Cary G Dean.
By Sherry ShrinerAnd he cause all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to recieve a mark in their right hand, or their foreheads:
That no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast. Rev:13:16,17
Almost all of us have been implanted with chips in one way or another since we were born.
Vaccinations, flu shots, dental work, surgeries, sleep abductions, in fact most medicine including dentistry have been loaded with implantable chips since the 1960s.
They have had this technology for 40 years or more and are just now bringing it out to condition and introduce it to the public. Withholding technology is typical for the government and military for years before they release it to the public for whatever reason.
Most of the time new technologies have been beneficial, but implantable chips are not one of them. Why? Because they compliment the New World Order and Luciferian agenda of control and domination.
They sell implantable chips to the public as a technological breakthrough and the best thing next to pizza with sauce, but they will harm you, affect you, and could eventually destroy you.
Mind control BLACK operation projects were the precursor to the chip. After World War II our government relocated thousands of German scientists in what was known as Operation Paperclip to the United States to help with secret and highly hidden classified projects on mind control.
Infamous projects as a result of Paperclip such as MKULTRA and MONARCH would eventually be leaked and exposed over the years to the public from various victims of these projects.
All government's have been knee deep in one particular area over the past 60 years and that has been to learn how to manipulate and control people.
Biblical theology would refer to it as Witchcraft but it is seen as advancement and technological breakthroughs by a government that on the backside serves Lucifer and is preparing the way for his rise and manipulation of the entire earth.
Through a combination of mind control and chip implantation our BLACK government's are able to successfully produce the Manchurians.
The color BLACK in referring to its deep and secret agenda kept away from public view. They would master the ability to take a normal person, such as a Lee Harvey Oswald, (JFK), Mark David Chapman, (John Lennon), Timothy McVeigh, (OKC), and manipulate them to either take the blame or actually serve as assassins.
Are serial killers and assassins today under government influence as lab rats to see how effective mind manipulation and control is? I would say so.
Most of these involved with hideous crimes have recounted stories of chip implantations, missing time, or hearing voices which is typical of being a MILAB or military lab rat.
What I have found in the Bible Codes about implantable chips in these last days that they are 2-way transistor radio type chips.
Over the years they have perfected them from being tracking devices to being able to influence people by speaking to them directly through these chips, and influencing their actions Through Television, Radio, and Mobile Phone Transmission's
Through these chips they can read your thoughts, hear what you are saying, even see what you are seeing (Depending on the chip, like a video chip they have and can implant you with).
About the Author:
Sherry Shriner
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