Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Brasscheck Tv You-Tube Links Vol 5

Cary G Dean

Big Brother research archive

This One's Fifty and Full

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Who will count the votes?: http://www.brasschecktv.com/p age/467.html
Dying for free elections: http://www.brasschecktv.com/p age/466.html
100 more years in Iraq - Part One: http://www.brasschecktv.com/p age/458.html
More they're not telling you about Election fraud: http://www.brasschecktv.com/p age/465.html
Food safety alert: http://www.brasschecktv.com/p age/462.html
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Global Warming, Inc.: http://www.brasschecktv.com/p age/453.html
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Exactly what the Nazis did to the Jews: http://www.brasschecktv.com/p age/315.html
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How to send Bush to jail: http://www.brasschecktv.com/p age/395.html
Barack Obama’s “hack” hypnosis: Obama's Use Of Hidden Hypnosis In Speeches
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There will be consequences: http://www.brasschecktv.com/p age/437.html
How War Depleted Uranium Can Cause Cancer
Another day, another dollar deeper in the hole: http://www.brasschecktv.com/p age/139.html
The next president of the United States: http://www.brasschecktv.com/p age/436.html
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Early meltdown warning: http://www.brasschecktv.com/p age/187.html
Stand by for Black Monday: Britain braced for meltdown
When the credit collapse started: http://www.brasschecktv.com/p age/132.html
Are they *trying* to kill the dollar?: http://www.brasschecktv.com/p age/433.html
Bailout Can't Hide It - US Is Broke - STOP THE WARS
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Monday, 13 October 2008

Cayenne:HOT'N'HEALTHY!! Pt 2

Cary G Dean.

By Dr. Richard Anderson


It is a good idea to always have some Cayenne extract on hand for emergencies.

Dr. Anderson carries capsules of cayenne with him in the car and whenever he goes hiking, backpacking or mountain climbing.

He says, “You never know when you may find someone having a heart attack or some other emergency.”

The following stories demonstrate only a few of the remarkable emergency uses of cayenne.

If a hemorrhage occurs in the lungs, stomach, uterus or nose, it is suggested that a teaspoon of extract (or a teaspoon of cayenne powder in a cup of hot water) be given every 15 minutes until the crisis has passed.

The bleeding should stop in 10-30 seconds.

The reason for this is that rather than the blood pressure being centralized, it is equalized by the Cayenne, and the clotting action of the blood becomes more rapid.

For external bleeding, take cayenne internally and pour cayenne directly on the wound.

Dr. Anderson, author of Cleanse and Purify Thyself, tells of one time when he was on the beach and a man began passing a kidney stone .

The man took some cayenne, which relieved his pain almost immediately.

A person known to Dr. Anderson had a severe toothache in the middle of the night on a weekend.

He tried many things to relieve the pain. Cayenne was the only thing that helped.

One of the youngest persons to take cayenne was a six-week old baby who was born with chronic asthma.

Dr. John Christopher administered the cayenne using an eyedropper, and it then became possible for the baby to breathe normally.

Dr. Christopher has used cayenne to eliminate allergies, varicose veins, cramps, constipation, and to increase energy.

Dr. Anderson recommends cayenne to help cleanse the body, increase body heat, improve circulation, and strengthen the eyes.

But above all, Dr. Anderson feels that cayenne is exceptionally beneficial for the heart.

Rich Anderson published the first Cleanse and Purify Thyself in 1988.

It became one of the most popular books on cleansing ever written.

With almost no advertising, this book spread around the world and was translated into several languages.

Historical or traditional use

The potent, hot fruit of cayenne has been used as medicine for centuries.

It was considered helpful for various conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, including stomachaches, cramping pains, and gas.

Cayenne was frequently used to treat diseases of the circulatory system.

It is still traditionally used in herbal medicine as a circulatory tonic (a substance believed to improve circulation).

Rubbed on the skin, cayenne is a traditional, as well as modern, remedy for rheumatic pains and arthritis due to what is termed a counterirritant effect.

A counterirritant is something which causes irritation to a tissue to which it is applied, thus distracting from the original irritation (such as joint pain in the case of arthritis).

About the Author:
Dr. Richard Anderson

Sunday, 12 October 2008

High Cholesterol : Fact or Fiction Pt 10

Cary G Dean.

Where Does That Leave Heart Disease?

"All published efforts to help by drug or dietary reduction of blood cholesterol have uniformly failed".
Sir John McMichael, Professor Emeritus of Medicine, University of London

Is coronary heart disease really the major killer it's made out to be?

It is true that a large percentage of deaths in Britain are attributed to CHD.

The question is: Is this a cause for concern? CHD deaths have increased in people over seventy-five years of age.

But does this illustrate a problem?

It is a fallacy to believe that if these people had modified their diet or lifestyle, they would still be alive.

Despite what the health industry tells us, we are not an immortal species and cannot expect to live forever.

(We'v all got to die of somthing)

I suggest that people tended to live longer in 1995 than in 1975.

This is true of both sexes and that, surely, is a good thing.

Premature death from CHD is a legitimate concern.

If dietary change can reduce premature deaths it is arguably to their advantage that people be urged to change their ways.

However, CHD deaths have fallen considerably in all under-seventy age groups and both sexes over the past two decades.

Some say that this is evidence that 'healthy eating' is working.

Do not be misled.

This reduction cannot be the result of the 'healthy diet' recommendations - they only began with the COMA report of 1984, but premature CHD deaths had started to decline nearly twenty years before in 1965.

This was a time when people were brought up or spent the greater part of their lives with the recommendations with which this topic began.

They had free, full-cream milk at school, ate bread and dripping and fried breakfasts.

