Sunday, 31 August 2008


Cary G Dean.


by John Fleming

In 1992, Newsweek reported that "with powerful new devices that peer through the skull and see the brain at work, neuroscientists seek the wellsprings of thoughts and emotions, the genesis of intelligence and language".

"They hope, in short, to read your mind."

In 1994, a scientist noted that "current imaging techniques can depict physiological events in the brain which accompany sensory perception and motor activity, as well as cognition and speech."

In order to give a satellite mind-reading capability, it only remains to put some type of EEG-like-device on a satellite and link it with a computer that has a data bank of brain-mapping research.

I believe that surveillance satellites began reading minds--or rather, began allowing the minds of targets to be read--sometime in the early 1990s.

Some satellites in fact can read a person's mind from space.

Also part of satellite technology is the notorious, patented


The ability of which to manipulate behavior defies description.

In Brave New World, Huxley anticipated the Neurophone.

In that novel, people hold onto a metal knob to get "feely effects" in a simulated orgy where "the facial errogenous zones of the six thousand spectators in the Alhambra tingled with almost intolerable galvanic pleasure."

Though not yet applied to sex, the Neurophone--or more precisely, a Neurophone-like-instrument--has been adapted for use by satellites and can alter behavior in the manner of subliminal audio "broadcasting," but works on a different principle.

After converting sound into electrical impulses, the Neurophone transmits radio waves into the skin, where they proceed to the brain, bypassing the ears and the usual cranial auditory nerve and causing the brain to recognize a neurological pattern as though it were an audible communication, though often on a subconscious level.

A person stimulated with this device "hears" by a very different route.

The Neurophone can cause the deaf to "hear" again.

Ominously, when its inventor applied for a second patent on an improved Neurophone, the National Security Agency tried unsuccessfully to appropriate the device.

A surveillance satellite, in addition, can detect human speech.

Burrows observed that satellites can "even eavesdrop on conversations taking place deep within the walls of the Kremlin."

Walls, ceilings, and floors are no barrier to the monitoring of conversation from space.

Even if you were in a highrise building with ten stories above you and ten stories below, a satellite's audio surveillance of your speech would still be unhampered.

Inside or outside, in any weather, anyplace on earth, at any time of day, a satellite "parked" in space in a geosynchronous orbit (whereby the satellite, because it moves in tandem with the rotation of the earth, seems to stand still) can detect the speech of a human target.

Apparently, as with reconnaissance in general, only by taking cover deep within the bowels of a lead-shielding fortified building could you escape audio monitoring by a satellite.

There are various other satellite powers, such as manipulating electronic instruments and appliances like alarms, electronic watches and clocks, a television, radio, smoke detector and the electrical system of an automobile.

For example, the digital alarm on a watch, tiny though it is, can be set off by a satellite from hundreds of miles up in space.

And the light bulb of a lamp can be burned out with the burst of a laser from a satellite.

In addition, street lights and porch lights can be turned on and off at will by someone at the controls of a satellite, the means being an electromagnetic beam which reverses the light's polarity.

Or a lamp can be made to burn out in a burst of blue light when the switch is flicked.

As with other satellite powers, it makes no difference if the light is under a roof or a ton of concrete--it can still be manipulated by a satellite laser.

Types of satellite lasers include the free-electron laser, the x-ray laser, the neutral-particle-beam laser, the chemical- oxygen-iodine laser and the mid-infra-red advanced chemical laser.

About the Author:

John Fleming

Saturday, 30 August 2008


Cary G Dean.

By Brasscheck Tv

You can help New Orleans right now by going to this page, rating the video and encouraging your friends and colleagues to do the same:

If you want to know why this is so important, read on...

Right now, they're packing up their belongings preparing to leave their homes for no one knows how long.

Their minds are filled with questions like where they're going to sleep, what they'll eat, what's going to happen to their kid's schools...

One thing the citizens of New Orleans can count on is that while they're completely preoccupied and unable to defend themselves, the media slander machine led by Fox News will be kicking them when they're down - just like they did three years ago.

"They're freeloaders. They're corrupt. They shouldn't live there etc."

Anything to cover the basic fact that the US has abandoned its citizens, its infrastructure, and even its future in a mad power grab overseas that is sucking up hundreds of billions of dollars while basic services at home go begging.

Make no mistake...New Orleans is ground zero for the US.

Your city is next.

If we don't draw a line in the sand here and now and insist that the government take responsibility for its failed levees and other infrastructure, you might as well start practicing your goose step.

Because that's the next logical stop for the trajectory we're on.

How much more contempt does the government have to show for its citizens to make it any clearer?

Being informed helps. Informing others helps too.

Because of the efforts of a lot of people, we are now the #11 highest rated "News and Politics" video on YouTube today...even with all the convention baloney.

We need your help to move

"The Katrina Myth"

Further up the rankings so more people will see this important message.

Go, view, comment, rate and ask others to do the same:

Brasscheck Tv

Vaccination's:Death By Slow Poison Pt 8

Cary G Dean.

"The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used."

Dr. James A. Shannon

Ex Director of the National Institutes of Health

by Lewis Regenstein

Vaccines, Mercury, and Autism - Is There a Link?

In recent years, there has been an explosion of neurological disorders among children, the most serious of which is the crippling syndrome knows as autism.

The dramatic increase in the incidence of autism has accompanied the more than tripling of the childhood vaccination schedule, and many parents have described how their perfectly normal, alert, intelligent, healthy infants suddenly regressed into an autistic state after receiving vaccination shots.

Pediatricians and health officials have long ridiculed the claims of parents of thousands of autistic children, that vaccines appear to have played a role in their children’s regression.

But these claims have been corroborated by the recent admission of medical experts at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services who conceded, in a case before a secretive special court, that childhood vaccinations contributed to causing Hannah Poling, a child from Athens, Georgia to, in effect, become autistic

(contract a brain disorder "with features of autism spectrum disorder").

What has been largely overlooked in this debate is the well known and extreme toxicity of mercury, a preservative used in most childhood vaccines and flu shots, known for hundreds of years to be toxic to nerve cells, and especially harmful to the minds of developing children.

