.S. forbid Christian crosses but put up Jewish religious symbols of supremacism and hate?

The answer to all these questions is quite evident.

The fact that the Jewish Menorah can be displayed on public property while Jewish organizations have successfully prevented the Christian Cross from being displayed on public property should show both the hypocrisy and power of the Jewish extremists in the United States.

The government and media of the United States are influenced mightily by the same Jewish extremists who exercise these double standards.

At they are committed to telling the truth on this vital subject no matter what the political or personal cost!
Christians Become Social Pariahs In Britain

Mobile Phones:Talk! Talk! Yourself to Death Pt 8

Cary G Dean.

Daily Mail
By: Sarah Harris
The evidence is in and it's overwhelming.
Bioinitiative Report

Scientists Add Kidney Damage To The List of Mobile Phone Ills

Mobile phones were at the centre of a new health scare after claims they can seriously damage the heart and kidneys.

Earlier reports have already linked their use to brain tumours, headaches and premature ageing.

Now scientists said exposure to the phones' low-level radiation causes red blood cells to leak haemoglobin.

The build-up of haemoglobin, which carries oxygen around the body, can lead to heart disease and kidney stones.

The findings will heighten alarm over the safety of mobile phones which are used by more than 50 million people in Britain.

In the latest research, scientists exposed samples of blood to varying degrees of microwave radiation for periods between ten to 60 hours.

Even at lower levels than those emitted by mobile phones, the cells leaked haemoglobin.

Professor Edward Tuddenham, a haemotologist at the Imperial College Medical School based in Hammersmith Hospital, West London, said the findings were worrying and he wanted to see the study followed up.

'The accumulation of haemoglobin in the body could result in heart disease or kidney stones,' he warned.

The Department of Health said yesterday that the new study - carried out at the European Research Institute for Electronic Components in Bucharest - would be examined by a Government-appointed committee due to report on phone safety next year.

However, the Cambridge based consumer group Powerwatch said with evidence of the risks growing the government needed to do more.

'We are still very much investigating the biological consequences of mobile phones.

But there certainly seems to be enough laboratory studies now saying there are effects, to be very concerned,' said a spokesman.

Last month, scientists at Sweden's Lund University found that two minutes of exposure to emissions from mobile phones can disable a safety barrier in the blood causing proteins and toxins to leak into the brain.

This can increase the chances of developing diseases such as Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's.

Dr. Herberman’s complete article

Doctors Warn Of Cell Phone Rash

Confirmed (Again) - Cell Phones Cause Cancer

Science Concedes - Cell Phones Break Up Cell DNA

This cbs link is looped back to the article, you will need to put the blog back in to read further.

Cell Phone - Brain Tumor Evidence Grows

Saturday, 27 December 2008

India-Pak : "HAIR TRIGGER" Nuclear War

Cary G Dean.

By Lord Stirling

War tensions are being racketed up in the Indian subcontinent, between India and Pakistan.

They have fought three major wars since what was once called India in the British Empire obtained its freedom and India and Pakistan split apart.

There is great distrust and hate between Hindu India and Islamic Pakistan.

The real danger comes from the fact that both are now nuclear armed neighboring states with very short warning times.

It has been estimated that the leadership of both India and Pakistan would have as short as two minutes warning once enemy nuclear armed missiles are spotted and confirmed, before first impacts/detonations .

That tends to put things on a.

'Hair Trigger'.

A surprise nuclear attack would be aimed at dramatically reducing the opposing state's ability to strike back with weapons of mass destruction giving the nation striking first a strong advantage.

The response to this is to fire at first warning a full counter battery nuclear attack.

A war could easily escalate from an Indian.

'Limited non-nuclear surgical strike'

Into an all out nuclear war targeting not only enemy military sites but also enemy population centers.

In addition to nuclear weapons, these missiles can carry advanced biological warheads, chemical warheads, advanced conventional weapons, and high explosive conventional warheads.

Global Effects of a regional India-Pakistan War:

A nuclear war involving the use of only 50 Hiroshima-sized weapons could cause a.

"Nuclear Winter"

Over large areas of North America and Eurasia with catastrophic climatic effects for years.

The 'Proceedings of the National Academy of Science'

In 2008 published a study that found a war including a nuclear exchange between India and Pakistan could create a near-global ozone hole with column ozone losses at over 20% globally.

25-45% at mid-latitudes and 50-70% at northern high latitudes persisting for five years with continuing substantial losses for five additional years.

As the world has kept its attention on several other things lately, like the US Presidential election and transition.

The global economic Crash of 2008.

Christmas, etc.

The old trouble spot of the Indian subcontinent has suddenly gone.

'Warm' if not 'Hot'.

If it goes 'Hot'.

The entire planet and all life on our Earth, could be in real trouble.

India-Pakistan Tensions Said On Knife Edge

Obama : And the‘WATCHER'S’!!!!

Cary G Dean.

