Tuesday, 22 July 2008

The Windsor's Food Cartel:Plan for Starvation Pt 4

Cary G Dean.

( ) My comment's.

This article appeared as part of a feature in the December 8, 1995 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

by Richard Freeman

Milk and Milk Products:

The big exporters of milk and milk products are three out of the cartel's four basic export regions: the United States; the European Union plus Switzerland (which is not an EU member); and the British Commonwealth countries of New Zealand, in particular, and Australia.

In 1994, the cartel's domination of dairy and dairy products was astonishing.

The cartel's food export regions control 89% of the world's export of whole milk powder, of 1.08 billion metric tons; 94% of the world's export trade of 653 million metric tons of butter; and 86% of the world's export trade of 1.11 billion metric tons of cheese.

It also control's a huge portion of the export of condensed milk. The case of whole milk powder exemplifies the process of the cartel's control.

Milk is not usually exported in liquid form, except for short distances over nearby borders; it is usually exported either as whole milk or skim milk powder, or as condensed milk.

When it is exported as whole milk powder, it is reconstituted upon delivery, usually at the ratio of 10 parts water to 1 part whole milk powder.

Of the world's export of 1.08 billion metric tons of whole milk powder in 1994, the developing world imported 885 million metric tons, or 82% of the total. Nestle Corp., S.A., based in Vevey and Cham (near Geneva), Switzerland, and Borden, Inc., based in Columbus, Ohio, are the two largest exporters of whole milk powder in the world.

Founded in 1867, Nestle grew significantly in 1905, when it merged with the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company, also of Switzerland.

Nestle S.A. illustrates the food cartel's global reach:

It is the number-one world trader in whole milk powder and condensed milk; the number-one seller of chocolate, confectionery products, and mineral water (it owns Perrier); and the number-three U.S.-based coffee firm.

Its products include Nestle chocolate and candy; Libby fruit juice; Carnation Condensed Milk; Buitoni spaghetti; Contadina tomato paste; Hills Brothers and Nescafe coffees; and Stouffers' restaurants and frozen foods. (It also owns 26% of the world's biggest cosmetic company, L'Oreal.)

All told, it is the biggest food company in the world. In 1994, there were 13 countries in which Nestle had sales of 1 billion Swiss francs or more, including all advanced sector nations.

Its total 1994 sales were SF 56.9 billion, or $45.5 billion. Its 1994 profits were $4.8 billion, bigger than all but a half-dozen companies. Nestle chairman Helmut Maucher is on the board of J.P. Morgan, British intelligence's leading bank in the United States. Its board of directors serves as a retirement home for the world's central bankers:

Fritz Leutwiller, former chairman of the Basel, Switzerland Bank for International Settlements, the central bank of central banks, is on Nestle's board, as is Paul Volcker, who, as chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board in 1979 and the early 1980s, put the world economy through what was referred to as "controlled disintegration."

Borden is the second biggest milk powder producer, through its KLIM ( That's MILK spelt backward's folk's,) milk powder division.

(Yes that's their kind of sick twisted humour!!)

It is also one of the world's biggest condensed milk producers, through its Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk.

In 1995, Borden was bought by the leveraged buy-out firm of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, which is headed by Henry Kravis, who was finance committee co-chairman of George Bush's 1992 Presidential campaign.?

As a result of the 1988 merger of R.JU. Reynolds and Nabisco, KKR now owns 33% of, and effectively controls, RJR Nabisco, which produces nine of the top ten cookies and crackers brands sold in America.

KKR also owns a portion of Beatrice Foods, a conglomerate, which makes KKR one of the top five food companies in the world. Completing the picture of world control of whole milk powder is Unilever, a large player in this area as well as the number-one world producer of ice cream and margarine.

Typifying the Anglo-Dutch oligarchy's joint control over raw materials, Unilever, which is the result of a 1930 merger of a British and a Dutch firm, has headquarters in London and Amsterdam.

On the Unilever board is Lord Wright of Richmond, GCMG. From 1986 through 1991, he was head of Britain's Diplomatic Service and also permanent undersecretary of state at the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

Lord Wright is also a director of Barclay's Bank, which is a major funder of Prince Philip's World Wide Fund for Nature.

( And remember Philip is the man that walk's around his wife's estate's in Scotland murdering the natural wild life every weekend).

( Also the man when asked what he would like to do to help the world, in the book, if I were an animal said,

" When I die I'd like to come back as a deadly virus and wipe out the people of the world"

These are the kind of sick twisted entity's that most of you line up for hour's on the pavement to wave at as they go by in their limo's, just to see what bloody hat the bitch is wearing)

Unilever is an example of how the different corporate entities operate as part of one interlocked syndicate.

The former chairman of Unilever, M.F. Van den Moven, now sits on the board of the other Anglo-Dutch giant, Royal Windsor's Dutch Shell Petroleum, the world's largest marketer of oil and a controlling force in the energy cartel.
( Just Start Joining up the Dot's )

( Are you all beginning to work this out yet, Fuel Shortage's & strike's, higher food price's, food riot's around the world, the economy going down the toilet, weather bombing the growing area's around the world with HAARP, Oil price's going through the roof, gold in the same direction, a coming Pre-emptive Nuclear strike on Iran which may start a World War before this summer's out and keep the Cheney Bush Machine in office).

(This plan is in full swing folk's, as I'm writing, how much more is it going to take to get you lot off your backside's and SHOUT!!! like Peter Finch in Network said,)


"Human ingenuity is boundless, and the good guys really do outnumber the bad One's".

"We just have to get better organized."


About the Author:

Richard Freeman

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