The routine flu vaccination now being recommended for almost all Americans, including kids as young as six months and pregnant women, contains about 25 micrograms of mercury, perhaps the most toxic non-radioactive compound on earth.

Thimerosal, a preservative, is about half mercury, and was largely though not completely removed from children's vaccines several years ago because of fears about its toxicity.

Federal health authorities routinely tell reporters, falsely, that mercury was eliminated from childhood vaccines manufactured after 2001, yet autism continued to increase.

This misinformation has been widely reported and repeatedly cited by the medical industry as evidence that mercury is not linked to the ever-rising rate of autism.

However, some mercury is still present in the vaccines - except for the MMR shot (measles, mumps, rubella) - at reduced levels that no one can precisely quantify.

Moreover, since the earlier vaccines were never recalled, they probably remained in use for years after 2001.

Defenders of vaccines also repeatedly claim that scientific studies have failed to establish a link between vaccines and autism.

But dozens of studies showing a link and going back decades can be found on such websites as,, and in David Kirby’s extensively documented, best-selling book, Evidence of Harm.

Two new studies show that Japanese children developed autism in direct proportion to the numbers vaccinated;

And vaccinated baby monkeys developed autism-like neurological abnormalities.

It is baffling that mercury is still allowed to be injected into the bodies of youngsters and women carrying fetuses.

The federal Environmental Protection Agency and most state governments warn against eating many types of fish contaminated with tiny traces of this deadly metal, especially pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Indeed, mercury has been known for hundreds of years to be deadly - a compound that severely damages the brains of humans.

The famous Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland was made insane by breathing vapors of mercury used in making hats, a common occurrence in the 19th century.

These are just some of the ingredients used to make a vaccine.

* Ethylene glycol (antifreeze)
* Phenol also known as carbolic acid (this is used as a disinfectant, dye)
* Formaldehyde a known cancer causing agent
* Aluminum which is associated with Alzheimer disease and seizures also cancer producing in laboratory mice ( it is used as an additive to promote antibody response)
* Thimerosal (used as a mercury disinfectant/preservative) can result in brain injury and autoimmune disease
* Neomycin, Streptomycin (used as antibiotic) have caused allergic reactions in some people

These vaccines are grown and strained through animal or human tissues like monkey kidney tissue, chicken embryo, embryonicguinea pig cells, calf serum, human diploid cells (the dissected organs of aborted fetuses as in the case of rubella,hepatitis A, and chickenpox vaccines), ( some vaccines contain genetically engineered DNA)

Vaccines have been linked to:

*deafness *asthma *diarrhea *inconsolable screaming *encephalitis *convulsions and other seizures *blindness *behavior problem *autism *anaphylactic shock *neurological disabilities * immune malfunction *arthritis *epilepsy
*brain damage *cerebral palsy *deafness *recurrent seizures * multiple sclerosis *polio *diabetes mellitus *chronic fatigue *paralysis *negative change in the genetic structure of humans *alzheimer *meningitis *DEATH!!.

About the Author:
Lewis Regenstein

Friday, 29 August 2008


Cary G Dean.

Controversial fluoride is one of the basic ingredients in both PROZAC (FLUoxetene Hydrochloride) and Sarin nerve gas (Isopropyl Methyl Phosphoryl FLUoride).
And the stuff that's put in your water supply for you all to drink (HexaFLUrosilic Acid)

by Dan Montgomery
November 1, 1997

Lead, Fluoride, the Roman Empire and the Decline of Academic Achievement in the United States

Could fluoride contribute to an impairment of academic performance?

In 1995, Dr. Mullenix and others published a report of lab research showing that sodium fluoride caused brain defects in rats.

Sodium fluoride is not the acid fluoride that is commonly added to public water systems, but there is no reason to doubt that the fluoride ions from acid fluoride are as harmful as the fluoride ions from sodium fluoride.

Heavy metals and toxic chemicals may have already contributed to the economic decline of the United States.

During the last half of the twentieth century, we have had an era of acid fluoride and metal water pipes.

Heavy metals are leached from metal water pipes because of the low pH of water in many parts of the World.

Older homes were built with metal water pipes.

These metal water pipes are found typically in central cities.

During most of the era of fluoridation, acid fluoride was added to public water supplies without regard to how much it contributed to the leaching of heavy metals.

The EPA now recommends that sodium hydroxide be added to water systems to raise the pH high enough to reduce the corrosion of metal pipes and water fixtures to politically acceptable levels.

The ancient Romans used lead for making water pipes, cooking utensils, water tanks and storage vessels.

Lead water pipes were used in most major cities in the empire.

Wine was cheap in ancient Rome and Athens and it was contaminated with lead from as many as 14 sources during its preparation.

Lead was used as part of the preservative and as a flavor enhancer.

Even the Christian sacramental cups of that era were the kind that were made of lead or leaded bronze common at the time.

Apathy and gluttony have been associated with the decline of the Roman Empire.

It may have been the lead in food, water and wine which caused the apathy.

Musonius, a Roman writing in the first century A.D., observed that masters were weaker, less healthy and less able to endure labor than the servant class.

Those who grew up in the country were stronger than those who grew up in the city.

Those who ate plain food were likely to live longer and have less of the diseases associated, by hindsight, with lead poisoning.

These were "gouts," "dropsies" and colics."

This is as close as anyone got to discovering chronic lead poisoning in the Roman Empire and leaving a record of the hypothesis.

The rich received more than their share of lead poisoning because they could afford more of the sources of lead contamination.

When soft water sits in lead pipes, it leaches the lead from the pipes.

In ancient Rome, the rich controlled most of the public water outlets.

The first drawn water of the morning, which had been sitting over night absorbing lead, was a privilege of the rich.

The evidence suggests that the offspring of parents with lead poisoning were more likely to be underachievers and had a high infant mortality rate.

Chronic lead poisoning persistently destroyed the Roman aristocracy, thus creating a scarcity of good management.

Old aristocratic families died out only to be replaced by others who suffered the same fate.