By: Sorcha Faal
December 27, 2008

Another strange report from Russia’s Interior Ministry is circulating in the Kremlin today stating that the actions arising from our Earth Defense Forces ongoing confrontation with what are described in these reports as the.

‘Undersea bases of the Watchers’

In the Gulf of Aden have necessitated the
rushing to the region of the United States President-Elect Obama in an effort to avert what is described in these reports as a

‘Dire Threat’

To Mankind.

In our December 21st report titled.

“World Shipping Comes To Halt As Global Navies Prepare For ‘Unprecedented’ Confrontation”

We detailed some of the first reports on these strange events taking place in the area of the ancients.

“Global Naval Forces currently steaming towards, or already in, The Gulf of Aden include ‘friends and foes’ alike The United States, Iran, China, Russia, Germany, Switzerland,

Also, in our December 25th report titled.

Earth Must Be Warned!” Screams French Astronaut Before Suicide Attempt

We had further reported on the peculiar events now occurring in the Gulf of Aden and their connection with French scientist, and France’s first female astronaut Dr. Claudie Haigneré, who as we stated,

“Had to be"

‘Forcefully Restrained’

After Screaming.

“Earth Must Be Warned!”

Prior to her falling into a coma from a reported overdose of sleeping pills in an apparent attempt at suicide.”

These latest reports, however, point to a much graver crisis in our Earth’s present confrontation with these.


As reports from the Middle East and sub-continent are showing that our Global leaders are preparing for massive war actions in the two of the four known areas on our Planet having land access to these ancient aliens vast network of underground tunnels.


the Israelis prepared to launch an assault upon the Palestinians in the Gaza

And Pakistan reported to be
moving thousands of their military forces to the borders of India.

Nearly forgotten about our Earth’s most recent past experiences with these undersea/underland Watchers was the tragic death of 248 American Military Forces belonging to their highly decorated 101st Airborne Division on December 12, 1985.

Whose plane reportedly crashed on takeoff from Canada’s Gander Air Force Base as these soldiers were returning from their military tour of Egypt’s Sinai region.

Testimony made before the US House of Representatives House Intelligence Oversight Committee in 1998, on this tragedy, though, points to the CIA bombing of this US Military aircraft and is made even stranger by KGB reports of that time stating that.

Egyptian Intelligence Officials reported that all of the American soldiers were dead upon their being put upon the aircraft in Egypt after having been killed in a.

‘Horrific Battle’

At an underground Watcher base near the Gaza border.

It is interesting to note too, that though not commonly known by even the most astute researcher into these areas of wonder, the foremost authority on the undersea bases of the Watchers was the former World War II British Naval Intelligence officer.

"Ivan Terence Sanderson"

Whose research book on this subject.

Invisible Residents: The Reality of Underwater UFOs”,

Is still considered by Russian Intelligence Experts to be the most definitive book on this phenomena.

Even more interesting to note are the reports from France stating that Ivan Sanderson’s book.

Uninvited Visitors: A Biologist Looks At UFOs”,

Was being ‘clutched’ by Dr. Claudie Haigneré as she fell into her coma after shouting her mysterious warning.?

To all of these events, and as we had previously stated, it is not to our knowing what the final outcome of these events will be, other than to warn that in our Earth’s most ancient times the knowledge of these Watchers was beyond dispute.

And if our most ancient myths are anything to go by, then we are, indeed, entering a time when, once again, the battles between our human race and the


Will break forth into the open for all to see.


Friday, 26 December 2008

Night of the Red Sky Pt 4

Cary G Dean.

The Prophetic Vision of 'Grandfather'

By Tom Brown Jr

In the 1920s, an Apache wise man had a Vision of four prophecies that foretold death and destruction for mankind, unless we incorporate Spirit in our daily lives.

Two of these prophecies may already have come true.

A number of people can predict the future, but few get the timing correct.

"Grandfather" was an Apache wise man and scout, named Stalking Wolf, who grew up outside white man's influence.

His many predictions not only came true in the manner he predicted, but also when he predicted.

Tom Brown, Jr learned extensively from Grandfather for twenty years, from their first meeting when Tom was seven years old.

Stalking Wolf was the real-life grandfather of Tom's best friend at the time.

The following excerpt from Tom's book, The Quest, tells of Grandfather's predictions for all of mankind.

The Four Signs

Grandfather had been wandering for several years and was well into his forties when the Vision of the four signs was given to him.

He had just finished his third Vision Quest at the Eternal Cave when the Vision made itself known.

He had been seated at the mouth of the cave, awaiting the rising Sun, when the spirit of the warrior appeared to him.

He felt as if he were in a state somewhere between dream and reality, sleep and wakefulness, until the spirit finally spoke and he knew that it was not his imagination.

The spirit called Grandfather's name and beckoned him to follow.

As Grandfather stood, he was suddenly transported to another world.

Again, he thought that he was dreaming, but his flesh could feel the reality of this place.

His senses knew that this was a state of abject reality, but in another time and place.

