Sunday, 29 June 2008


Cary G Dean.

Taken from the book COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE,
by C. J. Koster, Published by Institute For Scripture Research.

By Sherry Shriner.

The following words and terms used in Modern Churches today all have pagan origins, and are found to be directly linked to ancient Sun-worship found in Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Teutonic-German, Hindu, and Persian cultures.

English word forms of the names of Sun-deities in these ancient cultures still exist today and are used in Modern Christianity. True Believers should remove these words from our language, from teaching, and certainly from our worship assemblies.

The asterisks ' * ' indicate proper substitute words Hebrew or English that can be used by the True Believer, without reference to the words that have association to Sun-god worship.

1. Angel, Angels from Greek Word Angelos meaning messenger, messengers. Angelos was the name of a Greek god associated with Sun-worship.

* Malakh/Malakhim from Hebrew word meaning messenger, messengers; has no association with Sun-worship.

2. Sunday was the day set aside in the Mithra Roman cult as its official day to assemble together to worship its Sun-deity. Roman Emperor Constantine legislated Sun-day as a day of rest dedicated to the Greek and Roman Sun-god, Helios. Constantine worshipped Christos Helios which means Christ-The-True-Sun. The Roman Catholic Church venerates Sun-day as its Sabbath even today, and has handed it down to Christianity.

* Shabbat/Sabbath is the Hebrew word pertaining to Yahweh's 7th day of rest. It is the 4th Commandment Exodus 29:8-11, and a sign for all Israelite generations descendants found in Exodus 30:13 & 17, Ezekiel 20:12 & 20.

3. Lord comes from the old English spelling of Lard which comes from Lar, Larth Lares, Estruscan and Roman deities associated with Sun-worship. The Greek word Kurios was originally a title for the Greek and Roman Sun-deity Helios and was called The Kurios Lord of Heaven and Earth. The Hindu god Krishna is also known as Lord. The title Lord was eventually applied to all heathen deities. Most Bible translators continue to use the title Lord as a substitute name for YHVH (Yahweh).

* YHVH Yahweh)is the Name given to Moshe, Moses in Exodus 3:15. It is the Name of the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, which appears in the Hebrew manuscripts, and is to be known by His people throughout all generations. 1 Cor 8:5 admonishes YAHWEH'S people to know only the Father and no other gods or lords.

4. Jesus comes from the Greek name Iesous,IHSOUS and Latin Iesus. Iesous is adapted from the name of the Greek goddess of healing Iesos, Iaso, the daughter of Apollo, the Sun-deity. This goddess was linked to the Egyptian Isis who had a son named Isu. During the era of Roman Emperors, there were numerous worshippers of Isis.

Many converted to Constantine's religion that mixed paganism with the Messianic faith that eventually became the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church continues to use the sunburst emblem known as the Eucharist which to this day contains the Greek letters IHS for IHSOUS. Further research reveals that the name Jesus is also linked to the Greek Sun-god Zeus who was the Greek interpretation of the Egyptian Sun-god Amen-Rah.

* Yahshua, Yahushua, Yahoshua, is the correct Name for the Savior. In all spellings and pronunciation, the Name is rendered to mean salvation of YAH or YAH'S salvation, Savior. The Name in its fullest translation means, He YAH shall save His people from their sins, Matthew 1:21.

5. God, Gad, Gud are all interrelated names. God was a common Teutonic-Germanic word that was applied to superhuman beings of heathen mythologies. Later the word God was adopted by Christianity as the generic name for the Supreme Being. It has become the most popular translation for the Hebrew word Elohim. As a result, most of Christendom believes that the Name for Elohim is God and does not know that the personal Name of the Father is YAHWEH.

Gad was the Babylonian, Canaanite, Syrian deity of Good Luck or Fortune, also called Meni, the god of Destiny who was regarded as the Lord Moon. The city of Gad was named after this deity. Gad was identified with Jupiter, the Sun-deity, and applied to Nimrod whose general character was that of a Sun-god or Sun-divinity. Gud was the Anglo-Saxon name for good god vs. an evil god.

* El, Eloah, Elohim are the proper Hebrew terms in the singular El, Eloah meaning Mighty One and plural Elohim meaning Mighty Ones. NOTE: Traditional Rabbinical Judaism still uses the substitute titles of Adonai, HaShem, G-d for the Name YHVH. Even though the four letters known in Greek as the Tetagrammaton appear in the Scrolls, the tradition of not speaking the Name came into being during the Rabbis exile into Babylon.

It was learned from the Babylonian religious practice of not speaking the names of their Sun-deities for fear that their names were too holy and would bring disaster on their nation if they did so. The practice of not speaking a deity's name, hiding it from the people, and substituting titles for the name is called the art of ineffability and is based purely on fear, superstition, and manmade tradition.

Most People Would Rather Live A Lie And Fit in
Than Profess The Truth and be Excluded.

:About the Author:
Sherry Shriner

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