Nriagu conludes that lead contamination was a major cause of the decline of the Roman Empire.

Today, a real attempt is being made to keep lead out of public water systems.

The decline of intelligence may not all be ascribed to lead and acid fluoride.

There are other heavy metals and other toxic chemicals.

The element of history that is repeating itself is that the damage to intelligence and behavioral ability impairs activities which require good mental ability.

The biological causes are unknown, ignored or delt with ineffectively.

As a result, economic productivity is less than it would have been and the ability to manage a complex political and economic system declines.

In ancient Rome, the aristocracy lost its ability to govern competently because of lead poisoning.

It is probable that they had chronic lead intoxication.

Poor management by the aristocracy contributed to the decline of the empire.

( This time Round Folk's they know exactly what their doing, it's simply the Dumbing down of the public at Large. )


About the Author:


Thursday, 28 August 2008

Mobile Phones:Talk! Talk! Yourself to Death Pt 7

Cary G Dean.

By Dr. Ronald B. Herberman
Cancer Institute Warns of Mobile Phone Risks.

The head of a prominent cancer research institute has issued an unprecedented warning to his faculty and staff:

Limit Mobile phone use because of the possible risk of cancer.

The warning came from Dr. Ronald B. Herberman, director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute. Herberman says his warning is based on early unpublished data.

He argues that people should take action now -- especially when it comes to children.

"Really at the heart of my concern is that we shouldn't wait for a definitive study to come out, but err on the side of being safe rather than sorry later," Herberman said

Will Political Lobbying Cost You Your Health, or Perhaps Even Your Life?

Not only are there companies making lots and lots of money off of Mobile phones, who will do their best to spread misdirection, spin, and outright lies.

But the government agencies, which are in theory there to protect you, have also entered into mutually profitable “partnerships” with the very businesses they are supposed to regulate, meaning there is very little real regulation going on.

In 2007 alone, the telecommunications industry spent almost $250 million on political lobbying.

Over the past decade, they have spent a grand total of nearly $2.4 billion.

Folks, please understand - there are NO agencies “out there” protecting you from these dangers.

No one's looking out for your health, aside from the occasional brave scientist or physician who dares to rattle the status quo.

( Or Blogger's like Me )

The FDA is Bought and Paid For.

In the United States there are no less than three regulatory agencies that arguably have jurisdiction over Mobile phones.

The first is the FDA, which is responsible by law for regulating any device that emits radiation.

But over the past few decades, a series of changes in government policy have for the most part prevented the FDA from being the watchdog organization it was designed to be;

These days, it exists mostly to give an imprimatur of government approval to industrial products.

Starting in the mid-1980's, various industries lobbied Congress to pressure the FDA into speeding up the approval of new drugs and products.

Congress was reluctant to pour more money into the organization, so instead they came up with a novel plan:

Creating a “partnership” between the FDA and the industries it was intended to regulate.

Now, the FDA collects “user fees” from companies, which have grown to account for a significant chunk of the agency’s overall budget.

In other words, the FDA now receives corporate sponsorship from the very industry that it aims to regulate.

They have been transformed from a corporate watchdog into a customer of those same corporations.

They do very little regulating as a result, since they want to keep their “partners” happy.

The EPA is Now Powerless.

The EPA has responsibility for any building or factory that emits radiation into the environment, such as a Mobile phone tower.

In the early 1990’s, they planned to start regulating these towers.

But the vast telecommunications industry used its lobbying resources to get a highly self-serving provision inserted into the Telecommunications Act of 1996.

Since 1996, a Mobile phone base station is defined as a radiation emitting “device” rather than a building.

Since they are now defined as devices, the EPA has lost its authority to regulate them.

The FCC is Bought and Paid For, AND Has No Power!

Another result of the Telecommunications Act was to put nearly all regulatory power over Mobile phones in the hands of the Federal Communications Commission, or FCC.

But the FCC is charged only with overseeing the fair and equitable use of the electromagnetic spectrum.

They are not a regulatory agency with regard to health, the environment, or consumer safety.

They have no regulatory authority to protect you.

Even if they could, they most likely wouldn’t;

Like the FDA, they are making a great deal of money off of their corporate “partners”.

The supposedly “public” electromagnetic spectrum is auctioned off to companies by the FCC.

What's more, after the dot-com crash of the late 90's, many technology companies who had purchased the wavelengths found themselves strapped for cash.

They owed money to the FCC, and no longer had any way to pay it.

So the FCC cut a deal:

They took a small percentage of the owed money as a down payment, and then agreed to collect the rest as the Mobile phone companies earned money from consumers.

Essentially, the FCC is a mortgage holder for the mobile phone industry.

The FCC now actually has a vested interest in the rapid deployment of technology and build-up of the industry, so that they can collect the rest of their money.

They are not going to make any efforts to block anything the industry wants.

This is a classic case of the fox guarding the henhouse.

This Must Change, and it Will.

Still, despite these obstacles, the Awful truth is coming out and these outspoken heroes in the medical community are evidence of that.

The more doctors come on board, the more people will be convinced.

You as well, can help by convincing your family, your friends, and your colleagues.

In the meantime, take steps to protect yourself.

Getting rid of your Mobile phone altogether can help.

But even if you don't want to go that far, you can still minimize your exposure and reduce your risks, and the risks to your loved ones.

Practical Advice to Limit Your Exposure to Dangerous Radiation

There are many simple precautions that you can take to reduce your exposure to information-carrying radiowaves and the electromagnetic radiation emitted from your mobile phone - both of which are hazardous to your health.

Here are my best guidelines:

Children Should Never Use Mobile Phones:

Barring a life-threatening emergency, children should not use a Mobile phone, or a wireless device of any type.

Children are far more vulnerable to Mobile phone radiation than adults, because of their thinner skull bones.

Reduce Your Mobile Phone Use:

Turn your Mobile phone off more often.

Reserve it for emergencies or important matters.

Use A Land Line At Home And At Work:

Although more and more people are switching to using Mobile phones as their exclusive phone contact, it is a dangerous trend and you can choose to opt out of the madness.

