Cary G Dean
Taken from the book COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE, by C. J. Koster,
Published by Institute For Scripture Research.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------By Sherry Shriner
The following words and terms used in Modern Churches today all have pagan origins, and are found to be directly linked to ancient Sun-worship found in Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Teutonic-German, Hindu, and Persian cultures.
English word forms of the names of Sun-deities in these ancient cultures still exist today and are used in Modern Christianity. True Believers should remove these words from our language, from teaching, and certainly from our worship assemblies.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The asterisks ' * ' indicate proper substitute words Hebrew or English that can be used by the True Believer, without reference to the words that have association to Sun-god worship.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. Church comes from the Anglo-Saxon root word "circe," and stems from the Greek name of the goddess "Circe," the daughter of "Helios," the Roman Sun-god adopted from Greek mythology. Linked to this goddess in Celtic pagan worship is the name "Kirce." From her name comes the word "kirch" which pertained to the building dedicated to pagan Celtic worship and rituals. The Greek word "kuriakon" was used for the building or "house of Kurios (Lord)."
* Kahal or Kehelat are the proper Hebrew words pertaining to a public place of assembly or congregational place worship dedicated to Yahweh. Ekklesia is the Greek word used in the Brit Chadasha/New Testament for the assembly of the "called out ones," but is never used in reference to a building, only denoting the people who have assembled.
7. Christ/Christian come from the Greek word "Christos" meaning "anointed/anointed one," and was used in the pagan Greek and Roman religions to give reference to their Sun-god, "Helios." Roman Emperor Constantine worshipped "Christos Helios" which means "Christ-The-True-Sun." Christos originates from the Greek word "Chrestos" which means "good" and alludes to the Greek/Roman god "Chrestos." "Chrestos" can be seen on a Mithras (Roman cult) relief in the Vatican. "Chrestos" as reverenced by Greeks and Romans was none other than "Osiris," a Sun-diety of Egypt.
Heretic Gnostics during the time of circulation of the New Testament scriptures also used the title of "Christos" for their purposes. Christian comes from the Greek word meaning "good men," but was derogatorily applied in mockery to Messianic believers because they worshipped "Mashiach/Messiah of Israel" or the "anointed one of Israel" and not the "anointed" Greek god "Chrestos."
* Mashiach/Messiah/Messianic are the proper Hebrew words that should be used in reference to the "anointed one" of Yahweh, Yahshua Ha Mashiach, (Yahshua, The Messiah), Son of Yahweh, our Savior. The English term Messianic comes from the title "Messiah" and pertains to followers of the "Messiah" of Israel who worship Yahweh, and abide in His Word, Torah.
8. Amen comes from the name of the Egyptian god of life and procreation; identified with the Sun-god as a supreme deity called "Amen-Ra/Amen-Rah/Rah."
* Omaine is the Hebrew pronunciation for prayer ending; does not pay homage to a pagan god.
9. Fish Symbol was used as a derogatory slur against "Messiah" in conjunction with using the word "christos" as a mockery of "Messiah." Originally used as a symbol for the Greek fish-deity "Dagon" labeled with the phrase that made up the mystical name of "ICTHUS" which was one of the names of the Greek/Roman Sun-god called "Bacchus/Dionysus/Tammuz," the symbol became a slur against Messianics and then found on synagogues and artifacts.
The five Greek letters of "ICTHUS" mean "Iesous Christos Theou Uios Soter" translated as "Jesus Christ the Son of God the Savior" and reverenced by the Roman Catholic Church. "Iesous" is the name adapted from the name of the Greek goddess of healing "Iesos/Iaso," the daughter of Apollo, the Sun-deity linked to the Egyptian goddess "Isis" who had a son "Isu."
10. Cross was used as a symbol of the Babylonian/Chaldean Sun-god, the mystical "Tau." The original form of the "T" became the emblem of the Greek/Roman Sun-god "Tammuz."
About the Author:
Sherry Shriner
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