Sunday, 29 June 2008

The Windsor's Food Cartel:Plan for Starvation Pt 2

Cary G Dean.

This article appeared as part of a feature in the December 8, 1995
Executive Intelligence Review.


by Richard Freeman

British food cartel control intensified after World War II.

Regions such as America had long been seen as important areas in which to increase control, in order to maintain the cartel's global domination, especially around the turn of the twentieth century when Minneapolis, under the control of the Pillsbury and Peavey families, replaced Hungary as the world's major miller of grain.

But before World War II, the amount of grain that crossed borders, or oceans, seldom exceeded 30 million tons a year.

America's share of that was usually 10 million tons or less.

This was a substantial amount, but small compared to the levels of trade that would follow.

World War II ravaged the globe, creating mass hunger, especially in Europe and what is today the Third World.

Under the impetus of American programs such as "Food for Peace," PL 480, the worldwide trade in grain shot up to 160 million tons by 1979.

Today it is 215 million tons per year.

In addition, tens of millions of tons of other foodstuffs, from meat to dairy, are traded each year.

It is proper for countries with grain, meat, dairy, and other surpluses to export them.

But the cartel's four exporting regions were given preeminence in a brutal manner, while the rest of the world was thrust into enforced backwardness.

The oligarchy denied these nations seed, fertilizer, water management, electricity, rail transportation, that is, all the infrastructural and capital goods inputs needed to turn them into self-sufficient food producers.

These nations were reduced to the status of vassals:

Either import from the cartel's export regions, or starve.

Meanwhile, the Anglo-Dutch-Swiss food cartel reduced the export regions, which supposedly enjoy favored status, to a state of servitude as well.

During the last two decades, millions of farmers in the United States, Europe, Canada, Australia, and Argentina have been wiped out.

For example, in 1982, the United States still had 600,000 independent hog farmers.

Today, that number is less than 225,000.

The food cartel companies have concentrated hog production into their own hands.

Farmers were paid far below a parity price, i.e., a price that covers costs of agricultural production plus a fair profit for investment in future production.

In 1983, Robert Bergland, President Jimmy Carter's agriculture secretary in 1976-80, told an interviewer concerning Cargill, the world's largest grain company:

"Cargill's view is ... [that] they generally regard the United States as a grain colony."

Bergland continued, "When [in 1979] the Russians invaded Afghanistan and Jimmy Carter asked how much grain the Russians had bought [from the United States] ... we couldn't tell him because we didn't know."

But Cargill and the other grain cartel companies knew.

In 1976, when Cargill, Continental, and other grain cartel companies sold the Russians a record 12.4 million tons of American and Canadian grain (creating a grain shortage in the United States), the administration of President Gerald Ford learned of the sales only after the fact.

The grain may have been American grown, but the Anglo-Dutch-Swiss cartel disposes of it as it pleases.

This series of article's will document, for the first time, the extent of concentration and control that the British-centered raw materials cartel exercises over both the international and domestic trade in food.

It will look at the food cartel's international and domestic control of grains, milk, edible oils and fats, and meat.

The article's which follow provides a more detailed profile, with names and addresses, of the key forces in the cartel's control of the world's food supply.

:About the Author:
Richard Freeman.

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