During the period after World War II when deaths from CHD peaked and started to fall, rationing had ended and a diet that was relatively high in fat was the vogue.

Not that this will come as any surprise to the Medical Research Council.

In its report on the Caerphilly Study published in 1993, the MRC's Epidemiology Unit at Cardiff showed that men who drank more than a pint of full-cream milk a day had only one tenth the incidence of heart disease as those who drank none.

They also demonstrated that those who ate a high-energy diet lived longer than those who cut dietary fats.

Their findings indicate that far from being a killer, the diet we are told to avoid by the nutritionists may actually protect us against heart disease!

These findings confirmed a Japanese study of 1992.

Japan has low levels of death from coronary heart disease but Okinawa has the lowest of all.

While blood cholesterol levels are generally low in Japan, Okinawa's levels are much higher:

Similar to those in Scotland.

In 1994 a paper examined the relationship of nutritional status to further life expectancy and health in the Japanese elderly based on three epidemiological studies.

It found that Japanese who lived to the age of one hundred were those who got their protein from meat rather than from rice and pulses.

The centenarians also had higher intakes of animal foods such as eggs, milk, meat and fish.

Significantly, their carbohydrate intake was lower than that of their fellow countrymen who died younger.

An example of increasing risk.

I have noticed, as I preach my gospel, that many women say

"I'd rather drink skimmed milk".

"I don't like the taste of full-cream milk now, it's too rich".

This is a trend that worries me.

We all need calcium but women need a good supply to prevent osteoporosis in later life.

Milk is the best dietary source of calcium.

As all the calcium in milk is in the milk, not in the cream, skimmed milk contains slightly more calcium than full-cream milk.

On the face of it, therefore, it looks like a good idea to drink skimmed milk.

BUT!! for calcium to be absorbed from the gut, it has to be there in the presence of fat and vitamin D - and skimmed milk contains neither.

As a result, while just over fifty percent of the calcium in full-cream milk is absorbed, only about five percent is absorbed from skimmed milk.

AND if you drink your skimmed milk with bran muesli for breakfast, you probably won't absorb even that five percent.

In 1979 the late Professor Sir John McMichael performed an inquest on the diet/heart hypothesis.

Pointing out that.

"All published efforts to help by drug or dietary reduction of blood cholesterol have uniformly and convincingly failed" . . . "we need a fresh approach to the problem at scientific level and should avoid further public speculation and confusion by repeated propaganda through the media until we have clarified our own professional minds and shaken off what most critical doctors are likely to regard as an untenable hypothesis of causation."

It is a pity that no-one seems to have taken any notice of him.

Fat has over twice the energy value of either carbohydrates or proteins, and other essential nutrients:

Lipids used in the brain and central nervous system without which we become irritable and aggressive; sterols, precursors of the bile acids and a number of hormones (including the sex hormones); and the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

The late Dr. John Yudkin, when Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics at London University, called fat the most valuable food known to man.

It is both stupid and wasteful to throw it away.


Registrar General's Mortality (Cause) Statistics 1961 to 1995.
A M Fehily, et al. Diet and incident ischaemic heart disease: the Caerphilly Study . Br J Nutr 1993; 69: 303.
H Shibata, et al. Nutrition for the Japanese elderly. Nutr. Health. 1992; 8(2-3): 165-75
McMichael JM. Fats and atheroma: an inquest. Br Med J 1979; 279: 890. /p

About the Author:

Saturday, 11 October 2008

Aerobics:Dying To Exersize

Cary G Dean.

By Dr. Al Sears

Finally… Aerobics is Dead!

The biggest mistake of the 1980s is finally over and done with… Jumping around for 45 minutes to an hour won't boost your lung capacity, it won't strengthen your heart – it won't even help you lose weight.

Even worse, aerobic training—the kind most doctors tout as the path to good health—can actually wreck your body.

Do enough, and aerobics will make you sick, tired and old before your time.

I can't tell you how many times my patients have come to me thinking that aerobics and long-duration "cardio" is the best and only way to improve their heart and lungs.

NOTHING!!! could be further from the truth!

If you only exercise within your current aerobic limits, you do so without improving your aerobic capacity.

In other words, you never push hard enough to stop to catch your breath.

This kind of aerobic exercise trains your body for endurance and efficiency.

That sounds great, right?

But this kind of "logic" causes "shrinkage:"

Smaller muscles, smaller heart and smaller lungs.

What's worse, it wipes out your heart's and lung's reserve capacity.

Are Your Lungs Dying?

I bet your doctor never told you this… As you age, cells in your lungs start to die off faster than you replace them – causing your lungs to shrink.

That's bad news for your strength, stamina and disease-fighting power.

And here's the kicker:

The smaller your lungs, the greater your chance of dying – of ALL causes!

Powerful Research from Around the World Reveals the Deadly Threat of Lost Lungpower

I began to see the connection between lungpower and strength back in the early seventies.

Then I discovered the pioneering work of Dr. Dean Ward, who uncovered clinical evidence connecting the loss of lungpower to aging.

He even found that lung capacity is the key indicator of how long you'll live.

This should have shocked the medical establishment… But his observation fell on deaf ears.

To this day, mainstream medicine continues to ignore the vital importance of lungpower.

(It's okay to admit that exercising can be pure drudgery – I know you've probably pushed yourself hard at the gym – without seeing the results you wanted – thinking that maybe you were doing something wrong… or worse: feeling like you were wasting your valuable time…)

Just look at our caveman ancestors.

They had incredible strength and survived under punishing and life-threatening conditions – but they didn't make themselves repeat the same movement ten thousand times – day after day!

So what did cavemen know that mainstream medicine doesn't?


Cavemen followed natural cycles of work and rest – or what I call periods of exertion and recovery.