Reduce or Eliminate Your Use of Other Wireless Devices:

You would be wise to cut down your use of these devices.

Just as with Mobile phones, it is important to ask yourself whether or not you really need to use them every single time.

If you must use a portable home phone, use the older kind that operates at 900 MHz.

They are no safer during calls, but at least they do not broadcast constantly even when no call is being made.

Use Your Mobile Phone Only Where Reception Is Good:

The weaker the reception, the more power your phone must use to transmit, and the more power it uses, the more radiation it emits, and the deeper the dangerous radio waves penetrate into your body.

Ideally, you should only use your phone with full bars and good reception.

Turn Your Mobile Phone Off When Not In Use:

As long as your Mobile phone is on, it emits radiation intermittently, even when you are not actually making a call.

Keep Your Mobile Phone Away From Your Body When It Is On:

The most dangerous place to be, in terms of radiation exposure, is within about six inches of the emitting antenna.

You do not want any part of your body within that area.

Use Safer Headset Technology:

Wired headsets will certainly allow you to keep the Mobile phone farther away from your body.

However, if a wired headset is not well-shielded and most of them are not the wire itself acts as an antenna attracting ambient information carrying radio waves and transmitting radiation directly to your brain.

Make sure that the wire used to transmit the signal to your ear is shielded.

The best kind of headset to use is a combination shielded wire and air-tube headset.

These operate like a stethoscope, transmitting the information to your head as an actual sound wave;

Although there are wires that still must be shielded, there is no wire that goes all the way up to your head.

Dr. Herberman’s complete article


About the Author:
Dr. Ronald B. Herberman

Wednesday, 27 August 2008


Cary G Dean.

What Hitler did not want.

Otto Skorzeny asked Hitler whether or not Germany would develop an A-Bomb.

This is what Hitler said to colonel Skorzeny.

"When Dr. Todt visited me I read that the energy set free by such a bomb could destroy an area as large as the state of Arizona or make as big a crater as the meteor had caused in Siberia.

That means that all life within such an area would be destroyed, not only humans but all life, but animals and plants would not be able to live within a radius of 40 km for hundreds of years due to radiation.

That would mean an Apocalypse.

No land, no group of civilized people could bear the responsibility for such a slaughter.

In battle after battle human beings would destroy themselves if such a bomb were used."

That was Hitler, God protect his name and reputation.

Let us look upon what the leaders of USIsrael/UK/UN/NATO do to-day?

Ever since the end of the cold war a new a sole power, USIsrael, has been occupying the world we have experienced an increase in evil power or rather a misuse of power.

This power have used what ever means it possesses.

It has to force its will onto all countries of the world.

No country or people can - without fearing the USIsrael - express what it means or rule according to it's own views without fearing the interference of Jewry and what they might do if they do not like what the leader of any country (will)do.

With the Jews in power in USA and consequently also in UN and NATO they are the real power in to-days world.

This is also the reason why Israel does not follow up the various UN-resolutions, among many Resolution 242, which have condemned Israel over the past 40 years - Israel has not done anything to meet the demands in these resolutions.

The whole world have agreed to limit its arsenal of nuclear bombs - that is every country except Israel, which has the world's third largest arsenal of such bombs.

Further it is well- known that Israel will use this arsenal to keep its illegal power over Palestine.

In order to increase its power over countries in the Middle-East region Israel and World Jewry made US and UK declare war on Iraq some 10 years ago.

World Jewry used UN to do their dirty-work for them. Claiming Iraq had weapons of mass-destruction.


Ever since the Desert War against Iraq children in Iraq have died from cancer and leukemia.

Even US- and UK-soldiers who participated in the war as infantry and as soldiers in the tanks have experienced strange illnesses.

During the bombing of Iraq in 1991, UN and UK used bombs made from Depleted Uranium.

The total number of bombs dropped over Iraq since 1991 is unknown to the public - what the public know, at least partly, is that Iraqi children die from leukemia every day.

Iraq was the first country to experience the new Jewish weapon - a weapon USIsrael will use on every nation not willing to bend to its lust.

Since Dessert War hundreds of Aryan soldiers have become ill with leukemia - from the dust or air they breathed while they were in the zone where aeroplanes had dropped their deadly loads.

USIsrael have claimed the illnesses American soldiers got after The dessert War were caused by Iraqi biochemical weapons.

But the truth is that these illnesses came from the Depleted Uranium which was in the bombs dropped over Iraq by USIsrael.


About the Author:




Cary G Dean.


In many parts of the world, people suffer and die from a lack of drinking water. Fortunately, in the United States this is not the case.

But, ironically, in the Western World thousands die from the chemicals added to the drinking water.

One of the most insidious, dangerous and harmful chemicals is chlorine, the same chlorine added to most drinking water supplies.

by Martin Fox, Ph.D.

To prevent cancer and heart disease you need to be aware that water treatment chemicals used in the water of your home and pool are toxic and directly affect the nature and chemistry of your body.

The human body's immune system has a very hard time overcoming toxic chemicals that exist in most of the World's city and well water.

Present methods of water treatment in general are totally inadequate and often cause more problems than they prevent.

There is no mystery about the cause of Cancer

Something is wrong when people are told their tap water with chlorine is safe and yet 122 World Governments want to outlaw all use of chlorine .

Leading government officials around the world have recognized the threat posed by chlorine and are striving to bring a total ban on chlorines use.

Believe it !

Chlorine as the single most dangerous chemical in the world.

The 22 most deadly chemicals in our environment, are all


Before 1900 the word Cancer was hardly known.

When water began to be chlorinated at the turn of the century, the growth of cancer followed the increased use of chlorine.

(It's the same with Stroke's and Heart Disease)

It's a global problem and the majority of the worlds population are being exposed to the hazards of chlorinated water.

There are other choices.

Your Homes water might meet Government Standards,

but your family’s health is still very much at risk!

Municipal tap water maybe considered safe by the regulated standards set forth by the Safe Drinking Water Act but, the government officials that set the standards and write the books on water disinfection and chlorination are well aware of the deadly hazards of chlorination.