The spirit warrior spoke to Grandfather.

"These are the things yet to come that will mark the destruction of man.

These things you may never see, but you must work to stop them and pass these warnings on to your grandchildren.

They are the possible futures of what will come if man does not come back to the Earth and begin to obey the laws of Creation and the Creator.

There are four signs, four warnings, that only the children of the Earth will understand.

Each warning marks the beginning of a possible future, and as each warning becomes reality, so too does the future it marks."

The Fourth Sign

He did not remember how many days he'd spent at the mouth of the cave, nor did it make a difference, for he had received the Vision he had come for.

It was in his final night at the Eternal Cave that the fourth Vision came to Grandfather, this time carried by the voice of a young child.

The child said.

The fourth and final sign will appear through the next ten winters [that is, ten years] following the night that the stars will bleed.

During this time, the Earth will heal itself and man will die.

For those ten years, the children of the Earth must remain hidden in the wild places, make no permanent camps, and wander to avoid contact with the last remaining forces of man.

They must remain hidden, like the ancient scouts, and fight the urge to go back to the destruction of man.

"Curiosity could kill many"

There was a long silence, until Grandfather spoke to the child spirit, asking.

"And what will happen to the worlds of man?"

There was another period of silence until finally the child spoke again.

"There will be a great famine throughout the world, like man cannot imagine"

Waters will run vile, the poisons of man's sins running strong in the waters of the soils, lakes and rivers.

Crops will fail, the animals of man will die, and disease will kill the masses.

The grandchildren will feed upon the remains of the dead, and all about will be the cries of pain and anguish.

Roving bands of men will hunt and kill other men for food, and water will always be scarce, getting scarcer with each passing year.

The land, the water, the sky will all be poisoned, and man will live in the wrath of the Creator.

Man will hide at first in the cities, but there he will die.

A few will run to the wilderness, but the wilderness will destroy them, for they had long ago been given a choice.

"Man will be destroyed, his cities in ruin, and it is then that the grandchildren will pay for the sins of their grandfathers and grandmothers"

"Is there then no hope?" Grandfather asked.

The child spoke again.

"There is only hope during the time of the first and second signs"

Upon the third sign, the night of the bleeding, there is no longer hope, for only the children of the Earth will survive.

"Man will be given these warnings"

If unheeded, there can be no hope, for only the children of the Earth will purge themselves of the cancers of mankind, of mankind's destructive thinking.

"It will be the children of the Earth who will bring a new hope to the new society, living closer to the Earth and Spirit."

Then all was silent, the landscape cleared and returned to normal, and Grandfather stepped from the Vision.

Shaken, he said that he had wandered for the next season, trying to understand all that had been given to him, trying to understand why he had been chosen to see it.

Grandfather had related the story to me in great detail during that night of the four prophecies.

I don't think that any event had been left out, and his emotions and thoughts were such that he actually relived it for us.

Thus the power of his Vision became part of our spirit, our driving force, and a big part of our fears.

I sat for a long time up on the hill.

The fire had gone out, and all had retired to sleep for the night.

Creation seemed to be at a standstill, awaiting this darkest part of the night to pass by.

I felt alone and vulnerable, as if all of Creation were scrutinising my every thought.

Grandfather had this Vision some time in the 1920s.

About the Author:

Tom Brown, Jr has called the wilderness home for most of his life.

In 1978 he wrote his first book, The Tracker (an autobiography), and founded the Tracker School where he teaches courses in survival skills such as tracking, nature awareness and ancient Earth philosophy.

He has since written another 15 books, including Tom Brown's Field Guide to Wilderness Survival as well as The Search, The Vision, The Quest, The Journey, Grandfather and Awakening Spirits.

For details on tracking courses and how to obtain Tom's books, visit The Tracker, Inc. website at.

Holiday Appeal

Cary G Dean.

By Brasscheck TV

Haiti is the only country in history where an enslaved people threw over their captors and took charge of their country.

And generations later, the global slave masters have never let them forget it.

The poorest country in the western hemisphere and one of the poorest in the world, it's been run by one band of US-supported criminals after another.

(So much for bringing democracy to the world.)

This year Haiti took direct hits from four major hurricanes.

It's rare to get news about Haiti in the US. Rarer still for Haitians to be portrayed as human beings.

How you can help

Haitian people are not short of initiative, man-power or courage.

They do need some help from the outside world following the storms. But a little, well-targeted aid to grass roots projects will go far.

Most good-sized, reliable aid organizations have projects in Haiti.

You can donate through those groups and specify that you want your donation to go to projects in Haiti.

Specific suggestions:

The Lambi catalog

More about this group:

If this group doesn't resonate with you, you may find one from this list of projects screened by Global Giving:

Check them all out: age/513.html

Thursday, 25 December 2008

The Bush Dynasty:Funding the Nazi's Pt 7

Cary G Dean.

Watch Unto Prayer

But the end of all things is at hand:
be ye therefore sober, and
watch unto prayer.
~ I Peter 4:7

National Revival? Revival or Mind Control?

