Cary G Dean.
"The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used."
Dr. James A. Shannon
Ex Director of the National Institutes of Health
by Jeff Rense
Vaccination Quotes From Doctors And Scientists
"For a paediatrician to attack what has become the "bread and butter" of paediatric practice is equivalent to a priest denying the infallibility of the pope. Dr Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.
"For a paediatrician to attack what has become the "bread and butter" of paediatric practice is equivalent to a priest denying the infallibility of the pope. Dr Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.
"The decline in infectious diseases in developed countries had nothing to do with vaccinations, but with the decline in poverty and hunger."-Dr Buchwald, M.D.
"I was working in one of the oldest lung illness treatment centres in Germany, and just by chance, I looked at the files of those people who had fallen ill during the first German epidemic of smallpox, in 1947.
We had always been told that the smallpox vaccination would protect against smallpox. And now I could verify, thanks to the files and papers, that all of those who had fallen ill had been vaccinated. This was very upsetting for me." Dr Buchwald, M.D.
"It was similar with the measles vaccination. They went through Africa, South America and elsewhere, and vaccinated sick and starving children...They thought they were wiping out measles, but most of those susceptible to measles died from some other disease that they developed as a result of being vaccinated.
The vaccination reduced their immune levels and acted like an infection. Many got septicaemia, gastro-enteritis, etcetera, or made their nutritional status worse and they died from malnutrition.
So there were very few susceptible infants left alive to get measles. It's one way to get good statistics, kill all those that are susceptible, which is what they literally did." --Dr Kalokerinos, M.D.
"Only after realising that routine immunisations were dangerous did I achieve a substantial drop in infant death rates."--Dr Kalokerinos.
"I well remember, some years ago, listening to a knighted medical researcher as he spoke, on the radio, about vaccines.
He told two classical stories from the history books.
He told two classical stories from the history books.
The first concerned Edward Jenner who, according to history, watched as the milkmaid caught cowpox and this protected her from smallpox.
So Jenner got some of the 'cowpox' and inoculated it into someone's arm - it fostered and the pus was then inoculated into someone else - 100% success was claimed.
100%!! How absurd - complete with all sorts of germs including hepatitis, syphilis and whatever. If one did that today, without antibiotics, the death rate would be huge.",Dr Kalokerinos, M.D.
The prerequisite for today's medical policy is naturally the currently predominant system of medicine. The sick are the source of income, therefore it is necessary for sick people to be there, yes, it proves advantageous if one makes the people artificially sick. Dr. Med. Steintl: 'International Medical Policy', 1938, Berlin.
In the April 15, 1998, issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), an analysis of drug side effects found that toxic reactions to correctly prescribed medications make more than two million Americans seriously ill every year and kill 106,000, putting drug side effects among the top 10 causes of death in the United States.
Among children, antibiotics and vaccines cause more adverse reactions than any other.
In one study, serious reactions to the DPT vaccine (including grand mal epilepsy and encephalopathy) were shown to be as high as 1 in 600.
In another study, approximately one out of every 200 children who received the full DPT series suffered severe reactions.
Survey of Recent Research, (United States Department of Health and Human Services, April 1983), p. 76.
Survey of Recent Research, (United States Department of Health and Human Services, April 1983), p. 76.
Before you let your Daughter's get this Dangerous Jab, you must click below and Educate Yourself's, Your kids health and wellbeing May depend on it
Even their very Live's
More Gardasil Horror - Teen Paralyzed By HPV Jab
Before you let your Daughter's get this Dangerous Jab, you must click below and Educate Yourself's, Your kids health and wellbeing May depend on it
Even their very Live's
More Gardasil Horror - Teen Paralyzed By HPV Jab
Make a copy of Dr. Mercola's Article and Take it to Your Doctor and wake him up, most Doctor's are simply too busy making Insane Amount's of money from all of their other drug's to do any Real Research of their own.
Update: 2
"The Coming Bird-Flu Pandemic Hoax"
Weaponized Avian Flu Press Release Refused Distribution
About the Author:
Jeff Rense.
These are just some of the ingredients used to make a vaccine.
* Ethylene glycol (antifreeze)
* Phenol also known as carbolic acid (this is used as a disinfectant, dye)
* Formaldehyde a known cancer causing agent
* Aluminum which is associated with Alzheimer disease and seizures also cancer producing in laboratory mice ( it is used as an additive to promote antibody response)
* Thimerosal (used as a mercury disinfectant/preservative) can result in brain injury and autoimmune disease
* Neomycin, Streptomycin (used as antibiotic) have caused allergic reactions in some people
These vaccines are grown and strained through animal or human tissues like monkey kidney tissue, chicken embryo, embryonicguinea pig cells, calf serum, human diploid cells (the dissected organs of aborted fetuses as in the case of rubella,hepatitis A, and chickenpox vaccines), ( some vaccines contain genetically engineered DNA)
Vaccines have been linked to:
*deafness *asthma *diarrhea *inconsolable screaming *encephalitis *convulsions and other seizures *blindness *behavior problem *autism *anaphylactic shock *neurological disabilities * immune malfunction *arthritis *epilepsy
*brain damage *cerebral palsy *deafness *recurrent seizures * multiple sclerosis *polio *diabetes mellitus *chronic fatigue *paralysis *negative change in the genetic structure of humans *alzheimer *meningitis *DEATH!!.
These are just some of the ingredients used to make a vaccine.
* Ethylene glycol (antifreeze)
* Phenol also known as carbolic acid (this is used as a disinfectant, dye)
* Formaldehyde a known cancer causing agent
* Aluminum which is associated with Alzheimer disease and seizures also cancer producing in laboratory mice ( it is used as an additive to promote antibody response)
* Thimerosal (used as a mercury disinfectant/preservative) can result in brain injury and autoimmune disease
* Neomycin, Streptomycin (used as antibiotic) have caused allergic reactions in some people
These vaccines are grown and strained through animal or human tissues like monkey kidney tissue, chicken embryo, embryonicguinea pig cells, calf serum, human diploid cells (the dissected organs of aborted fetuses as in the case of rubella,hepatitis A, and chickenpox vaccines), ( some vaccines contain genetically engineered DNA)
Vaccines have been linked to:
*deafness *asthma *diarrhea *inconsolable screaming *encephalitis *convulsions and other seizures *blindness *behavior problem *autism *anaphylactic shock *neurological disabilities * immune malfunction *arthritis *epilepsy
*brain damage *cerebral palsy *deafness *recurrent seizures * multiple sclerosis *polio *diabetes mellitus *chronic fatigue *paralysis *negative change in the genetic structure of humans *alzheimer *meningitis *DEATH!!.
1 comment:
Thanks for posting the link to the Natural Solutions Foundation's web site, regarding the possibly Weaponized Avian Flu.
I urge your readers to join our Health Freedom eAlert for updates on this urgent matter.
And for our Health Freedom Blog posting on steps to take to protect your family:
Ralph Fucetola JD
NSF Trustee
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