They didn't run for hours on end, starve themselves with ridiculous diets or lift boulders over their heads to build bigger muscles.

Many of today's greatest athletes know the secret.

Carl Lewis, the winner of 9 Olympic gold medals, credits interval training for his record-breaking career.

He even recommends it to non-athletes who want to reach their highest potential.

A few years ago, Harvard researchers published the Harvard Health Professionals Study.

After studying over 7,000 people they found that the key to preventing heart disease is intensity – NOT long-duration exercise.

In another Harvard study, intensity turned out to be the key to longevity and reduced risk of death.

This study reinforces what I discovered 20 years ago:

Long-distance runners have a higher risk of sudden cardiac death than other athletes.

Later I came to call this pattern the "Jim Fixx Phenomenon," after the popular fitness guru of the 70's.

Fixx claimed that the secret to heart health and long life was endurance running – up until he died of a heart attack – while running.

Now I know that the "new science" from the 1960s that promoted jogging was a big mistake.

Long-duration aerobic training doesn't work.

It isn't natural and your body knows it.

"Couch Potatoe's live longer than Athletes"
Dr Joel Wallech
"Dead Doctor's Don't Lie".

Long-duration exercise burns fat during your workout.

Sound's good, right?

This self-defeating cycle ensures that your body makes more fat every time you finish exercising.

For decades you've been told to exercise for an hour a day – to go to the gym – to sacrifice your time, even your sanity.

Now we know that it just isn't necessary.

You don't have to suffer to be happy.

So throw away your jogging shoes, cancel your aerobics class and say goodbye to hours of never-ending workouts.

Then round up all your 'diet' books and toss them in the garbage…

About the Author:
Dr. Al Sears

Friday, 10 October 2008

Just a minute!!

Cary G Dean.

(Scroll down for complete stories)

1. Red Wine Cuts Lung Cancer Risk
2. Pneumonia Vaccine Halves Heart Attack Risk
3. Link Between Air Pollution and Appendicitis
4. New Genetic Fetus Test Reduces Miscarriage Risk
5. Using Fans May Slash SIDS Risk

Red Wine Cuts Lung Cancer Risk

Enjoying a glass or two of red wine daily may slash your risk of developing lung cancer by 60 percent if you’re a smoker.

A study published in the October issue of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, found that moderate consumption of red wine lowered the risk of lung cancer in men.

“An antioxidant compound in red wine may be protective of lung cancer, particularly among smokers,” said Chun Chao, Ph.D., a research scientist at Kaiser Permanente Department of Research and Evaluation in Pasadena, California.

The study collected information on over 84,000 men aged 45 to 69 years old in California’s health care system.

Scientists measured the effects of beer, white wine, red wine and liquor on the risk of developing lung cancer.

Factors such as race, education, body mass index, and smoking history were also considered.

The researchers found that for every glass of red wine consumed each month, the risk of developing lung cancer dropped by two percent.

The biggest reduction was seen in smokers who drank one or two glasses of red wine daily. Their risk was reduced by 60 percent. Beer, white wine and liquor had no measureable effect.

“Red wine is known to contain high levels of antioxidants,” said Chao. “Red wine is known to contain high levels of antioxidants.

There is a compound called resveratrol that is very rich in red wine because it is derived from the grape skin.

This compound has shown significant health benefits in preclinical studies.”

Researchers warn that their findings shouldn’t encourage heavy drinking and also noted that even smokers who drank red wine had a higher risk of lung cancer than non-smokers.

Link Between Air Pollution and Appendicitis

Could there be a link between high levels of air pollution and the risk of appendicitis?

New research presented at the 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology in Orlando, suggests a novel connection.

“Adult onset appendicitis is a common condition whose cause is unclear and almost universally requires surgery,” explained Dr. Gilaad G. Kaplan of the University of Calgary.

Dr. Kaplan and his colleagues identified more than 5,000 adults who were hospitalized for appendicitis in Calgary between 1999 and 2006.

The team used data from Environment Canada’s National Air Pollution Surveillance (NAPS) monitors that collect hourly levels of ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter of varying sizes.

Regression analysis was used to evaluate whether short-term daily changes in air pollution levels were related to the development of appendicitis.

When researchers compared the 5-day average of ozone concentrations prior to admission to the hospital, patients were approximately 15 percent more likely to be hospitalized for appendicitis on days of highest ozone concentrations compared to days of lowest ozone concentrations.

Similar findings were seen for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and particulate matter, though with lower effect.

Notably, the effect of air pollution was strongest during the summer months, when people were more likely to be outside.

Exposure to air pollutants, particularly ozone, was associated with a modest increased risk of developing appendicitis.

Previous studies have shown that air pollution may promote other disease states through inflammation, and this may be the mechanism by which air pollution increases the risk of appendicitis.

“If the relationship between air pollution and appendicitis is confirmed, then improving air quality may prevent the occurrence of appendicitis in some individuals,” said Dr. Kaplan.

New Genetic Fetus Test Reduces Miscarriage Risk

A new prenatal test to detect genetic disorders such as Down's Syndrome could render current riskier procedures "obsolete," according to new research published Monday.

The new method, developed by researchers at Stanford University and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, California requires a simple blood sample from the mother to spot chromosomal disorders.

The test examines fragments of fetal DNA in the mother's blood.

"Right now, people are risking their pregnancies to get this information," said Yair Blumenfeld, a postdoctoral medical fellow in obstetrics and gynecology and co-author of a paper describing the technique.

Current prenatal gene tests carry a small risk of miscarriage, as the sampling requires inserting a needle in the uterus.

"Non-invasive testing will be much safer than current approaches," said Stephen Quake, professor of bioengineering and the study's senior author.