In the final analysis, Evangelical Christians have been pawns in the dialectical process -- the modus operandi of slowly but inexorably moving huge portions of humanity into the New Age.

The takeover of both political parties by Judeo-Freemasonry is essential to force the U.S. into a world government and at the present time there is no substantive difference between the major political parties.

A Democratic administration would fulfill the Plan no differently than the present Republican administration, except that American conservatives would object strongly to the removal of their civil liberties under a liberal Democrat such as Al Gore.

Because they believe George Bush to be a Christian, their guard is down and Christian conservatives have surrendered their Constitutional Rights trusting their liberties will be restored once terrorism is eradicated.

The Order of Skull and Bones, of which George Bush is an initiated member, is one of a global network of secret societies known as the Brotherhood of Death.

Skull and Bones, was created as an American chapter of the German Thule Society which initiated and trained Adolf Hitler in the secret doctrine.

Dope, Inc.:

The Book That Drove Kissinger Crazy is the Executive Intelligence Review's expose of the Anglo-American oligarchy's drug smuggling syndicate since the days of the Opium Wars, in which covert operations George H.W. Bush was the kingpin.

The authors of Dope Inc. described the Thule Society's struggle for ideology:

"Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party is the paramount case in the West of a Gnostic movement come to power.

Hitler's world conception was specifically Gnostic.

As a child, Hitler attended the Lambach Abbey School in Lambach-am-Tram in upper Austria.

Since at least 20 years before Hitler's birth, Lambach had been a center of Gnostic practice.

Its abbot, Father Theodore Hagen, was adept in astrology and in the fundamentals of the Gnostic heresy, with particular affinity for thirteenth-century Catharism and Islamic Sufism.

This Benedictine monk caused a swastika to be engraved over the entrance to the abbey school.

"When Hitler went to the abbey in 1899, there was also a young Cistercian monk, Adolf Joseph Lanz, who was later to lead Hitler through the racialist cult networks of Vienna.

In 1900, Lanz threw aside his habit, went to Vienna and founded the Order of the New Temple, inspired by the Knights Templar.

In 1905, using the name of Georg Lanz von Liebenfels, he began to publish the racist cult journal Ostara, dedicated to propagandizing in favor of the war between the

'Sons of Light'

And the.

'Sons of Darkness'

That is, the war between the blond, blue-eyed Aryan and the dark, scheming Jew.

"In Munich, Hitler was routed into Gnostic circles revolving around the Thule Society, named after the mythical.

'Ultima Thule'

Homeland of the Aryans in the north, and made up of south German, Swiss, and British oligarchs.

The Nazi Roots Of The House Of Windsor

Dedicated to creating a mass-based party to indoctrinate defeated Germany with Gnostic ideas.

Hitler became its chosen spokesman.

"Hitler's mission was to destroy Christianity and Judaism in favor of the ancient pagan religion.

When the war was lost, Germany being invaded on every front, catastrophe looming, Hitler's lieutenants clustered around him to know what the Fuhrer would do.

Hitler told them that, whatever the outcome of the war, the greater war had been won.

One hundred years after his death, he predicted, Christianity would no longer exist as a significant force in the world.

That was victory, he said, To destroy Christianity, Hitler reasoned, one must first destroy its 'agent,' the 'bacillus the Jew'; that nation of priests,' as Nietzsche had angrily called them.


Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Big Brother 1984-2012 Pt 10

Cary G Dean.

Big Brother research archive






George Orwell-1949

With the deep, unconscious sigh which not even the nearness of the telescreen could prevent him from uttering when his day’s work started, Winston pulled the speakwrite towards him, blew the dust from its mouthpiece, and put on his

Then he unrolled and clipped together four small cylinders of paper which had already flopped out of the pneumatic tube on the right-hand side of his desk.

In the walls of the cubicle there were three orifices.

To the right of the speakwrite, a small pneumatic tube for written messages,to the left, a larger one for newspapers; and in the side wall, within easy reach of Winston’s arm, a
large oblong slit protected by a wire grating.

This last was for the disposal of waste paper.

Similar slits existed in thousands or tens of thousands throughout the building, not only in every room but at short intervals in every corridor.

For some reason they were nicknamed memory holes.

When one knew that any document was due for destruction, or even when one saw a scrap of waste paper lying about, it was an automatic action to lift the flap of the nearest memory hole and drop it in, whereupon it would be whirled away on a current of warm air to the enormous furnaces which were hidden somewhere in the recesses of the building.

Winston examined the four slips of paper which he had unrolled.

Each contained a message of only one or two lines, in the abbreviated jargon — not actually Newspeak, but consisting largely of Newspeak words — which was used

in the Ministry for internal purposes.

They ran:

Times 17.3.84 bb speech malreported africa rectify times 19.12.83 forecasts 3 yp 4th quarter 83 misprints verify current issue times 14.2.84 miniplenty malquoted chocolate rectify times 3.12.83 reporting bb dayorder doubleplusungood refs unpersons rewrite fullwise upsub antefiling With a faint feeling of satisfaction Winston laid the fourth message aside.

