Monday, 5 January 2009

High Cholesterol : Fact or Fiction Pt 15

Cary G Dean.

The Dangers of a Healthy Diet

'Healthy Eating'?

Carbohydrates are not healthy.

As we have seen so far, the emphasis on increasing carbohydrates at the expense of fats has not been an unqualified success.

And there are good reasons for this.

We have known since 1863 that carbohydrates cause obesity.

Since 1935 that they cause diabetes.

Since 1941 that they increase aggressiveness and criminality in children.

For almost 30 years promote coronary heart disease.

And more recently that they increase the risk of cancers.

So is it merely coincidence that diseases in whose aetiology carbohydrates are implicated have risen so dramatically since we have eaten more carbohydrates?


Healthy eating is becoming something of a disaster.

The best advice appears to be that we should.

Reduce carbohydrate intake and increase our intake of animal fats.

To sum up, what emerges from this discussion is.


The totality of evidence suggests that we should eat animal fats in preference to vegetable oils because.

Polyunsaturated fats found in margarines and cooking oils may lower cholesterol levels but they increase cancer risk.

Trans-fats found in highly processed margarines and oils also increase CHD risk.

'Healthy' omega-3 oils may increase cancer risk.

Monounsaturated fats are no better as far as heart disease is concerned but they may reduce cancer risk.

Saturated fats are healthier in CHD, particularly if you have already had a heart attack.

They are not implicated as a cause of cancer.

Conjugated linoleic acid found only in animal fats is a powerful anti-cancer agent.

Animal fats are just under half saturated and just under half monounsaturated, with a small, but sufficient proportion of polyunsaturated fats.


Carbohydrate intake from sugars and starches in breakfast cereals, bread, pasta, rice, et cetera, should be reduced because they increase diseases including obesity, cancer, diabetes and CHD.


Bran (cereal fibre) should be avoided like the plague.


An assessment of all the cholesterol-lowering dietary trials published in 1987 showed an aggregate six percent more deaths in those who adopted a cholesterol-lowering diet over those on a free diet.

A similar review of drug trials showed an aggregate of over thirteen percent more deaths in those taking cholesterol-lowering drugs.

More resources, time and money have been spent over the last fifty years on coronary heart disease than any other disease in medical history and all it has proved is that doctors and so called health expert's don't know as much as they thought they did.

If half a century of serious research has failed to find a causal link between a fatty diet and heart disease, it can only be because there is no link.

To make intelligent decisions you must be given advice that is based on proven facts rather than unfounded assumptions.

And the facts at present seem to be that milk, cream, butter, meat and fresh fruit and vegetables are the healthy foods.

Whilst high-in-polyunsaturates spreads and oils, bran flakes and packaged foods are not.

Seventy years after it began we still do not know what caused the dramatic rise in coronary heart disease deaths in the 1920s or why coronary mortality is now falling.

But one thing that the last fifty years of studies has demonstrated is that cholesterol has had very little to do with it.

The research has also demonstrated no evidence of a need to endure an unpalatable, fatless, bran-laden diet.

Apart from being less pleasurable to eat, it is now clear that.

'Healthy Eating'

Is not so healthy after all.


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