Not only is the new test safer, but researchers suggest it will be able to spot genetic problems earlier in gestation than other methods.

The new technique scans for fetal aneuploidy in the maternal blood sample, which is an abnormality in the number of fetal chromosomes.

Humans typically inherit 46 chromosomes, half from each parent, and errors in the chromosome number result in serious problems in physical and mental development, such as Down's Syndrome.

The study is published online Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Using Fans May Slash SIDS Risk

Fan use appears to be associated with a lower risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in rooms with inadequate ventilation, according to a report in the October issue of Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

The national incidence of SIDS decreased 56 percent from 1992 to 2003, according to background information in the article.

This decline is largely attributed to the increased use of the supine sleep position (lying on the back with head facing up) after the introduction of the “Back to Sleep” campaign in 1994.

In more recent years, the decrease in SIDS has leveled off. “Although caretakers should continue to be encouraged to place infants on their backs to sleep, other potentially modifiable risk factors in the sleep environment should be examined to promote further decline in the rate of SIDS.”

The association between room ventilation and SIDS risk is a factor that has not received sufficient attention.

Inadequate room ventilation might facilitate the pooling of carbon dioxide around an infant’s nose and mouth, increasing the likelihood of rebreathing.

The movement of air in the room may potentially reduce the risk of SIDS.

Kimberly Coleman-Phox, M.P.H., and colleagues at Kaiser Permanente’s Division of Research in Oakland, Calif., analyzed information from interviews of mothers of 185 infants who had died from SIDS and mothers of 312 randomly selected infants from the same county, maternal race/ethnicity and age.

Mothers were asked about fan use, pacifier use, open window in the room at the infant’s last sleep, room location, sleep surface, number and type of covers over the infant, bedding under the infant and room temperature.

Compared with infants who did not die from SIDS, at the last sleep, more infants who died from SIDS:

• were placed on their stomachs or sides (68.9 percent vs. 43.9 percent)

• did not use a pacifier (95.9 percent vs. 76.4 percent)

• were found with bedding or clothing covering the head (11.4 percent vs. 4.5 percent)

• slept on a soft surface (12.1 percent vs. 6.8 percent)

• shared a bed with someone other than a parent (14 percent vs. 5.5 percent)

The use of soft bedding underneath the infant and room temperature at last sleep were the same for both groups of children.

Having a fan on during sleep was associated with a 72 percent decrease in SIDS risk compared to sleeping in a room without a fan.

Fan use in warmer room temperatures (above 21 degrees Celcius/69 degrees Fahrenheit) was associated with a 94 percent decreased risk of SIDS compared with no fan use.

Fan use also was associated with a decreased risk of SIDS in infants who slept in the prone or side position, shared a bed with someone other than their parents or did not use a pacifier.

Despite the effectiveness of placing infants on their backs to sleep in lowering SIDS risk, approximately 25 percent of child care providers do not regularly follow this practice.

“Use of the prone sleep position [lying with the front or face downward] remains highest in care providers who are young, black or of low income or who have low educational attainment,” the authors conclude.

“In this study, the frequency of fan use was similar in young and less educated women as in other women; thus, fan use can be easily adopted by these populations.

“Although improving the methods used to convey the importance of the supine sleep position remains paramount, use of a fan in the room of a sleeping infant may be an easily available means of further reducing SIDS risk that can be readily accepted by care providers from a variety of social and cultural backgrounds.”

About the Author:


Thursday, 9 October 2008


Cary G Dean.

Controversial fluoride is one of the basic ingredients in both PROZAC (FLUoxetene Hydrochloride) and Sarin nerve gas (Isopropyl Methyl Phosphoryl FLUoride).
And the stuff that's put in your water supply for you all to drink (HexaFLUrosilic Acid)

by Paul Connett, PhD
Professor of Chemistry
St. Lawrence University
Canton, NY 13617

Another 10 More Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation

Studies by Jennifer Luke (2001) showed that fluoride accumulates in the human pineal gland to very high levels.

In her Ph.D. thesis Luke has also shown in animal studies that fluoride reduces melatonin production and leads to an earlier onset of puberty (Luke 1997).

In the first half of the 20th century, fluoride was prescribed by a number of European doctors to reduce the activity of the thyroid gland for those suffering from hyperthyroidism (over active thyroid) (Stecher 1960; Waldbott 1978).

With water fluoridation, we are forcing people to drink a thyroid-depressing medication which could, in turn, serve to promote higher levels of hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) in the population, and all the subsequent problems related to this disorder.

Such problems include depression, fatigue, weight gain, muscle joint pains, and heart disease.

It bears noting that according to the Department of Health and Human Services (1991) fluoride exposure in fluoridated communities is estimated to range from 1.6 to 6.6 mg/day, which is a range that actually overlaps the dose (2.3 - 4.5 mg/day) shown to decrease the functioning of the human thyroid (Galletti & Joyet 1958).

This is a remarkable fact, particularly considering the rampant and increasing problem of hypothyroidism in the United States (in 1999, the second most prescribed drug of the year was Synthroid, which is a hormone replacement drug used to treat an underactive thyroid).

In Russia, Bachinskii (1985) found a lowering of thyroid function, among otherwise healthy people, at 2.3 ppm fluoride in water.

Some of the early symptoms of skeletal fluorosis, a fluoride-induced bone and joint disease that impacts millions of people in India, China, and Africa , mimic the symptoms of arthritis (Singh 1963; Franke 1975; Teotia 1976; Carnow 1981; Czerwinski 1988; DHHS 1991).

According to a review on fluoridation by Chemical & Engineering News, "Because some of the clinical symptoms mimic arthritis, the first two clinical phases of skeletal fluorosis could be easily misdiagnosed" (Hileman 1988).