When chlorine is added to water it chemically reacts with organic material to create a multitude of other toxic chemicals.

We have the book, Water Chlorination and Disinfection and it lists thousands of toxic chemicals that can be in your tap water and are never tested for.

Don't expect your Government or your Doctor to help, they don't have a clue.

The medical industry is not going to kill the golden geese

(Cancer and Heart Disease)

And our Government's prefer to support big business in preference to the Public at large.

(You And me)

The National Cancer Institute only allocates 5% of their budget to research and cancer prevention, maybe because they already know the cause of cancer and don't want a cure ?

Cancer, Heart Disease and Immune Disorders

are a Trillion Medical Nightmare

and we are paying the bill with Our health.

Breast Cancer

The leading cause of death among middle-aged women is not natural !

In North America, a woman dies of breast cancer every 12 minutes!

The incidence of breast cancer is steadily rising and the numbers are appalling.

Between 1973-1998 the incidence of breast cancer rose by over 40%.

Your risk of surviving malignant breast cancer is just about the same as it was 50 years ago, when the only treatment was mastectomy;

About one in three.

In other words, despite billions in research and hugely expensive and risky treatments, the conventional medical approach to breast cancer isn't working, and talk of prevention is virtually nonexistent.

Women in the prime of life are the most at risk.

Birth and conception is an amazing and marvelous thing.

It's easy to see the glow and change in a women that is pregnant.

That glow is because her hormones are at high levels and are changing her body.

Those hormones are created from cholesterol by the liver.

Chlorine and other related toxic chemicals absorbed through the skin enter the blood and end up in the liver where they cause disruption of hormone production.

This can be very deadly for women, estrogen can turn on the body and trigger mutanagenic cell growth which leads to cancer.

White women have the highest mortality rate for breast cancer on the planet - 89.2 per 100,000 women.

Only about 10% of breast cancer in Western industrialized countries can be attributed to genetic mutations that are passed down through generations.

Geography is also a risk factor for breast cancer.

If you live in an area polluted with industrial waste and are exposed to high levels of Chlorine in the water your risk factor multiplies significantly.

Geographically as Cancer incidence is plotted from north to south, cancer increases downward.

Louisiana has the highest Cancer rates and the greatest amount of contaminated water.

New York Times Reports:

Birth defects linked to Tap Water


California health officials are unable to explain four studies involving 5,000 women that found the rate of miscarriages in women who drank no tap water during pregnancy ranged from zero to 0.7 percent.

The rates for women who drank some tap water ranged from 8.4 percent to 13.1 percent.

The rate of birth defects in the children of tap water drinkers was 2.6 percent to 6.2 percent, while the rate for those who drank no tap water was zero to .6 percent.

The expected rate was 2 percent to 3 percent.

About the Author:
Martin Fox, Ph.D.

Tuesday, 26 August 2008


Cary G Dean.


Cancer Vaccine Linked to Pancreatitis

Gardasil, the cervical cancer vaccine, which is being advised for all young women, may be causing pancreatitis, a painful, debilitating disease that can be fatal.

Australian sources reported that three women developed pancreatitis shortly after receiving the vaccine.

Gardasil supposedly protects women from strains of the HPV (human papillomavirus) that cause 70 percent of all cervical cancer.

But numerous cases of young women being stricken with various potentially deadly complications have arisen all over the world.

Eighteen deaths have been reported as well as 8,000 adverse reactions which include paralysis and seizures.

Australia alone reported over 1,000 suspected reactions to the vaccine, although most were not life-threatening and included headaches, dizziness and vomiting.

Acute pancreatitis is characterized by sudden, severe abdominal pain.

Pancreatic enzymes burn and irritate the pancreas, then leak out into the abdominal cavity.

Complications can include heart, respiratory or kidney failure, all of which can be fatal.

Dr. Amitabha Das, writing in the Medical Journal of Australia, said, “We suggest that pancreatitis be considered in cases of abdominal pain following HPV vaccination.”


Depression Drug Eases Chronic Low Back Pain

Eli Lilly and Co's Cymbalta depression treatment significantly reduced chronic low back pain in a relatively small clinical trial, the company said on Monday.

Data from the 236-patient trial, which lasted 13 weeks and compared the effectiveness of Cymbalta with placebos, were presented at the annual congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies in Madrid.

Lilly said 31 percent of patients taking Cymbalta experienced a 50 percent reduction in pain, as measured by a standard pain scale, compared with 19 percent of placebo-treated patients.

But significantly more patients taking Cymbalta dropped out of the trial because of side effects, which included nausea, dry mouth, fatigue, diarrhea, excessive sweating, dizziness and constipation.

Lilly said side effects were similar to those seen in previous trials of Cymbalta for other conditions.

The drug works by maximizing the presence of two messenger chemicals in the brain, serotonin and norepinephrine.


Burning Incense Linked to Respiratory Cancers

Burning incense may create a sweet scent, but regularly inhaling the smoke could put people at risk of cancers of the respiratory tract, researchers reported Monday.

In a study of more than 61,000 ethnic Chinese living in Singapore who were followed for up to 12 years, the investigators found a link between heavy incense use and various respiratory cancers.

The findings are published in the medical journal Cancer.

Incense has been used for millennia in many cultures' religious and spiritual ceremonies.

In Asia, people commonly burn incense in their homes, a practice that is becoming more popular in Western countries as well.

Incense is usually derived from fragrant plant materials, like tree bark, resins, roots, flowers and essential oils.

Past research has found that burning these materials can produce potentially cancer-causing substances, including benzene and polyaromatic hydrocarbons.

However, no studies until now had linked the practice of burning incense to an increased cancer risk over time, according to the researchers, led by Dr. Jeppe T. Friborg of the Statens Serum Institute in Copenhagen.

The researchers found that incense use was associated with a statistically significant higher risk of cancers of the upper respiratory tract, with the exception of nasopharyngeal cancer.

However, they observed no overall effect on lung cancer risk.