It was an intricate and responsible job and had better be dealt with last.

The other three were routine matters, though the second one would probably mean some tedious wading through lists of figures.

Winston dialled

’Back Numbers’

On the telescreen and called for the appropriate issues of The Times, which slid out of the pneumatic tube after only a few minutes’ delay.

The messages he had received referred to articles or news
items which for one reason or another it was thought necessary to alter, or, as the official phrase had it, to rectify.

For example, it appeared from The Times of the seventeenth of March that Big Brother, in his speech of the previous day, had predicted that the South Indian front would remain quiet but that a Eurasian offensive would shortly be launched in North Africa.

As it happened,
the Eurasian Higher Command had launched its offensive in South India and left North Africa alone. It was therefore necessary to rewrite a paragraph of Big Brother’s speech, in such a way as to make him predict the thing that had actually happened.

Or again, The Times of the nineteenth of December had published the official forecasts of the output of various classes of consumption goods in the fourth quarter of 1983, which was also the sixth quarter of the
Ninth Three-Year Plan.

Today’s issue contained a statement of the actual output, from which it appeared that the forecasts were in every instance grossly wrong.

Winston’s job was to rectify the original figures by making them agree with the later ones.

As for the third message, it referred to a very simple error which could be set right in a couple of minutes.

As short a time ago as February, the Ministry of Plenty had issued a promise

(a ’categorical pledge’ were the official words)

That there would be no reduction of the chocolate ration during 1984.

Actually, as Winston was aware, the chocolate ration was to be reduced from thirty grammes to twenty at the end of the present week.

All that was needed was to substitute for the original promise a warning that it would probably be necessary to reduce the ration at some time in April.

As soon as Winston had dealt with each of the messages, he clipped his speakwritten corrections to the appropriate copy of The Times and pushed them into the pneumatic tube.

Then, with a movement which was as nearly as possible unconscious, he crumpled up the original message and any notes that he himself had made, and dropped them into the memory hole to be devoured by the flames.

What happened in the unseen labyrinth to which the pneumatic tubes led,
he did not know in detail, but he did know in general terms.

As soon as all the corrections which happened to be necessary in any particular number of The Times had been assembled and collated,that number would be reprinted, the
original copy destroyed, and the corrected copy placed on the files in its stead.

This process of continuous alteration was applied not only to newspapers, but to books, periodicals, pamphlets, posters, leaflets, films, sound-tracks, cartoons, photographs — to every kind of literature or documentation which might conceivably hold any political or ideological significance.

'Ministry Of Truth' Edits UK Kids Dictionary

Day by day and almost minute by minute the past was brought up to date.

In this way every prediction made by the Party could be shown by documentary evidence to have been correct, nor was any item of news, or any expression of opinion, which conflicted with the needs of the moment, ever allowed to remain on record.

All history was a palimpsest, scraped clean and reinscribed exactly as often as was necessary.

no case would it have been possible, once the deed was done, to prove that any falsification had taken place.

The largest section of the Records Department, far larger than the one on which Winston worked, consisted simply of persons whose duty it was to track down and collect all copies of books, newspapers, and other documents which had been superseded and were due for destruction.

A number of The Times which might, because of changes in political alignment, or mistaken prophecies uttered by Big Brother, have been rewritten a dozen times still stood on the files bearing its original date, and no other copy existed

to contradict it.

Books, also, were recalled and rewritten again and again, and were invariably reissued without any admission that any alteration had been made.

Even the written instructions which Winston received, and which he
invariably got rid of as soon as he had dealt with them, never stated or implied that an act of forgery was to be committed:

Always the reference was to slips, errors, misprints, or misquotations which it was necessary to put right in the interests of accuracy.

But actually, he thought as he re-adjusted the Ministry of Plenty’s figures,
it was not even forgery.

It was merely the substitution of one piece of nonsense for another.

Most of the material that you were dealing with had no connexion with anything in the real world, not even the kind of connexion that is contained in a direct lie.

Statistics were just as much a fantasy in their original version as in their rectified version.

A great deal of the time you were expected to
make them up out of your head.

For example, the Ministry of Plenty’s forecast had estimated the output of boots for the quarter at 145 million pairs.

The actual output was given as sixty-two millions.

Winston, however, in rewriting
the forecast, marked the figure down to fifty-seven millions, so as to allow for the usual claim that the quota had been overfulfilled.

In any case, sixty-two
millions was no nearer the truth than fifty-seven millions, or than 145 millions.

Very likely no boots had been produced at all.

Likelier still, nobody knew
how many had been produced, much less cared.

All one knew was that every quarter astronomical numbers of boots were produced on paper, while perhaps half the population of Oceania went barefoot.

And so it was with every class
of recorded fact, great or small.

