Friday, 4 July 2008



Immediately, we entered one of the funnels. Inside, it looked like a tunnel, spinning around and around and back again like a top.

A deep darkness descended on us, and with the darkness came a smell so horrible it took my breath away. Along the sides of this tunnel were living forms embedded in the walls. Dark gray in color, the forms moved and cried out to us as we passed. I knew without being told that they were evil.

The forms could move but were still attached to the walls. A horrible smell came from them, and they screeched at us with the most awful cries. I felt an invisible, evil force moving inside the tunnels.

At times in the darkness, I could make out the forms. A dirty fog covered most of them. "Lord, what are these?" I asked as I held on tightly to Jesus' hand.

He said, "These are evil spirits ready to be spewed out on the earth when Satan gives the orders. "

As we were going down inside the tunnel, the evil forms laughed and called out to us. They tried to touch us, but could not because of the power of Jesus. The very air was polluted and dirty, and only the presence of Jesus kept me from screaming at the sheer horror.

Oh, yes, I had all my senses-I could hear, smell, see, feel and even taste the evil in this place. If anything, my senses had become more sensitive, and the odor and filth almost made me sick.

Screams filled the air as we came near the base of the tunnel. Piercing cries came up the dark tunnel to meet us. Sounds of all sorts filled the air. I could feel fear, death and sin all around me.

The worst odor I have ever smelled filled the air.

It was the smell of decaying flesh, and it seemed to be coming from every direction. Never on earth had I felt such evil or heard such cries of despair. Soon I would find that these were the cries of the dead and that hell was filled with their wails.

I felt a gust of evil wind and a small suction force ahead of us. Lights like lightening or strobe flashes penetrated the black darkness and threw gray shadows on the walls.

I could barely make out the form of something in front of me. I recoiled in shock when I realized that it was a large snake moving along ahead of us. As I continued to look, I saw those ugly snakes were slithering about everywhere.

Jesus said to me, "We will soon enter the left leg of hell. Ahead you will see great sorrow, pathetic sadness and indescribable horror.

Stay close to Me, and I will give you strength and protection as we go through hell.

"The things you are about to see are a warning," He said. "The book you write will save many souls from hell. What you are seeing is real. Fear not, for I will be with you."

At long last, the Lord Jesus and I were at the bottom of the tunnel. We stepped out into hell. I will try to the best of my ability to tell you what I saw, and I will tell it in the order God gave it to me.

Ahead of us, as far as I could see, were flying objects darting here and there. Groaning sounds and pitiful cries filled the air. Up ahead I saw a dim light, and we began walking toward it. The path was a dry, powdery dirt. We were soon at the entrance to a small dark tunnel.

Some things I cannot put on paper; they were too awful to describe. The fear in hell could be tasted, and I knew if I had not been with Jesus I would not make it back. In the writing of this, some of the things I saw I do not understand.

But the Lord knows all things, and He helped me understand most of what I saw.

Let me warn you-don't go to that place.

It is a horrid place of torments, excruciating pain and eternal sorrow. Your soul will always be alive.The soul lives forever. It is the real you, and your soul will go to either heaven or hell.

To those of you who think that hell is here on earth-well, you are right-it is! Hell is in the center of the earth, and there are souls in torment there night and day.

There are no parties in hell. No love. No compassion. No rest.

Only a place of sorrow beyond your belief.

About the Author:
Mary Kathryn Baxter was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee. In 1976, while she was living in Belleville, Jesus appeared to her in human form, in dreams, in visions, and in revelations.

Since that time, she has received many visitations from the Lord.During those visits He has shown her the depths, degrees, levels,and torments of lost souls in hell. She has also received many visions of heaven, the Great Tribulation, and the end of time.

During one period of her life, Jesus appeared to her each night for forty nights. He revealed to her the horrors of hell and the glories of heaven. He told her that this message is for the whole world.

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