Cary G Dean.
By Stephen J. Crothers
September 30, 2008
Conference On Precession & Ancient Knowledge, October 3-5, 2008, University of California, San Diego, USA.
September 30, 2008
Conference On Precession & Ancient Knowledge, October 3-5, 2008, University of California, San Diego, USA.
The notion of black holes voraciously gobbling up matter, twisting spacetime into contortions that trap light, stretching the unwary into long spaghetti-like strands as they fall inward to ultimately collide and merge with an infinitely dense point-mass singularity, has become a mantra of the astrophysical community, so much so that even primaryschool children know about the sinister black hole.
There are almost daily reports of scientists claiming that they have again found black holes here and there.
It is asserted that black holes range in size from micro to mini, to intermediate and on up through to supermassive behemoths.
Black holes are spoken of as scientific facts and it is routinely claimed that they have been detected at the centres of galaxies.
Images of black holes having their wicked ways with surrounding matter are routinely included with reports of them.
Some physicists even claim that black holes will be created in particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider, potentially able to swallow the Earth.
Despite the assertions of the astronomers and astrophysicists, nobody has ever found a black hole, anywhere, let alone "imaged" one.
The pictures adduced to convince us are actually either artistic impressions (i.e. drawings) or photos of otherwise unidentified objects imaged by telescopes and merely asserted to be due to black holes, ad hoc.
Images of black holes having their wicked ways with surrounding matter are routinely included with reports of them.
Some physicists even claim that black holes will be created in particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider, potentially able to swallow the Earth.
Despite the assertions of the astronomers and astrophysicists, nobody has ever found a black hole, anywhere, let alone "imaged" one.
The pictures adduced to convince us are actually either artistic impressions (i.e. drawings) or photos of otherwise unidentified objects imaged by telescopes and merely asserted to be due to black holes, ad hoc.
Science can only advance in an environment of free and open exchange of ideas.
Unfortunately, modern science, physics and astronomy in particular, is very big business.
Interests other than science consequently hold sway over what is and
Unfortunately, modern science, physics and astronomy in particular, is very big business.
Interests other than science consequently hold sway over what is and
what is not published in science journals and otherwise reported, what is taught to students at universities and high schools, and what research money goes where.
Inconvenient truths are deliberately and systematically suppressed.
Inconvenient truths are deliberately and systematically suppressed.
NASA has openly stated:
That it will not fund any research which impinges adversely upon the dogma of Big Bang Cosmology, despite a plethora of both physical and theoretical evidence for its falsity.
That it will not fund any research which impinges adversely upon the dogma of Big Bang Cosmology, despite a plethora of both physical and theoretical evidence for its falsity.
The editorial boards of the major science journals now routinely suppress papers that are adverse to black holes, big bangs, gravitational waves, and indeed any other cherished theory by which reputations have been built, jobs acquired and lucrative research grants obtained.
A very penetrating and sober account of what has been happening in contemporary physics and astronomy has been written by mathematician
A very penetrating and sober account of what has been happening in contemporary physics and astronomy has been written by mathematician
and physicist Dr. Jeremy Dunning Davies.
Any concerned person would do well to read his revealing book.
The astrophysical scientists all to often entreat the layman to just take them at their word, without analysis of their claims or verification of their data, on the basis that the layman cannot hope to understand theories such as General Relativity, owing to their mathematical complexity.
Anybody with even a nodding acquaintance with high school algebra and physics can understand all the salient facts and features and can come to a logical conclusion, provided none of the facts and figures are withheld from their consideration.
Unfortunately, the astrophysical scientists not only try to tell the public what is and what is not, they have also withheld the facts from the public
Any concerned person would do well to read his revealing book.
The astrophysical scientists all to often entreat the layman to just take them at their word, without analysis of their claims or verification of their data, on the basis that the layman cannot hope to understand theories such as General Relativity, owing to their mathematical complexity.
Anybody with even a nodding acquaintance with high school algebra and physics can understand all the salient facts and features and can come to a logical conclusion, provided none of the facts and figures are withheld from their consideration.
Unfortunately, the astrophysical scientists not only try to tell the public what is and what is not, they have also withheld the facts from the public
at large, facts which invalidate the claims they have made and rely upon for their continued employment.
Whatever ideas we utilise to model and describe the physical Universe they are neither pre-ordained nor permanent.
Contemporary astronomers and physicists would have us believe otherwise, with their theories of everything, now, or just around the corner.
Their’s is not a scientific method, but an obstruction to progress and truth.
Comets are Electric
Michael Goodspeed
"It's a mystery to me how comets work at all."
Donald Brownlee, principal investigator of NASA's Stardust Mission
Whatever ideas we utilise to model and describe the physical Universe they are neither pre-ordained nor permanent.
Contemporary astronomers and physicists would have us believe otherwise, with their theories of everything, now, or just around the corner.
Their’s is not a scientific method, but an obstruction to progress and truth.
Comets are Electric
Michael Goodspeed
"It's a mystery to me how comets work at all."
Donald Brownlee, principal investigator of NASA's Stardust Mission
Abrams L. S. Black Holes: The Legacy of Hilbert’s Error. Can. J.
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Crothers S. J. Black Holes, Unicorns and All that Jazz, 2008,
Crothers S. J. Black Holes, Unicorns and All that Jazz, 2008,
Droste J. The field of a single centre in Einstein’s theory of gravitation,
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Dunning-Davies, J. Exploding A Myth, ‘Conventional Wisdom’ or
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Levi-Civita T. Mechanics. - On the Analytical Expression that must
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Levi-Civita T. The Absolute Differential Calculus, Dover Publications
Inc., New York, 1977.
Loinger A. On black holes and gravitational waves. La Goliardica
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McVittie, G. C. Laplace’s alleged “black hole”. The Observatory,
v.98, 272, 1978,
Schwarzschild K. On the gravitational field of a mass point according
to Einstein’s theory. Sitzungsber. Preuss. Akad. Wiss., Phys. Math. Kl.,
Schwarzschild K. On the Gravitational Field of A Sphere of Incompressible
Fluid According to Einstein’s Theory. Sitzungsber. Preuss.
Scott, Donald E. The Electric Sky, (A Challenge to the Myths of Modern
Astronomy), Mikamar Publishing, Portland, Oregon, 2006, ISBN:
Talbot D., Thornhill, W. Thunderbolts of the Gods, Mikamar Publishing,
Portland, Oregon, 2005, ISBN: 0-9772851-0-3
Taylor E. F., Wheeler J. A., Exploring Black Holes, Addison Wesley
Longman, (Preprint: Version of January 1, 2000).
[21] Thornhill C. K.
Thornhill W., Talbot D. The Electric Universe, Mikamar Publishing,
Portland, Oregon, 2007, ISBN-13 978-0-9772851-3-6
Weyl H. How far can one get with a Linear Field Theory of
Gravitation in Flat Space-Time?. Amer. J. Math., 66, 591, 1944,
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