Everything faded away into a shadow-world in which, finally, even the date of the year had become uncertain.

About the Author:
"During times of universal deceit,
telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
George Orwell

High Cholesterol : Fact or Fiction Pt 14

Cary G Dean.

The Dangers of a Healthy Diet

'Healthy Eating'?

Tells us to eat low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets but in the last few years of the Twentieth Century several papers demonstrated the harm this could do.

Back in 1932 obese patients on different diets lost weight thus:

Average daily losses on high carbohydrate/low fat diet - 49g?

Average daily losses on low carbohydrate/high fat diet - 205g??

Drs Lyon and Dunlop say:

"The most striking feature of the table above is that the losses appear to be inversely proportionate to the carbohydrate content of the food.

Where the carbohydrate intake is low the rate of loss in weight is greater and conversely."

It's no coincidence that the numbers of people getting fat has risen dramatically since


Was advocated.

As long ago as 1863 it was shown that low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets make people fat.

The medical world is at last waking up to this fact.

In 1994 Professor Susan Wooley of the University of Cincinnati's College of Medicine and David M Garner, Director of Research at the Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research wrote that:

"The failure of fat people to achieve a goal they seem to want and to want almost above all else must now be admitted for what it is"

"A Failure"

"Not of those people but of the methods of treatment that are used."

In other words, blaming the overweight for their problem and telling them they are eating too much and must cut down, is simply not good enough.

It is the dieticians' advice and the treatment offered that are wrong.

Wooley and Garner conclude:

"We should stop offering ineffective treatments aimed at weight loss"

Researchers who think they have invented a better mousetrap should test it in controlled research before setting out their bait for the entire population.

"Only by admitting that our treatments do not work and showing that we mean it by refraining from offering them can we undo a century of recruiting fat people for failure."

In 1997 two more Americans, Drs AF Heini and RL Weinsier noticed the trend and blamed it on low-fat diets saying:

"Reduced fat and calorie intake and frequent use of low-calorie food products have been associated with a paradoxical increase in the prevalence of obesity".

Heart disease and diabetics.

Obese people tend to go on to suffer type II diabetes (NIDDM) and diabetics are more prone to heart disease.

For this reason patients with NIDDM are counselled to eat a.


Low-fat, high-carb diet.

But as a paper in the medical journal, Diabetes Care , pointed out

"Low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets eaten by patients with diabetes (NIDDM) have been shown to lead to higher day-long plasma glucose, insulin, triglycerides, and VLDL-TG, among other negative effects"

"In general, this study has demonstrated that multiple risk factors for coronary heart disease are worsened for diabetics who consume the low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet so often recommended to reduce these risks."

In June 1999 the 81st Annual Meeting of The Endocrine Society was told:

" A very high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet has been shown to have astounding effects in helping type 2 diabetics lose weight and improve their blood lipid profiles.

The thing many diabetics coming into the office don't realize is that other forms of carbohydrates will increase their sugar, too.

"Dieticians will point toward complex carbohydrates . . . oatmeal and whole wheat bread, but we have to deliver the message that these are carbohydrates that increase blood sugars, too ."

And postmenopausal women In 1997 it was discovered that.

"Low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets [15% protein, 60% carbohydrate, 25% fat] increase the risk of heart disease in post-menopausal women."

In fact everyone.

Dr. Gerald M. Reaven, of Stanford University School of Medicine in California, and colleagues compared the effects of a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet [25% fat, 60% carb, 15% protein] with a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet [45% fat, 40% carb, 15% protein], on blood fats and cholesterol.

They found their subjects had significantly higher fasting plasma triglyceride concentrations, remnant lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations, and remnant triglyceride concentrations when they were on the high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet, both after fasting and after breakfast and lunch.

The study participants also had significantly lower HDL (the 'good' cholesterol) concentrations on this diet.

The authors conclude:

"Given the atherogenic potential of these changes in lipoprotein metabolism, it seems appropriate to question the wisdom of recommending that all People should replace dietary saturated fat with [carbohydrate]."

But then, in 1992, from the Framingham study again came:

"In Framingham, Mass, the more saturated fat one ate, the more cholesterol one ate, the more calories one ate, the lower the person's serum cholesterol"?

"We found that the people who ate the most cholesterol, ate the most saturated fat, ate the most calories"

"Weighed the least and were the most physically active."?

And that's not all:

Low-fat, high-carb diet and breast cancer

The largest and most comprehensive study on diet and breast cancer to date found that:

Women with the lowest intake of fat had a significantly higher incidence of breast cancer.

women with the highest intake of starch also had a significantly higher incidence of breast cancer.

Saturated fats were not implicated in breast cancer.

The biggest study so far into the relation between breast cancer and fat intake is the Nurses' Health Study, conducted by Harvard University Medical School.

A total of 88,795 women free of cancer in 1980 were followed up for 14 years.

Comparing breast cancer rates in women who derived more than thirty percent of their calorie intake from fat with women who derived less than twenty percent of calories from fat, they show that those on low-fat diets had a higher rate of breast cancer than those who ate more.