Those who used incense heavily also had higher rates of a type of cancer called squamous cell carcinoma, which refers to tumors that arise in the cells lining the internal and external surfaces of the body.

The risk was seen in smokers and nonsmokers.

Study participants who used incense in their homes all day or throughout the day and night were 80 percent more likely than non-users to develop squamous cell carcinoma of the entire respiratory tract.

The link between incense use and increased cancer risk held when the researchers weighed other factors, including cigarette smoking, diet and drinking habits.

"This association is consistent with a large number of studies identifying carcinogens in incense smoke," Friborg's team writes, "and given the widespread and sometimes involuntary exposure to smoke from burning incense, these findings carry significant public health implications."

They say further studies are needed to see whether different types of incense are associated with different degrees of cancer risk.

In Singapore, the researchers note, most people burn long sticks or coils of incense that burn slowly over an extended period.


Caesarean Babies More Likely to Develop Diabetes

Babies delivered by Caesarean section have a 20 per cent higher risk than normal deliveries of developing the most common type of diabetes in childhood, according to a study led by Queen's University Belfast.

The team, led by Dr Chris Cardwell and Dr Chris Patterson, examined 20 published studies from 16 countries including around 10,000 children with Type 1 diabetes and over a million control children.

They found a 20 per cent increase in the risk of children born by Caesarean section developing the disease.

The increase could not be explained by factors such as birth weight, the age of the mother, order of birth, gestational diabetes and whether the baby was breast-fed or not, all factors associated with childhood diabetes in previous studies.

Dr Cardwell, from the School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, said:

"This study revealed a consistent 20 per cent increase in the risk of Type 1 diabetes.

It is important to stress that the reason for this is still not understood.

It is possible that children born by Caesarean section differ from other children with respect to some unknown characteristic which consequently increases their risk of diabetes, but it is also possible that Caesarean section itself is responsible.

"Type 1 diabetes occurs when the immune system destroys the insulin producing cells in the pancreas, and one theory suggests that being born by Caesarean section may affect the development of the immune system because babies are first exposed to bacteria originating from the hospital environment rather than to maternal bacteria."

Iain Foster, Director of Diabetes UK Northern Ireland, said:

"Not all women have the choice of whether to have a Caesarean section or not, but those who do may wish to take this risk into consideration before choosing to give birth this way.

"We already know that genetics and childhood infections play a vital role in the development of Type 1 diabetes in children, but the findings of this study indicate that the way a baby is delivered could affect how likely it is to develop this condition later in life.

Diabetes UK Northern Ireland would welcome more research in this area."


Kids Follow Parent’s Lead on Eating Fruits and Veggies

Parents who want their preschoolers to eat their fruits and vegetables should probably practice what they preach, a new study suggests.

In a study of more than 1,300 families, researchers found that when parents boosted their own consumption of fruits and vegetables, so did their young children.

The findings, reported in the journal Preventive Medicine, point to the importance of parents "modeling" a healthy diet for their preschoolers.

They also suggest that educating parents on nutrition early on could help address the problem of childhood obesity, the researchers say.

About half of parents in the study were randomly assigned to receive home visits where they learned about nutrition and tactics for getting their children to eat fruits and vegetables.

On average, these parents increased their fruit and vegetable intake, and in turn so did their children.

"We know that parents have a tremendous influence over how many fruits and vegetables their children eat," lead researcher Dr. Debra Haire-Joshu, of Saint Louis University School of Public Health in St. Louis, commented in a written statement.

"When parents eat more fruits and vegetables, so do their children," she added.

"When parents eat and give their children high fat snacks or soft drinks, children learn these eating patterns instead."

The one exception was children who were already overweight, who generally did not grow fonder of fruits and vegetables.

"Overweight children," Haire-Joshu said, "have already been exposed to salty, sweet foods and learned to like them.

To keep a child from becoming overweight, parents need to expose them early to a variety of health foods and offer the foods many times."

About the Author:


High Cholesterol : Fact or Fiction Pt 6

Cary G Dean.
The Bran Wagon

The belief that regular bowel movement is important for health is very ancient.

But the present theory is based on Dr. Dennis Burkitt's discovery that relatively few rural black Africans suffer from cancer of the colon.

He attributed this to their relatively crude diet.

The theory was that, as fibre made food travel through the gut faster, it allowed less time for cancer-inducing agents to form.

This, of course, presupposed that food became carcinogenic in the gut and there was no evidence that it did.

Neither was there any evidence that moving food through the intestine at a faster rate decreased the risk of colon cancer.

Moreover, the rural Africans' lifestyle was far from that of the Western city dweller: their diet is different, but also they were not exposed to so many pollutants, toxins or mental stresses.

Indeed, there were many factors that could have been responsible for a difference in disease patterns.

Other communities - the Mormons of Utah, for example - also enjoyed a low incidence of colon cancer yet they ate a low-fibre diet.

So the theory was unsubstantiated at the time and it was to be disproved in practice later as the rural Africans moved into towns and adopted a Western style low fibre diet.

Their incidence of colon cancer has remained low and this has continued with the second generation.

Nevertheless, these later findings were not publicised.

Burkitt's theories caught the attention of the media.

Always ready to exploit a good story, they expanded what was at best a very weak hypothesis into a treatment dogma that teaches that fibre is a panacea for all manner of illnesses.

Commercial interests were quick to see the potential in the recommendation and jump on the


Burkitt's recommendation was based on vegetable fibre, but bran (cereal fibre) has a far higher fibre content and bran was a practically worthless by-product of the milling process that, until then, had been thrown away.

Almost overnight, it became a highly priced profit maker.

( As Alway's Folk's Just Follow the Money )

Although totally inedible, backed by Burkitt's fibre hypothesis, bran could now be promoted as a valuable food.

But Dr. Hugh Trowell, Burkitt's partner and another strong advocate of dietary fibre, stated in 1974 that:

"A serious confusion of thought is produced by referring to the dietary fibre hypothesis as the bran hypothesis, for many Africans do not consume cereal or bran"

Fibre and coronary heart disease.

The idea that fibre could protect against heart attacks was hypothesised by Trowell in 1972, again based on research on rural Africans.