Few if any studies have been done to determine the extent of this misdiagnosis, and whether the high prevalence of arthritis in the World (1 in 3 people have some form of arthritis - CDC, 2002) is related to our growing fluoride exposure, which is highly plausible.

In some studies, when high doses of fluoride (average 26 mg per day) were used in trials to treat patients with osteoporosis in an effort to harden their bones and reduce fracture rates, it actually led to a HIGHER number of fractures, particularly hip fractures (Inkovaara 1975; Gerster 1983; Dambacher 1986; O’Duffy 1986; Hedlund 1989; Bayley 1990; Gutteridge 1990. 2002; Orcel 1990; Riggs 1990 and Schnitzler 1990).

The cumulative doses used in these trials are exceeded by the lifetime cumulative doses being experienced by many people living in fluoridated communities.

Nineteen studies (three unpublished, including one abstract) since 1990 have examined the possible relationship of fluoride in water and hip fracture among the elderly.

One study found a dose-related increase in hip fracture as the concentration of fluoride rose from 1 ppm to 8 ppm (Li 2001).

Hip fracture is a very serious issue for the elderly, as a quarter of those who have a hip fracture die within a year of the operation, while 50 percent never regain an independent existence.

The only government-sanctioned animal study to investigate if fluoride causes cancer, found a dose-dependent increase in cancer in the target organ (bone) of the fluoride-treated (male) rats (NTP 1990).

The initial review of this study also reported an increase in liver and oral cancers, however, all non-bone cancers were later downgraded – with a questionable rationale - by a government-review panel (Marcus 1990).

In light of the importance of this study, EPA Professional Headquarters Union has requested that Congress establish an independent review to examine the study's results (Hirzy 2000).

A review of national cancer data in the US by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) revealed a significantly higher rate of bone cancer in young men in fluoridated versus unfluoridated areas (Hoover 1991).

While the NCI concluded that fluoridation was not the cause, no explanation was provided to explain the higher rates in the fluoridated areas.

A smaller study from New Jersey (Cohn 1992) found bone cancer rates to be up to 6 times higher in young men living in fluoridated versus unfluoridated areas.

Fluoride administered to animals at high doses wreaks havoc on the male reproductive system - it damages sperm and increases the rate of infertility in a number of different species (Kour 1980; Chinoy 1989; Chinoy 1991; Susheela 1991; Chinoy 1994; Kumar 1994; Narayana 1994a, b; Zhao 1995; Elbetieha 2000; Ghosh 2002 and Zakrzewska 2002).

While studies conducted at the FDA have failed to find reproductive effects in rats (Sprando 1996, 1997, 1998), an epidemiological study from the US has found increased rates of infertility among couples living in areas with 3 or more ppm fluoride in the water (Freni 1994), and 2 studies have found a reduced level of circulating testosterone in males living in high fluoride areas (Susheela 1996 and Barot 1998).

The fluoridation program has been very poorly monitored.

There has never been a comprehensive analysis of the fluoride levels in the bones, blood, or urine of fluoridated countries.

Based on the sparse data that has become available, however, it is increasingly evident that some people in the population's of the World – particularly people with kidney disease - are accumulating fluoride levels that have been associated with harm to both animals and humans, particularly harm to bone (see Connett 2004).

Once fluoride is put in the water it is impossible to control the dose each individual receives.

This is because 1) some people (e.g. manual laborers, athletes, diabetics, and people with kidney disease) drink more water than others, and 2) we receive fluoride from sources other than the water supply.

Other sources of fluoride include food and Drink's processed with fluoridated water (Kiritsy 1996 and Heilman 1999), fluoridated dental products (Bentley 1999 and Levy 1999), mechanically deboned meat (Fein 2001), teas (Levy 1999), and pesticide residues on food (Stannard 1991 and Burgstahler 1997).


If in doubt leave it out.

This is what most European countries have done and their children's teeth have not suffered, while their public's trust has been strengthened.

Just how much doubt is needed on just one of the health concerns identified above, to override a benefit, which when quantified in the largest survey ever conducted in the US, amounts to less than one tooth surface (out of 128) in a child's mouth?

For those who would call for further studies, I say fine.

Take the fluoride out of the water first, or better still don't put it in there in the first place, and then conduct all the studies you want.

This folly must end without further delay.

Fluoride the Aging Factor

About the Author:
Paul Connett, PhD
Professor of Chemistry
St. Lawrence University
Canton, NY 13617

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

CoQ10:The Energy Vitamin Pt 1

Cary G Dean.

By Michael Cutler, M.D.

If Mother Nature made a medicine, Coenzyme Q10 would be the best ever!

We're in the midst of an energy crisis?.

But this crisis is not about gas or fuel—it's about your health.

Startling research reveals that as many as three out of four People are woefully deficient in Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)—the "energy nutrient"—leaving them with weak hearts, failing brains, frail immune systems, high blood pressure, low energy and poor overall health.

If that's not bad enough, big drug companies and most doctors ignore or suppress 50 years of compelling Nobel Prize-winning scientific and clinical evidence with thousands of patients about the benefits of CoQ10... all because it's not a prescription drug.

New research confirms a simple secret I learned when I first began investigating CoQ10 some 10 years ago:

If you raise your body's level of CoQ10, you'll help...

Rescue aging and damaged cells in many parts of your body and replace them with healthy, vigorous new ones...

Revitalize your aging heart so it pumps and beats as strongly as it did years ago...

Rejuvenate a fading brain so it works with the precision of a fine Swiss watch...

Reboot a weakened immune system so you can increase your ability to fight off sickness...

Re-energize your whole body so you feel alive again...

Restore your organs—especially your heart, brain, lungs and liver—so they're powerful again...