They went on to look at the various different types of fats and found that breast cancer rates were lower for all types except one:

Omega-3 fish oils, which are touted as.


Were the only ones that increased cancer rates.

However, the increase was small.

Dr Michelle Holmes and colleagues conclude:

"We found no evidence that lower intake of total fat or specific major types of fat was associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer" .


Lyon DM, Dunlop DM.. The treatment of obesity: a comparison of the effects of diet and of thyroid extract. Quarterly Journal of Medicine 1932; 1: 331-52
S C Wooley, D M Garner. Dietary treatments for obesity are ineffective. Br Med J 1994;309: 655.
AF Heini, RL Weinsier. Divergent trends in obesity and fat intake patterns: the American paradox. Am J Med 1997; 102: 259-64
YD Chen, et al. Why do low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets accentuate postprandial lipemia in patients with NIDDM? Diabetes Care 1995; 18: 10-16
J Jeppeson, et al. Effects of low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets on risk factors for ischemic heart disease in postmenopausal women. Am J Clin Nutr 1997; 65: 1027-33
F Abbasi, et al. High carbohydrate diets, triglyceride-rich lipoproteins and coronary heart disease risk. Am J Cardiol 2000; 85: 45-48
Castelli WP. Arch Int Med 1992; 152: 1371-1372
S Franceschi, et al. Intake of macronutrients and risk of breast cancer. Lancet 1996; 347: 1351-6
M D. Holmes, et al. Association of Dietary Intake of Fat and Fatty Acids With Risk of Breast Cancer. JAMA . 1999; 281: 914.
W Banting. Letter on Corpulence addressed to the Public . 1863.
N Rojas, AF Sanchi. Hypoglycemia and delinquents. Arch Legal Med 1941; 11: 29
J Yudkin. Sucrose and cardiovascular disease. Proc Nutr Soc 1972; 31: 331-7
C La Vecchia, et al . Refined-sugar intake and the risk of colorectal cancer in humans. Int J Cancer 1993; 55: 386-9;
RM Bostick, et al. Sugar, meat, and fat intake, and non-dietary risk factors for colon cancer incidence in Iowa women. Cancer Causes Control . 1994; 5: 38-52.

About the Author:


Monday, 22 December 2008

Digital HDTV - Mind Control!!!

Cary G Dean.

By Ken Adachi


This is an extremely timely and important essay.

It overviews a secret Pentagon psychotronics technology known as Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) that has been fully operational since the early 1990s.

This technology was used against battle-hardened Iraqi troops fortified in deep underground bunkers in Kuwait and Iraq in the first Gulf War in January of 1991.

This technology is about to be used, albeit in a more subtle fashion, against The World's citizens in a highly classified and covert operation to mind control and manipulate the entire population into


With our New World Order overlords.

The technology will utilize a combination of HAARP transmitters, GWEN towers, microwave cell phone towers, and the soon-to-be-mandatory High Definition Digital TV that will enter your home via:




or (d)
Those oh-so-easy-to-obtain "digital converter boxes"

That the government is so anxious to help you obtain and underwrite most of the cost on your behalf.

But why are government's so anxious to help it's citizens experience a clearer and more highly defined television picture?

Does that make sense to you?

Since when have your government's been so concerned about the visual quality of our televised entertainment.

And mandate that the HD conversion take place on Feb. 17, 2009 and then subsidze about 90% of the associated cost?

This mind-altering covert weapon is based on something called subliminal carrier technology, or the Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) (also nicknamed S-Quad or "Squad" in military jargon).

It was developed for military use by Dr. Oliver Lowery of Norcross, Georgia, and is described in US Patent #5,159,703.

"Silent Subliminal Presentation System"

For commercial use in 1992.

The patent abstract reads:

"A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low (ELF) or very high audio-frequency (VHF) range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude- or frequency-modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones, or piezoelectric transducers"

"The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic, or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener."

In layman's terms, this device.

"This Sound of Silence"

Simply allows for the unwarranted implantation of specific thoughts, emotions, and even prescribed physical actions into unsuspecting human beings.

In short, it has the very real ability to turn human beings into mere puppets in the hands of certain


Or puppet-masters.?

(Go see the movie "THEY LIVE" it's not sci-fi)

Officially, the Sound of Silence (S-quad) technology does not exist.

However, the physical realities cannot be ignored by the rational and logical thinking mind.

For example, imagine utilizing the Sound of Silence in a large store, mixing the ELF waves with background music to subliminally brainwash dishonest shoppers not to engage in shoplifting?

Such a device would save the owner's many millions in lost revenue every year.

Suppose also that a young, black man from Illinois was given access to, and was able to utilize the S-quad Sound of Silence technology in his public speeches, radio and 30-minute television.


All programmed and designed by


To illicit strong emotional responses from audience members who then are merely

"Hearing without listening."