The dietary intervention trials mentioned earlier, however, concluded that increasing dietary fibre had no beneficial effect on heart disease.

Fibre and other diseases.

It may be useful at this stage to consider the claims for fibre in curing or preventing other diseases.

For example, bran has been a popular way to manage irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) for about thirty years, despite the fact that no placebo-controlled study of bran in IBS has yet shown any convincing beneficial effect.

A study, published in 1994, found that while fruit fibre was effective, bran only made the situation worse.

Far from being a cure for IBS, they found that it was the bran that was causing it!

Bran also caused bowel disturbances, abdominal distension and pain.

Moreover, there is no direct evidence that an increase of fibre by itself will prevent or cure the other diseases.

With respect to colon cancer, Burkitt's theory was questioned with the suggestion that the low cancer rates in rural Africans may be due to their high early death rates from other causes.

There is also a growing scepticism in the USA that lack of fibre causes cancer;

Some studies even suggesting that a fibre-enhanced diet increases!!! the risk of colon cancer.

Other adverse effects.

Tests into the supposed benefits of dietary fibre soon showed that there could be other harmful side effects.

All the nutrients in food are absorbed through the gut wall and this takes time.

Fibre, by speeding food through the gut faster so that less nutrients are absorbed, inhibits the absorption of iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, energy, proteins, fats and vitamins A, D, E and K.

This happens with all types of fibre although with a normal Western-style, nutrient-rich diet, the loss caused by vegetable fibre intake is unimportant.

More importantly, phytate found in cereal fibre (bran) also binds with calcium, iron and zinc making them indigestible, which in turn causes malabsorption.

One study, for example, showed that subjects absorbed more iron from white bread than from wholemeal bread even though their intakes of iron were fifty percent higher with the wholemeal bread.

Bran has also been shown to cause faecal losses of calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, nitrogen, fats, fatty acids and sterols, thus depleting the body of these materials.

These findings are a cause for concern in several sections of the population who are at considerable risk from eating too much fibre - and bran fibre in particular:

The incidence of osteoporosis (brittle bone disease) is increasing and now affects one in two post-menopausal women, one in five of whom will die as a direct result.

Osteoporosis is also increasingly affecting men.

Osteoporosis is caused by several factors, but lack of calcium is the basic problem.

Bran both inhibits the absorption of calcium from food and depletes the body of the calcium it has.

Moreover, zinc, which bones need to heal, is another mineral whose absorption is adversely affected by bran.

Sufferers from Alzheimer's Disease (senile dementia) are found to have abnormal amounts of aluminium in their brains.

Tests on the people of Guam and parts of New Guinea and Japan, who get Alzheimer's disease at a much younger age, suggest that it is lack of calcium, causing a hormonal imbalance that permits the aluminium to penetrate the brain.

Infants may suffer similar brain damage if fed soy-based baby milk as this too has a high phytate content, inhibiting the absorption of zinc, which is essential for proper brain development.

Vitamin deficiency diseases such as rickets that were common in Britain until a diet high in dairy products and meat was advocated are on the increase again.

The situation is getting so bad here that doctors suggest that vegetarian-based fad diets should be classified a form of child abuse.

In the UK, USA, Canada and South Africa the intake of 'anti-nutrients' such as dietary fibre that impair the absorption of iron, accompanied by a low intake of meat (another result of the diet-heart recommendations), is producing a real risk of iron deficiency anaemia.

Depression, anorexia, low birth weight, slow growth, mental retardation , and amenorrhoea are associated with deficiencies of zinc and the first five of these are also associated with a deficiency of iron.

Lastly, excess fibre affects the onset of menstruation, retards uterine growth and, later, is associated with menstrual dysfunction .

Because of the phytate, Professor David Southgate, arguably the world's leading authority on the effects of fibre, concludes that infants, children, young adolescents and pregnant women whose mineral needs are greater should be protected from excessive consumption of fibre.

Writing of the colon cancer risk, Drs. H. S. Wasan and R. A. Goodlad of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund stated in 1996:

"Until individual constituents of fibre have been shown to have, at the very least, a non-detrimental effect in prospective human trials, we urge that restraint should be shown in adding fibre supplements to foods, and that unsubstantiated health claims be restricted."

"Specific dietary fibre supplements, embraced as nutriceuticals or functional foods, are an unknown and potentially damaging way to influence modern dietary habits of the general population."

Until fibre can be shown not to be detrimental they suggest that.

"Restraint should be shown in adding fibre supplements to foods, and that unsubstantiated health claims should be restricted".

January 1999 saw the publication of the largest trial into the effects on fibre on colon cancer ever conducted.

After studying 88,757 women for sixteen years, doctors at the Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School say that

"No significant association between fiber intake and the risk of colorectal adenoma was found."

"Our data do not support the existence of an important protective effect of dietary fiber against colorectal cancer or adenoma."


Bran is bad news. While there is not too much harm from fruit fibre, the usual bran that is pushed at us - wheat bran - should be avoided like the plague it is.

The tragedy of science is the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis
by an ugly fact.
T H Huxley


D P Burkitt, et al. Some geographical variations in disease patterns in East and Central Africa. E Afr Med J . 1963; 40: 1.
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D Kritchevsky. Fibre and cancer. In Dietary Fibre: Basic and Clinical Aspects. (G V Vahouny and D Kritchevsky eds.) p427. Plenum, NY. 1986.
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H S Wasan, R A Goodlad. Fiber-supplemented foods may damage your health. Lancet 1996; 348: 319-20.
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H S Wasan, R A Goodlad. Fiber-supplemented foods may damage your health. Lancet 1996; 348: 319-20.
C S Fuchs, et al. Dietary Fiber and the Risk of Colorectal Cancer and Adenoma in Women. N Eng J Med 1999; 340: 169.

About the Author:

Monday, 25 August 2008

Depleted Uranium : Toxic Genocide Pt 6

Cary G Dean.

Associated Press 10:20 AM Aug, 12, 2006


Soldiers Are Sick of It

It takes at least 10 minutes and a large glass of orange juice to wash down all the pills -- morphine, methadone, a muscle relaxant, an antidepressant, a stool softener.