Through Nobel Prize-winning research we've learned that:

Coenzyme Q10 is a vitamin-like substance found in virtually every one of your cells.

It works at the cellular level to produce massive amounts of energy for your entire body.

Each of your more than 100 trillion cells contain tiny power plants—called mitochondria—that need CoQ10 as the "spark" to turn stored fat and nutrients into energy your body can use.

CoQ10 serves as a vital link in the electron transport chain, which is the final step in the production of ATP—the energy fuel your body needs to run smoothly and effectively.

The problem is, without enough CoQ10, your cells, tissues and organs become energy deficient, worn out and damaged—and vulnerable to harmful free radicals and oxidative stress.

The result?

You'll feel older and sicker before your time.

That's why, among all the vitamins and supplements you could take, CoQ10 stands head and shoulders above them all.

It's THE critical foundation nutrient you need each day for great health and long life.

Ten little-known facts about CoQ10 most people—and most doctors—still don't know.

Your body's natural level of CoQ10 peaks when you're around 20 years old, then begins to decrease as you age, dropping as much as 80%.

When your body's CoQ10 level falls by 25%, you get ill.

If it falls by 80%, the result may be tissue damage and even death.

As CoQ10's level falls, so does your health.

The aging and sick body cannot make enough CoQ10 on its own for what you need each day.

CoQ10 deficiency opens the door to sickness and all sorts of health problems.

For instance, an estimated 62% of people with cardiovascular problems are deficient in CoQ10.

Studies show there is one quarter less CoQ10 in the blood of patients with heart problems than in healthy individuals!

As many as 39% of people with unhealthy blood pressure have low CoQ10 levels.

Approximately 70% of fatigue sufferers are deficient in CoQ10.

Besides aging, CoQ10 deficiency can be caused by stress, pollution and cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.

At most, you can get 5 milligrams a day of CoQ10 from the foods you eat, only 1/100th of the amount you need.

A study of 94 patients in Clinical Investigation demonstrated that low CoQ10 levels accurately predicted death within six months.

While CoQ10 is best known as a heart-boosting nutrient, it also does wonders for your brain, blood pressure, immunity, energy and whole body.

About the Author:
Michael Cutler, M.D.


Cary G Dean.


Jesus spoke to the backslider again.

You should have told the truth, and you would have turned many to righteousness with God's Word, which says that all unbelievers will have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone".

"You knew the way of the cross".

You knew the way of righteousness.

You knew to speak the truth.

But Satan filled your heart with lies, and you went into sin.

You should have repented with sincerity, not halfway.

My Word is true. It does not lie. And now it is too late, too late.

At that, the man shook his fist at Jesus and cursed Him.

With sorrow, Jesus and I walked on to the next pit.

The back slidden preacher was still cursing and angry at Jesus.

As we walked past the pits of fire, the hands of the lost reached out to Jesus, and in pleading voices they called out to Him for mercy.

Their bony hands and arms were gray-black from the burning-no live flesh or blood, no organs, only death and dying.

Inside myself I was crying, O earth, repent. If you don't, you'll come here. Stop before it is too late.

We stopped at another pit.

I felt such pity for all of them and such sorrow that I was physically weak and could hardly stand. Great sobs shook me.

"Jesus, I hurt so inside," I said.

From the pit a woman's voice spoke to Jesus.

She stood in the center of the flames, and they covered her whole body.

Her bones were full of worms and dead flesh. As the flames flickered up around her, she raised her hands towards Jesus, crying,

"Let me out of here".

"I will give You my heart now, Jesus. I will tell others about Your forgiveness. I will witness for You. I beg You, please let me out!"

Jesus said, "My Word is true, and it declares that all must repent and turn from their sins and ask Me to come into their lives if they are to escape this place".

"Through My blood there is forgiveness of sins".

"I am faithful and just and will forgive all those who come to Me. I will not cast them out."

He turned, looked at the woman and said, "If you had listened to Me and had come to Me and repented, I would have forgiven you."

The woman asked, "Lord, is there no way out of here?"

Jesus spoke very softly. "Woman," He said, "you were given many opportunities to repent, but you hardened your heart and would not".

"And you knew My Word said that all whore mongers will have their part in the lake of fire. "

Jesus turned to me and said.

"This woman had sinful affairs with many men, and she caused many homes to be broken apart. Yet through all this, I loved her still".

I came to her not in condemnation but with salvation.

I sent many of My servants to her that she might repent of her evil ways, but she would not.

When she was a young woman, I called her, but she continued to do evil.

She did many wrongs, yet I would have forgiven her if she had come to Me.

Satan entered into her, and she grew bitter and would not forgive others.

She went to church just to get men.

She found them and seduced them.

If she had only come to Me, her sins would all have been washed away by My blood. Part of her wanted to serve Me, but you cannot serve God and Satan at the same time.

Every person must make a choice as to whom they will serve.

"Lord,” I cried, “give me strength to go on” I was shaking from my head to my feet because of the horrors of hell.

Jesus said to me, “Peace, be still”

"Help me, Lord” I cried.

“Satan doesn't want us to know the truth about hell".

"In all my wildest dreams, I never thought that hell would be like this".

Dear Jesus, when will this end?”

"My child,” Jesus replied, “only the Father knows when the end will come".

Then He spoke to me again and said, "Peace, be still.” Great strength came upon me.

Jesus and I walked on through the pits.

I wanted to pull each person I passed from the fire and rush them to the feet of Jesus. I wept much inside.

I thought to myself, I never want my children to come here.

At last, Jesus turned to me and said quietly, “My child, we will go to your home now".

"Tomorrow night we shall return to this part of hell.”

Back at my home I cried and cried.

During the day I relived hell and the horror of all those people there. I told everyone I met during the day about hell. I told them that the pain of hell is beyond belief.

Those of you who read this book, please, I beg of you, repent of your sins.

Call on Jesus and ask Him to save you. Call on Him today. Do not wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow may not come.

Time is quickly running out. Fall on your knees and be cleansed from your sins. Be good to each other. For Jesus' sake, be kind and forgiving to one another.

If you are angry with someone, forgive them.

No anger is worth going to hell for.

Be forgiving as Christ forgives us of our sins.

Jesus is able to keep us if we have a repentant heart and will let His blood cleanse us from all sin.

Love your children, and love your neighbor as yourself.

The Lord of the churches says.

"Repent and be saved"!

About the Author:
Mary Kathryn Baxter was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee. In 1976, while she was living in Belleville, Jesus appeared to her in human form, in dreams, in visions, and in revelations.

Since that time, she has received many visitations from the Lord.During those visits He has shown her the depths, degrees, levels,and torments of lost souls in hell. She has also received many visions of heaven, the Great Tribulation, and the end of time.

During one period of her life, Jesus appeared to her each night for forty nights. He revealed to her the horrors of hell and the glories of heaven. He told her that this message is for the whole world.

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Oh! Just before you go

Cary G Dean.

(Scroll down for complete stories)

1. Snacks Can Boost Your Mood

2. Obese Diners Have Different Habits at Buffets
3. Warning: Cook Frozen Chicken Entrees Properly
4. Parents in Denial over Children’s Weight
5. Metabolic Syndrome Increases Colorectal Cancer Risk

Snacks Can Boost Your Mood

A study at Massachusetts Institute of Technology shows that snacks in the form of easily digested carbohydrates, like cookies or bagels, can elevate the level of serotonin in the brain, which is the same thing modern antidepressant medicines do.

In order to be most effective, however, the snacks should be part of a two-step eating plan, as suggested by clinical psychologist Thomas Crook:

Make sure to include protein (Crook recommends poultry, seafood, and lean meat) in breakfast, lunch, and supper.

This raises blood levels of tryptophan, which will be turned into serotonin in step two.

About three hours after each meal, and about one hour before the next one, eat a small carbohydrate snack like a couple of oat meal cookies, or part of a bagel, or a piece of whole wheat bread.

Don’t eat any protein between meals, and be sure to eat the snacks on an empty stomach.

This procedure causes tryptophan to enter your brain, where it is changed into serotonin.

The serotonin will elevate your mood in about thirty minutes.

The bonus of this plan is a good night’s sleep, because at the end of the day your body converts serotonin into melatonin, which is a natural sleep aid.

Easing depression and getting sound sleep all starts with a cookie or two eaten at the right time between proper protein meals, according to Crook, and the plan works for both men and women, though perhaps more effectively in women.

Obese Diners Have Different Habits at Buffets

When dining at Chinese Buffets, overweight individuals serve themselves and eat differently than normal weight individuals.

This may lead them to overeat, according to a recent study by Cornell University's Food and Brand Lab.

Compared to normal weight diners, overweight individuals sat 16 feet closer to the buffet, faced the food, used larger plates, ate with forks instead of chopsticks, and served themselves immediately instead of browsing the buffet.

"What's crazy is that these people are generally unaware of what they're doing – they're unaware of sitting closer, facing the food, chewing less, and so on," say Brian Wanink, lead author of this study and of the book

"Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think."

The study was published in the journal Obesity and includes observations of 213 diners at 11 all-you-can-eat Chinese restaurant buffets across the country.

Study participants included a range of normal weight to obese diners, none of whom were Asian.

Major study findings include:

27% of normal-weight patrons faced the buffet compared to 42% of obese diners.

Overweight diners sat an average of 16 feet closer than normal-weight diners.

16% of obese diners sat at a booth rather than a table compared to 38% of normal weight diners.

71% of normal-weight diners browsed the buffet before serving themselves compared to 33% of obese diners.

24% of normal-weight people used chopsticks compared with 9% of overweight people.

"When food is more convenient people tend to eat more,"

Say coauthor Collin R. Payne, New Mexico State University.

"These seemingly subtle differences in behavior and environment may cause people to overeat without even realizing it."

Cook Frozen Chicken Entrees Properly

The U.S. government on Friday urged consumers to follow package cooking instructions after 32 people in 12 states got Salmonella poisoning after eating frozen stuffed chicken entrees that were raw but breaded.

Although many of the chicken dishes had instructions identifying the product as uncooked, people who got sick did not follow those instructions and reportedly used microwaves to prepare the entrees, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service said in a statement.

In a public health alert, the agency said all poultry products should be cooked to a safe minimum internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit (74 degrees Celsius) and the best way to do that was with a food thermometer.

It said frozen, raw stuffed chicken products labeled "chicken cordon bleu" or "chicken Kiev," as well as chicken breasts stuffed with cheese or vegetables, often appeared to be cooked because they were breaded or pre-browned.

But failure to cook these entrees properly could lead to serious illnesses, such as Salmonella infection, which could be life-threatening, especially in infants, the elderly and other people with weakened immune systems.

The food safety agency said the public health alert was triggered after an investigation and testing by Minnesota food safety officials linked the chicken products with 32 illnesses in Minnesota and 11 other states.

Common symptoms of salmonellosis include diarrhea, abdominal cramps and fever within eight to 72 hours, but people could also experience chills, headache, nausea and vomiting for up to seven days.

Parents in Denial over Children’s Weight

Results of a survey presented at the American College of Gastroenterology's 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting in Orlando revealed that many parents do not accurately perceive their children as overweight or at risk for adulthood obesity.

Obesity in the United States is often accompanied by an increased risk of gastrointestinal diseases and has emerged as a major health concern, particularly the issue of obesity among children and adolescents.

Researcher Rona L. Levy, Ph.D. and her colleagues at the University of Washington in Seattle and the University of Minnesota measured parental perceptions of their children's current weight and perceived risk for developing obesity as an adult.

Forty-six parents of children ages 5 to 9 with a body mass index (BMI) in the 70th percentile or higher were recruited for the study.

Child height and weight were measured during a routine pediatric clinic visit.

Parents were mailed a series of questionnaires, which included questions on their perception of their child's current weight, and whether they perceived that their child was at risk for developing obesity as an adult.

Dr. Levy and her research team found that even though all of the children had elevated BMI, less than 13 percent of the parents of overweight kids reported their child as currently overweight.

Fewer than one-third perceived that their child's risk for adult obesity was above average or very high.

"Clearly there is a significant misperception by parents of their child's weight and risk for obesity,' said Dr. Levy. "If we are going to address the growing epidemic of childhood obesity, parents' description and awareness of their children's overweight will have to be much more accurate," said Dr. Levy.

Metabolic Syndrome Increases Colorectal Cancer Risk

In a large U.S. population-based study presented at the 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology, metabolic syndrome patients had a 75 percent higher risk of colorectal cancer compared to those without metabolic syndrome.

Dr. Donald Garrow and Dr. Mark Delegge of the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston analyzed data of patients who reported a history of metabolic syndrome and colorectal cancer from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), a comprehensive nationally representative study conducted each year by the National Center for Health Statistics.

Metabolic syndrome was defined as having a combination of two common chronic medical conditions:

Hypertension and diabetes.

The risk of colorectal cancer among patients with metabolic syndrome was determined by multivariate logistic regression analysis, controlling for age, race, gender, obesity, smoking and alcohol use.

"Since individuals with the metabolic syndrome have a significantly higher lifetime risk of colorectal cancer, they should closely adhere to published guidelines for colorectal cancer screening," said Dr. Garrow.

Metabolic syndrome refers to a group of risk factors linked to overweight and obesity that increase your chance for heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other serious health problems.

Having just one of these conditions — increased blood pressure, elevated insulin levels, excess body fat around the waist — contributes to your risk of serious disease.

Losing weight, eating a healthy diet, and exercising routinely can help to reduce your risk of metabolic syndrome.

About the Author:



Big Brother 1984-2012 Pt 7

Cary G Dean.


George Orwell-1949

He took a twenty-five cent piece out of his pocket.

There, too, in tiny clear
lettering, the same slogans were inscribed, and on the other face of the coin the head of Big Brother.

Even from the coin the eyes pursued you.

On coins, on
stamps, on the covers of books, on banners, on posters, and on the wrappings of a cigarette Packet — everywhere.

Always the eyes watching you and the voice
enveloping you.

Asleep or awake, working or eating, indoors or out of doors, in
the bath or in bed — no escape.

Nothing was your own except the few cubic
centimetres inside your skull.

The sun had shifted round, and the myriad windows of the Ministry of Truth, with the light no longer shining on them, looked grim as the loopholes of a fortress.

His heart quailed before the enormous pyramidal shape.

It was too strong, it could not be stormed.

A thousand rocket bombs would not batter it down.

He wondered again for whom he was writing the diary.

For the future, for the past — for an age that might be imaginary.

And in front of him there lay not death but annihilation.

The diary would be reduced to ashes and himself to vapour.

Only the Thought Police would read what he had written, before they wiped it out of existence and out of memory.

How could you make appeal to the future when not a trace of you, not even an anonymous word scribbled on a piece of paper, could physically survive?

The telescreen struck fourteen. He must leave in ten minutes. He had to be back at work by fourteen-thirty.

Curiously, the chiming of the hour seemed to have put new heart into him.

He was a lonely ghost uttering a truth that nobody would ever hear.

But so long as he uttered it, in some obscure way the continuity was not broken.

It was not by making yourself heard but by staying sane that you carried on the human heritage.

He went back to the table, dipped his pen, and wrote:

To the future or to the past, to a time when thought is free, when men are different from one another and do not live alone — to a time when truth exists and what is done cannot be undone:

From the age of uniformity, from the age of solitude, from the age of Big Brother, from the age of doublethink — greetings!

He was already dead, he reflected.

It seemed to him that it was only now, when he had begun to be able to formulate his thoughts, that he had taken the decisive step.

The consequences of every act are included in the act itself.

He wrote:

Thoughtcrime does not entail death:

Thoughtcrime IS death.

Now he had recognized himself as a dead man it became important to stay alive as long as possible.

Two fingers of his right hand were inkstained.

It was exactly the kind of detail that might betray you.

Some nosing zealot in the Ministry

(A woman, probably: someone like the little sandy-haired woman or the dark-haired girl from the Fiction Department)

Might start wondering why he had been writing during the lunch interval, why he had used an old-fashioned pen, what he had been writing — and then drop a hint in the appropriate quarter.

He went to the bathroom and carefully scrubbed the ink away with the gritty dark-brown soap which rasped your skin like sandpaper and was therefore well adapted for this purpose.

He put the diary away in the drawer.

It was quite useless to think of hiding it, but he could at least make sure whether or not its existence had been discovered.

A hair laid across the page-ends was too obvious.

With the tip of his finger he picked up an identifiable grain of whitish dust and deposited it on the corner of the cover, where it was bound to be shaken off if the book was moved.

(We'r aready dead when we are conceived, it's just a matter of when and how)

UK Govt To Spy On EVERY Call And Email

About the Author:
"During times of universal deceit,
telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

George Orwell