"And then voting accordingly"

Obama's Use Of Hidden Hypnosis In Speeches

The military-industrialist complex has quietly completed the takeover of the nation's consciousness, and thus its very soul.

Of course, whoever controls the minds of all humans, controls the wealth and destiny of Planet Earth

There is ample evidence that certain elitists in America and Israel plan to definitely extend the capacity of this technology to encompass all people on every continent.

A key to this is the HAARP project where ELF and VHF frequencies can indeed be beamed off of the Earth's ionosphere to various GWEN towers worldwide.

Of course, Government's officially denies all of this, telling the talking-heads of the [Zionist] controlled news media that the GWEN towers are merely private cell-phone towers with no ulterior agenda, and therefore anybody who thinks otherwise is a lunatic-fringe conspiracy nut.

"Within the last two decades a potential has emerged which was improbable, but which is now feasible.

This potential is the technical capability to influence directly the major portion of the approximately 6.5 billion brains of the human species, without mediation through classical sensory modalities, by generating neural information within a physical medium within which all members of the species are immersed.


Creating A Nation Of Zombies
Warning About Adverse HDTV Health Effects

Sunday, 21 December 2008


Cary G Dean.

By Dr. Edwin Vieira
December 18, 2008

Everyday my mail box is filled with requests to investigate corruption at all levels of government.

It's regrettable that so much time and effort has to be directed in exposing Barack Hussein Obama, (aka) Barry Soetoro, (aka) Barry Obama, (aka) Barack Dunham, (aka) Barry Dunham as a fraud, but it must be done.

"Indeed, in these times, the very absence of an objection may indicate only that.

“The good old boys”

In Congress—Democrats certainly, and Republicans most likely, too—have.

“Cut a deal”

Among themselves behind the scenes in order to suppress an investigation the inevitable and unavoidable results of which would demonstrate the utter bankruptcy, if not criminality, of the present electoral process—in that an individual possibly.

“Not Eligible to the Office of President”

And his handlers may have managed to bamboozle, bribe, blackmail, or otherwise subvert, suborn, or silence both of the “two” major political parties, the big media, the pundits, and every public official with civil or criminal jurisdiction over elections throughout both the General Government and the States."

Obama refuses to release any other documents being held by the State of Hawaii.

Obama didn't have any problem when it came to the confirmation of Chief Justice John Roberts.

"Let me also say that I remain distressed that the White House during this confirmation process, which overall went smoothly, failed to provide critical documents as part of the record that could have provided us with a better basis to make our judgment with respect to the nomination."

This isn't about privacy for Obama, it's about lies and lots of them.

I have several Freedom of Information Act and State Records Act requests outstanding.

I will continue to fight to get the documents I want -- especially the ones from the U.S. State Department who have simply ignored my FOIAs altogether at this point.


Because I know Obama has been lying about his life for decades.

America and the World have the right to know the truth - the whole truth - and nothing but the Awful Truth.

The foolish people who work for the mainstream media whores and that includes cable news networks (CNN, MSNBC, FOX) have either excoriated anyone who believes a candidate running for president of these united States of America must prove his citizenship, or have completely ignored this issue, aren't even worth commenting on any longer.

These networks and their anchors are nothing but a disgrace to their profession.

“When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire.

As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948.

That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children."

"I'll leave you now with the relevant textbook definition of natural born citizen.

The following was published in 1758.

This definition, added to all of the above, certainly establishes a rational legal basis to hold that Barack Obama is not a natural born Citizen.

And more than that, it puts the burden on those who deny it to don the tin foil hat of despair and bring forthwith to the table of honest debate their own bed of authority to lie in:

§ 212. Citizens and natives.

"The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages.

The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.

As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights.

The society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own preservation; and it is presumed, as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it.

The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent.

We shall soon see whether, on their coming to the years of discretion, they may renounce their right, and what they owe to the society in which they were born.

I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country."

Obots are very passionate about their support of this man who has sealed up his life as tight as Scrooge.

Obama slaps his supporters in the face with each passing day by refusing to address this issue other than spending a whopping one million dollars to date to fight the exposure of all his lies.

But, what can one expect since Obama's base is Chicago, Illinois, a state that has produced some of the most corrupt elected officials in the history of this Great country.

Obama won't be the first mulatto president, he'll be the first who is driven from office in shame and/or he is indicted for crimes, i.e., wire fraud.

Nixon was brought down by a cover up and so will Obama.

Let Congress know that when they meet on January 6, 2009, they have the power to stop this flim flam man from taking office and if they don't, the legal quagmire and rage will simply escalate.

Generals' Revolt Threatens Obama Presidency

"Democracy is being allowed to vote for the candidate you dislike the least"

Sherry Shriner

I find it interesting that I found in the Bible Codes that Obama will make a monetary payment to Kenya in January.... for what?

Most likely for hiding the details of his birth in Kenya and NOT Hawaii.... and paying them with what?

Taxpayer money no doubt!