Viagra for sexual dysfunction.

Valium for his nerves.

Four hours later, Herbert Reed will swallow another 15 mg of morphine to cut the pain clenching every part of his body.

He will do it twice more before the day is done.

Since he left a bombed-out train depot in Iraq, his gums bleed.

There is more blood in his urine, and still more in his stool.

Bright light hurts his eyes.

A tumor has been removed from his thyroid.

Rashes erupt everywhere, itching so badly they seem to live inside his skin.

Migraines cleave his skull.

His joints ache, grating like door hinges in need of oil.

There is something massively wrong with Herbert Reed, though no one is sure what it is.

He believes he knows the cause, but he cannot convince anyone caring for him that the military's new favorite weapon has made him terrifyingly sick.

In the sprawling bureaucracy of the Department of Veterans Affairs, he has many caretakers.

An internist, a neurologist, a pain-management specialist, a psychologist, an orthopedic surgeon and a dermatologist.

He cannot function without his stupefying arsenal of medications, but they exact a high price.

"I'm just a zombie walking around," he says.

Reed believes Depleted Uranium has contaminated him and his life.

He now walks point in a vitriolic war over the Pentagon's arsenal of it -- thousands of shells and hundreds of tanks coated with the metal that is radioactive, chemically toxic, and nearly twice as dense as lead.

A shell coated with depleted uranium pierces a tank like a hot knife through butter, exploding on impact into a charring inferno.

As tank armor, it repels artillery assaults.

It also leaves behind a fine radioactive dust with a half-life of

4.5 billion years.

Depleted Uranium is the garbage left from producing enriched uranium for nuclear weapons and energy plants.

It is 60 percent as radioactive as natural uranium.

The United States has an estimated 1.5 billion pounds of it, sitting in hazardous waste storage sites across the country.

Meaning it is plentiful and cheap as well as highly effective.

Reed says he unknowingly breathed DU dust while living with his unit in Samawah, Iraq.

He was med-evaced out in July 2003, nearly unable to walk because of lightning-strike pains from herniated discs in his spine.

Then began a strange series of symptoms he'd never experienced in his previously healthy life.

At Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C, he ran into a buddy from his unit.

And another, and another, and in the tedium of hospital life between doctor visits and the dispensing of meds, they began to talk.

"We all had migraines. We all felt sick,"

Reed says. "The doctors said,'It's all in your head.' "

Then the medic from their unit showed up.

He too, was suffering.

That made eight sick soldiers from the 442nd Military Police, an Army National Guard unit made up of mostly cops and correctional officers from the New York area.

But the medic knew something the others didn't.

Dutch marines had taken over the abandoned train depot dubbed Camp Smitty, which was surrounded by tank skeletons, unexploded ordnance and shell casing.

They'd brought radiation-detection devices.

The readings were so hot, the Dutch set up camp in the middle of the desert rather than live in the station ruins.

"We got on the Internet," Reed said, "and we started researching"

"Depleted Uranium."

Then they contacted The New York Daily News, which paid for sophisticated urine tests available only overseas.

Then they hired a lawyer.

Reed, Gerard Matthew, Raymond Ramos, Hector Vega, Augustin Matos, Anthony Yonnone, Jerry Ojeda and Anthony Phillip all have depleted uranium in their urine, according to tests done in December 2003, while they bounced for months between Walter Reed and New Jersey's Fort Dix medical center, seeking relief that never came.

The analyses were done in Germany, by a Frankfurt professor who developed a Depleted Uranium test with Randall Parrish, a professor of isotope geology at the University of Leicester in Britain.

The veterans, using their positive results as evidence, have sued the U.S. Army, claiming officials knew the hazards of Depleted Uranium, but concealed the risks.

The Department of Defense says Depleted Uranium is powerful and safe, and not that worrisome.

Four of the highest-registering samples from Frankfurt were sent to the VA.

Those results were negative, Reed said.

"Their test just isn't as sophisticated," he said. "And when we first asked to be tested, they told us there wasn't one.

They've lied to us all along."

The VA's testing methodology is safe and accurate, the agency says.

More than 2,100 soldiers from the current war have asked to be tested; only eight had DU in their urine, the VA said.

The term Depleted Uranium is linguistically radioactive.

Simply uttering the words can prompt a reaction akin to preaching atheism at tent revival.

Heads shake, eyes roll, opinions are yelled from all sides.

"The Department of Defense takes the position that you can eat it for breakfast and it poses no threat at all," said Steve Robinson of the National Gulf War Resource Center, which helps veterans with various problems, including navigating the labyrinth of VA health care.

"Then you have far-left groups that ... declare it a crime against humanity."

Several countries use it as weaponry, including Britain, which fired it during the 2003 Iraq invasion.

An estimated 286 tons of DU munitions were fired by the United States in Iraq and Kuwait in 1991.

An estimated 130 tons were shot toppling Saddam Hussein.

Depleted Uranium can enter the human body by inhalation, the most dangerous method;

By ingesting contaminated food or eating with contaminated hands;

By getting dust or debris in an open wound, or by being struck by shrapnel, which often is not removed because doing so would be more dangerous than leaving it.

Inhaled, it can lodge in the lungs.

As with imbedded shrapnel, this is doubly dangerous -- not only are the particles themselves physically destructive, they emit radiation.

A moderate voice on the divisive DU spectrum belongs to Dan Fahey, a doctoral student at the University of California at Berkeley, who has studied the issue for years and also served in the Gulf War before leaving the military as a conscientious objector.

"I've been working on this since '93 and I've just given up hope," he said. "I've spoken to successive federal committees and elected officials ... who then side with the Pentagon."

"Nothing changes."

At the other end are a collection of conspiracy-theorists and internet proselytizers who say using such weapons constitutes genocide.

(This Blogger slot's into this group)

Two of the most vocal opponents recently suggested that a Depleted-Uranium missile, not a hijacked jetliner, struck the Pentagon in 2001.

About the Author:

